Grupta alt birim mevcut değildir.


Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çimenoğlu


Doç. Dr. Murat Baydoğan
Araş. Gör. Faiz Muhaffel
Araş. Gör. Onur Tazegül
Araş. Gör. Yakup Yürektürk
Araş. Gör. Doğukan Çetiner
Mevcut Laboratuvar İmkanları

Isıl İşlem Laboratuvarı

  • Elektrikli Direnç Fırınları
1200°C’ye kadar ısıtma kapasitesine sahip 3 adet PID kontrollü elektrikli direnç fırını.
  • Tuz Banyosu

Fırın sıcaklığı 1200°C’ye kadar PID kontrollü olarak ayarlanabilmektedir. Demir esaslı ve demir dışı malzemelerin izotermal ısıl işlemlerine uygundur.

  • Vakumlu Tüp Fırın

1200°C maksimum sıcaklık PID kontrolü ile ayarlanabilmektedir. Vakum seviyesi           10-2 mbar değerinde kadar düşürülebilmektedir.

  • Atmosfer Kontrollü Fırın

2200°C maksimum sıcaklık PID kontrolü ile ayarlanabilmektedir. 10-1 mbar değerine kadar vakum ortamında, ayrıca N2 ve Ar gazı atmosferinde kontrollü ısıl işlem ve sinterleme yapılabilmektedir.

  • Akışkan Yataklı Fırın

Azot, propan ve amonyak gazları kullanılarak homojen ısıl işlem, karbürizasyon, nitrürasyon, karbonitrürasyon,

  • Etüv

300°C’ye kadar ısıtma kapasitesine sahip ve hava sirkülasyonludur.

Mekanik Deneyler Laboratuvarı

  • Makro Sertlik Cihazı

Rockwell ve Brinell sertlik ölçümleri.

  • Mikro Sertlik Cihazı  (Maksimum yük: 2 kg)

Vickers ve Knopp mikro sertlik ölçümleri,

Seramik malzemelerde kırılma tokluğu ölçümü,

Yüzey kaplamalarının sertlik profili.

  • Elektromekanik kontrollüUniversal Test Cihazı(Kapasite: 10 kN)

Tellerin ve polimer malzemelerin çekme, basma ve eğme deneyleri.

  • Hidrolik kontrollü Universal Test Cihazı(Kapasite: 1000 kN)

Metalik malzemelerin, çekme, basma ve eğme deneyleri.

  • Servohidrolik kontrollü Universal Test Cihazı (Kapasite: 250 kN)

Metalik malzemelerin, çekme, basma, eğme ve kısa ömürlü yorulma deneyleri.

  • Servohidrolik kontrollü Universal Test Cihazı (Kapasite: 100 kN)

Kırılma tokluğu, yorulma çatlak ilerleme hızı deneyleri,

Düşük ve yüksek çevrimli yorulma deneyleri,

Metalik malzemelerin, çekme, basma ve eğme deneyi,

-70° +600°C sıcaklık aralığında test yapma olanakları

Servohidrolik kontrollü Universal Test Cihazı (Kapasite: 100 kN)

Kırılma tokluğu, yorulma çatlak ilerleme hızı deneyleri,

Düşük ve yüksek çevrimli yorulma deneyleri,

Metalik malzemelerin, çekme, basma ve eğme deneyi,

1100°C’ye kadar test yapma olanağı.

  • Dönel Eğmeli Yorulma Cihazı

Metalik malzemelerin yüksek çevrimli dönel eğmeli yorulma deneyi,

Yüksek test frekansı (50 Hz.),

600°C’ye kadar test olanağı.

  • Düzlemsel Eğmeli Yorulma Cihazı (25 Hz.)

Metalik malzemelerin eğme, burma ve eğme + burma koşullarında yüksek çevrimli dönel eğmeli yorulma deneyi.

  • Burma Test Cihazı (Kapasite: 30 Nm)

Metalik malzemelerin burma deneyi.

  • Sac Şekillendirme Test Cihazı

Şekillendirme Limit Diyagramlarının belirlenmesi,

Çökertme ve Derin Çekme gibi işlemlerle sacların şekillendirilme kabiliyetinin ölçülmesi

  • Darbe Cihazı (Kapasite: 50 J)

Metalik malzemelerin, polimer, seramik ve kompozitlerin Izod ve Charpy darbe deneyleri.

  • Darbe Cihazı (Kapasite: 300 J)

Metalik malzemelerin, seramik ve kompozitlerin Izod ve Charpy darbe deneyleri.

  • Sürünme Test Cihazı (Maksimum Yük: 30 kN, Sıcaklık: 1200°C )

Sürünme, gerilme gevşemesi ve gerilme kopması deneyleri, sürünme hızının belirlenmesi.

  • Yüksek Hızlı Darbe Cihazı

Metal, seramik ve polimerlerin yüksek hızlı Charpy darbe deney sonuçlarını enerji – mesafe, enerji – zaman eğrileri ile belirlemeye uygundur.

Aşınma Laboratuvarı (Sıcaklık ve Nem kontrollü)

  • Pin-on-Disk Aşınma Cihazı

800°C’ye kadar aşınma testi,

Sürtünme katsayısının belirlenmesi.

  • Karşıt Hareketli (Reciprocating) Aşınma Cihazı

Metalik malzemelerin, polimer ve kompozitlerin kuru ve yağlı ortamda aşınma testleri, sürtünme katsayısının belirlenmesi.

  • 4-bilyalı Aşınma Cihazı

Malzemelerin, abrasiv aşınma testler ve yağlayıcı performansının belirlenmesi.

  • Abrasiv Aşınma Cihazı

Metalik malzemelerin, polimer ve kompozitlerin abrasiv aşınma testleri.

  • Block on ring Aşınma Cihazı

Metalik malzemelerin, polimer ve kompozitlerin abrasiv aşınma testleri.

Karakterizasyon Laboratuvarı

  • Derinlik Hassasiyetli Makro Sertlik Cihazı (Maksimum yük: 2500 N)

Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers ve Knopp sertlik ölçümleri, yük-batma derinliği grafiklerinin eldesi,

Seramik ve metalik malzemelerde batma derinliği ve ucun batması sırasında harcanan enerjinin belirlenmesi,

Malzemelerin deformasyon davranışının analizi,

Seramik malzemelerin tokluk ve diğer mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi.

  • Derinlik Hassasiyetli Nanosertlik ve Çizik Test Cihazı

Yük aralığı (0.1 mN – 30 N),

Seramik ve metalik malzemelerde batma derinliği ve ucun batması sırasında harcanan enerjinin belirlenmesi, nanosertlik, mikrosertlik ve mikroçizik deneyleri.

  • 3-boyutlu Stereo Mikroskop (Büyütme oranı: x230’a kadar)

Kırılma ve aşınma yüzeylerinin 3 boyutlu topografik görüntüsü,

Yüzeye pürüzlülük değerlerinin belirlenmesi.

  • Konfokal Lazer Mikroskop (Büyütme Oranı: x3000’e kadar)

Optik mikroyapı görüntüleme, 3 boyutlu topografik görüntüleme,

Yüzey pürüzlülük değerlerinin belirlenmesi.

  • Optik ve Stereo Mikroskoplar

Optik mikroyapı görüntüleme,

Mikroyapı analizi

Kırılma ve aşınma yüzeylerinin görüntülenmesi.

  • Yüzey Profilometresi

Yüzey profili eldesi,

Yüzey pürüzlülük parametrelerinin belirenmesi.

  • Islatılabilirlik Test Cihazı

Sıvıların ıslatma (temas) açısının belirlenmesi,

Yüzey enerjisinin belirlenmesi.

  • Kalıntı Gerilme Ölçüm Cihazı

X-ışınları yöntemiyle kalıntı gerilme ölçümü,

Kalıntı östenit oranının belirlenmesi,

Fazların belirlenmesi,

Tekstür Analizi (Pole figürlerinin belirlenmesi).

  • Elastisite Modülü Ölçüm Cihazı

Ultrasonik metotla malzemelerin elastisite modülü ölçümü.

Teknolojik Uygulamalar Laboratuvarı

  • Soğuk Gaz Dinamik Sprey Cihazı

Metal, seramik ve polimerler üzerine metal, alaşım, seramik ya da karışımların ergitme olmaksızın kaplanması olanağı

  • Mikro Ark Oksidasyon (Plazma Elektrolitik Oksidasyon)

DC güç, darbeli akım ve voltaj kontrolü,

  • Anodik Oksidasyon

DC güç, darbeli akım ve voltaj kontrolü.

  • Sol-gel kaplama cihazları

Metal, seramik ve cam malzemelerin yüzeyinde daldırma ve döndürme yöntemleri uygulanarak sol-gel prosesiyle ince film oluşturma olanağı

  • Hidrolik Presler (25 ton ve 150 ton) ve İndüksiyon Fırını

Yüksek oranda seramik partikül takviyeli aluminyum matriksli kompozit malzeme üretimi.

Başlıca Çalışma Alanları
Malzemelerin Mekanik Davranışları
ޞekillendirme Yöntemleri
Hasar Analizi
Tasarım ve Malzeme Seçimi
Kaynak Metalurjisi
Ticarileşen, Ticarileşme Aşamasında olan veya Ticarileşme Potansiyeli olan Ürünler
İçerik hazırlanmaktadır.
Geliştirilen Başlıca Yöntemler, Prosedürler, Mekanizmalar, Ürünler, Yönetmelikler 
İçerik hazırlanmaktadır.
Yayınlar, Patentler vb.

Publications Covered By SCI


1. Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., Dikeç, F., “The Occurance of Yield Point After Stress Relaxation in a Plain Carbon Dual Phase Steel”, Scripta Metallurgica, 23, (1989) 1543-1548.

2. Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Yield Effects in As Quenched, Dual Phase Steels”, Scripta Metallugica et Materialia, 24, (1990) 2437-2442.

3. Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “An Investigation on Mobile Dislocation Density During Stress Relaxation of an Al Bronze”, Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 82, (1991) 855-857.

4. Arıkan, M.M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Deformation Behaviour of Copper Oxide Inclusions During Wire Drawing”, Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, 23, (1994) 190-193.

5. Cimenoglu, H., “Subsurface Characteristics of an Abradded Low Carbon Steel”, Wear, 210 (1997) 204-210.

6. Sun, Y., Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., “The Effect of Deformation Before Aging on the Wear Resistance of an Aluminium Alloy”, Materials Letters, 38 (1999) 221-226.

7. Pamuk, U., Baydogan, M., Nilufer B., Cimenoglu, H., “An Energetic Approach to Abrasive Wear of a Martensitic Stainless Steel”, Scripta Mater., 42 (2000) 881-885.

8. Yildirim, S., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Abrasive Wear Behaviours of Mn and Ni-Cr-Mo Chain Steels”, Metall, 54 (2000) 349-351.

9. Candan, E., Ahlatci, H., Cimenoglu, H., “Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Al-SiC Composites Produced by Pressure Inflitration Technique”, Wear, 247 (2001) 133-138.

10. Arikan, M.M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “The Effect of Titanium on the Abrasion Resistance of 15Cr-3Mo White Cast Iron”, Wear, 247 (2001) 231-235.

11. Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., “The Effect of Austempering Time on Mechanical Properties of a Ductile Iron”, Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, 30 (2001) 391-395.

12. Ahlatci, H., Turkuz, M.C., Urgen, M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Characterization and Machining Performance of TiN Coated M35 Quality Cutting Tools”, Metall, 56 (2002) 204-207.

13. Ahlatci, H., Candan, E., Cimenoglu, H., “Effect of the Particle Size on the Mechanical Properties of 60 Volume. % SiCp, Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 93 (2002) 330-333.

14. Atar, E., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Hardness Characterisation of Thin Zr(Hf,N) Coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 162 (2003) 167-173.

15. Atar, E., Sarioglu, C., Demirler, U., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., Residual Stress Estimation of Ceramic Thin Films by X-ray Diffraction and Indentation Techniques”, Scripta Materialia, 48 (2003) 1331 – 1336.

16. Mindivan, H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Microstructures and Wear Properties of Synchronizer Rings”, Wear, 254 (2003) 532-537.

17. Çelik, O., Ahlatci, H., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “High Temperature Tensile and Abrasive Wear Characteristics of As-cast Ductile Irons”, ISIJ International, 43 (2003) 1280-1285.

18. Ahlatci, H., Karakas, M.S., Candan, E., Cimenoglu, H., “Effect of Magnesium Addition on Wear Behaviour of Al-70vol.% Al2O3p Composites”, Materials Science and Technology, 19 (2003) 949 – 954.

19. Baydogan, M.,.Akoy,  M.A., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Deformation İnduced Surface Roughenining of Austenite Stainless Steels”, ISIJ International,43 ( 2003) 1795 -1798.

20. Akoy, M.A, Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “The Influence of Microstructural Features and Mechanical Properties on the Cold Formability of Ferritic Steel Sheets”, ISIJ International, .44 (2004) No. 2 422-428.

21. Guleryuz, H., Cimenoglu, H., Effect of Thermal Oxidation on Corrosion and Corrosion-wear Behavior of a Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, Biomaterials 25/16 (2004) 3325-3333.

22. Dearnley, P.A., Dahm, K.L., Cimenoglu, H., “The Corrosion-wear Behaviour of Thermally Oxidised CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V”, Wear, 256 (2004) 469-479.

23. Saglam, U., Baydogan, M., Mindivan, H., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Influence of Retrograssion and Reaging on Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of 7039 Al Alloy”, Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 95 (2004) 1 14-17.

24. Mindivan, H., Bakan, H.I., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., Wear Behavior of SiC, Cr3 C2 and WC Doped Alumina”, Key Engineering Materials, 264-268 ( 2004) 469.

25. Atar, E., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S..,“Fretting Wear of ZrN and Zr(21% Hf)N Coatings”, Key Engineering Materials, 264-268 ( 2004) 477.

26. Samur, R., Mindivan, H.,Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Tribological Performance of Ceramic Coatings Deposited on Polymer Substrates”, Key Engineering Materials, 264-268 ( 2004) 581.

27. Palacı, Y., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S..,The Effect of Oxide Addition on the Wear Performance of the Alumina Based Nozzles”, Key Engineering Materials, 264-268 ( 2004) 805.

28. Atar, E, Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Reciprocating Wear Behaviour of (Zr,Hf)N Coatings”, Wear , 257  (2004) 633.

29. Ahlatci, H., Candan, E., Cimenoglu, H., “Mechanical Properties of Al-60%SiCp Composites Alloyed with Mg” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions 35A  (2004) 2127-2141.

30. Ahlatci, H., Candan, E., Cimenoglu, H.,”Abrasive Behaviour and Mechanical Properties of           Al-Si/SiC Composites”, Wear, 257 (2004), 625-632.

31. Baydoğan,M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S.,” A Study on Sliding Wear of a 7075 Quality Aluminum Alloy”, Wear 257 (2004) 852-861.

32. Güçlü ,F., Cimenoglu, H., “The Recrystallization Behaviour of CP-Titanium”, Material Science Forum 467-470 (2004) 459-464

33. Akın, U., Samur, R., Mindivan, H., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Tribological Behaviour of Combined Coatings Deposited on Aluminum”, Key Engineering Materials, 280-283 (2005) 1453.

34. Atar, E., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., Effect of Oxidation on the Wear Behavior of a ZrN Coating”, Key Engineering Materials, 280-283 ( 2005) 1459.

35. Güleryüz H, Cimenoglu, H., “Surface Modification of a Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Thermal Oxidation”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 192 (2005) 164-170.

36. Çelik, O., Ahlatçı H., Kayalı E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “High Temperature Abrasive Wear Behavior of an as-cast Ductile Iron”, Wear, 258 (2005) 189-193

37. Mindivan H., Baydoğan M., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Wear Behaviour of 7039 Aluminum AlloyMaterials Characterisation, 54,(2005), 263-269.

38. Atar, E., Sarıoglu, C., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., Residual Stresses in (Zr,Hf)N Films (up to 11.9 at.% Hf) Measured by X-ray Diffraction Using Experimentally Calculated XECs”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 191, (2005), 188-194.

39. Atar, E., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., Wear Behavior of As-Deposited and Oxidized Ternary (Zr,Hf)N Coatings”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 36A (2005) 2793-2800.

40. Ahlatci H., Koçer T., Candan E., Cimenoglu, H., “Wear behaviour of Al/(Al2O3p+SiCp) Hybrid Composites”, Tribology International, 39/3 (2006) 213-220.

41. Atar E., Kayalı E.S., Çimenoğlu, H., “Sliding Wear Behaviour of ZrN and (Zr,12 wt %Hf)N Coating”, Tribology International, 39/4 (2006) 297-302.

42. Güçlü, F.M., Çimenoğlu, H., Kayali, E.S., “The Recrystallization and Thermal Oxidation Behavior of CP-Titanium”, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 26/8 (2006) 1367-1372.

43. Sun, Y., Ahlatcı, H., Ozdogru, E., Çimenoğlu, H., “ Dry sliding wear behaviour of Fe–0.4C–25Cr–XNi cast steels” Wear, 261/3-4 (2006) 338-346.

44. Cingi, M., Meydanoglu, O., Guleryuz, H., Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Thermally Oxidized Ti6Al4V Alloy” Materials Science Forum, 561-565 (2007) 2179-2182

45. Mindivan, H., Kayali E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Effect of Matrix on the Mechanical Properties of Squeeze Cast Al-50%SiCp Composites” Materials Science Forum, 561-565 (2007) 791-794

46.  Baydogan, M., H., Kayali E.S., Cimenoglu, H, Rasty  Improved Resistance to Stress-Corrosion-Cracking Failures via Optimized Retrogression and Re-Aging of 7075-T6 Aluminum Sheets” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions  A,  39A  (2008) 2470-2476.

47. Mindivan, H., Kayalı, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., Tribological Behavior of Squeeze Cast Aluminum Matrix Composites” Wear, 265, ( 2008)  645-654

48. Atar, E., Kayalı, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., Characteristics and Wear Performance of Borided Ti6Al4V Alloy” Surface and Coatings Technology 202-19 (2008) 4583-4590  

49. Guleryuz, H.; Cimenoglu, H., “Oxidaiton of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 472, (2009) 241-246.

50. M.D. Unlu, O. Meydanoglu, H.Cimenoglu,  “Air Oxidation Behaviour of a Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy”, Defect and Diffusion Forum  297-301 (2010) 1389-1394.

51. E.Atar, E.S. Kayali, H.Cimenoglu, “The Effect of Oxidation on The Structure and Hardness of (Zr, Hf)N Coatings” Defect and Diffusion Forum  297-301 (2010) 1395-1399.

52.H.Kaftetelen, M.L.Ovecoglu, H.Heinen, H.Çimenoğlu “ZrC particle reinforced Al-4wtCu alloy composites fabricated by mechanical alloying and vacuum hot pressing:Microstructural evaluation and mechanical Properties" Mat. Sc. Eng.A 527 (2010)5930-5938.

53. H.Cimenoglu, M.Gunyuz, G. T. Kose, M. Baydogan, F. Uğurlu, C.Sener, "Micro-arc oxidation of Ti6Al4V and Ti6Al7Nb alloys for biomedical applications" Materials Characterization, 62 (2011), 304-311

54. I. Campos-Silva, M. Ortiz-Domínguez, H. Cimenoglu, R. Escobar-Galindo, M. Keddam , M. Elías-Espinosa , N. López-Perrusquia," A diffusion model for the growth of the Fe2B layer in pure iron”, Surface Engineering,  27-3 (2011) 189-195.

55. F. Seahjania and H Cimenoglu, "Nitriding of Cp Titanium" Defect and Diffusion Forum,  312-315 (2011) 1010-1014

56. E. Atar, E.S.Kayali and H. Cimenoglu. "Friction and Wear Behaviour of Borided Ti6Al4v Alloy Sliding Against Al2O3 and Si3N4 Balls in Water", Defect and Diffusion Forum 312-315 (2011) 1004-1009

57. M. Gunyuz, M. Baydogan , H. Cimenoglu and E.S. Kayali, "The Effect of Micro arc Oxidation Process Parameters on Surface Properties of Ti6Al4V Alloy" Defect and Diffusion Forum 312-315 (2011) 1000-1003

58. R.Karadas, O. Celik and H. Cimenoglu, "Low Temperature Nitriding of a Martensitic Stainless Steel" Defect and Diffusion Forum 312-315 (2011) 994-999

59. H.G. Yavuz, M. Gunyuz, I.M. Ozkara, M. Baydogan and H. Cimenoglu "Micro Arc Oxidation of AZ91 Mg Alloy for Improved Corrosion Resistance" Defect and Diffusion Forum 312-315 (2011) 877-881

60. L. Sepet, N. Baydogan, H. Cimenoglu, E. S. Kayali, B. Tugrul, N. Altinsoy, G. Albayrak, H. Sengel, F. Akmaz, A. Parlar, "Electromagnetic Radiation Effect on ZnO Nanocrystallites" Defect and Diffusion Forum 312-315 (2011) 836-841

61. B. Karagoz, O. Ozdemir, O. Karacasu, N. Baydogan, H. Cimenoglu, E. S. Kayali, B. Tugrul, N. Altinsoy, S. Haciyakupoglu, S.Kiziltas, M. Okka, G. Albayrak, H. Sengel, F. Akmaz, A. Parlar, "Determination of Gamma Transmittance and Density Assessment for Al Doped ZnO Thin Films By using Gamma Transmission Technique" Defect and Diffusion Forum  312-315 (2011) 830-835

62. H.Cimenoglu, O.Meydanoglu, M. Baydogan, H. Bermek, P. Huner, E.S.Kayali, "Surface Characterization of Thermally Oxidized Ti6Al7Nb Alloy for Biological Applications" Met. Mater. Int., Vol. 17, No. 5 (2011), . 765~770

63. A.Aral,  M.Gunyuz, M.Baydoganc, N.G.Karaguler, E.Olcay,H. Cimenoglu, Anti-bacterial Microporous Ceramic Coating for Ti6Al4V Alloys, Key Engineering Materials 493-494 (2012) 916-919

64. O. Özdemir, G. Çam, H.Çimenoğlu, M.Koçak, "Investigation into Mechanical Properties of High Strength Steel Plates Welded with Low Temperature Transformation (LTT) Electrodes", International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, (accepted for publication)

65. N. Baydogan, O.Karacasu, H.Cimenoglu, ZnO:Al Thin Films used in ZnO: Al/p-Si Heterojunctions, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (accepted for publication)

66. M.Baydogan, E.S.Kayali, H.Çimenoğlu, "Service Life Estimation for a Reformer Tube against Creep Dominated Failure", Materials Testing, Materialprüfung, 54-1 (2012) 49-52

67. D.Duman, H.Gokce, H.Cimenoglu, "Synthesis, microstructure, and mechanical properties of WC–TiC–Co ceramic composites", Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (2012) 1427–1433

68. O.Özdemir. G.Çam, H. Çimenoğlu, M.Koçak, "Investigation into mechanical properties of high strength steel plates welded with low temperature transformation (LTT) electrodes" Int. J. Surface Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, Nos. 1/2, 2012

69. N. Baydogan, O.Karacasu, H. Cimenoglu "Effect of Annealing Temperature on ZnO:Al/p-Si Heterojunctions", Thin Solid Films, 520 (2012) 5790–5796

70 O.Celik, M.Baydogan, E.Atar, E.S.Kayali, H.Cimenoglu, "Fatigue Performance of Low Temperature Nitrided AISI 321 Grade Austenitic Stainless Steel"  Materials Science and Engineering: A, 565 (2013) 38–43

71. H. Kaftelen, M.L. Öveçoğlu, H. Çimenoğlu, H. Henein, "Microstructural characterization and wear properties of mechanically alloyed and sintered Al-4wt.%Cu alloy composites reinforced with TiC and ZrC particulates" Book Chapter pp. 167-192, Engineered Metal Matrix Composites: Forming Methods, Material Properties and Industrial Applications, ISBN: 978-1-62081-719-32013- January

72. N.Baydogan Y.Gokce, M.Baydogan, H. Cimenoglu, "Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) Properties of ZnO:Al/p-Si Heterojunctions" Defect and Diffusion Forum Vols. 334-335 (2013) pp 349-352

73. N. Baydogan, T. Ozdurmusoglu, H. Cimenoglu, A.B. Tugrul, "Refractive Index and Extinction Coefficient of ZnO:Al Thin Films Derived by Sol-Gel Dip Coating Technique" Defect and Diffusion Forum Vols. 334-335 (2013) pp 290-293,

74 . N. Baydogan, K. Çilingiryan, A.B. Tugrul, H. Cimenoglu, S.S. Yeşilkaya, "Surface Characterization of Irradiated ZnO:Al Thin Film by Reactor Neutrons" Defect and Diffusion Forum Vols. 334-335 (2013) pp 294-296

75. M.Ipekci, F.Siyahjani, H.Cimenoglu, "Thermochemical Nitriding of Commercial Purity Titanium Defect and Diffusion Forum Vols. 334-335 (2013) pp 117-121

International Conference Proceedings

1. Çelik, H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Abrasive Wear Properties of Some Stellite Alloys”, Proceedings of Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ASTM, Istanbul-Turkey, 29 June - 3 July, 1992.

2. Arıkan, M.M., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Deformation Behaviour of Copper Wires and Copper Oxide Inclusions During Drawing”, Proceedings of Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ASTM, Istanbul-Turkey, 29 June - 3 July, 1992.

3. Kökden, M.U., Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., “Abrasive Wear Behaviours of As Cast and Austempered Ductile Irons”, EUROMAT’99, The Federation of the European Materials Societies FEMS, Münih –Germany, Sept. 1999.

4. Doğan, N., Baydogan, M., Tuğrul, A.B., Cimenoglu, H., “The Effect of Radiation on Low Cycle Fatique Behaviour of a Stainless Steel”, 4th General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Veliko Turnova – Bulgaria, Aug. 2000.

5. Cimenoglu, H., Dahm, K.L., Dearney, P.A., “Corrosion Wear Behaviour of S-Phase Coated Commercial Purity Titanium”, 2th Medditerraean Tribology Conference, Kayseri – Turkey, June 2002.

6. Karakaş M.S., Ahlatci, H., Candan, E., Cimenoglu, H., “Dry Sliding Wear of Al-70 vol.%Al2O3 Composites, 2th Medditerraean Tribology Conference, Kayseri – Turkey, June 2002.

7. Çelik, O., Ahlatci, H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Dry Sliding Wear of As-Cast and Austempered Ductile Irons”, 4th Balkan Tribology Conference, Kayseri – Turkey, June 2002.

8. Demirci, C., Uğur, A., Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., “Dry Sliding and Abrasive Wear Properties of Some Zinc-Aluminium Alloys”, 4th Balkan Tribology Conference, Kayseri – Turkey, June 2002.

9. Arıkan, M.M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Abrasive Wear of Nb and Ti Added White Cast Iron”,  4th Balkan Tribology Conference, Kayseri – Turkey, June, 2002.

10. Mindivan, H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Synchronizer Rings”,   4th Balkan Tribology Conference, Kayseri – Turkey, June 2002.

11. Akoy, M.A., Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “The Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Surface Quality of Austenitic Stainless Steels”, Proceedings of Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ASTM, Istanbul-Turkey, July, 2002.

12. Akoy, M.A., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Formability of Low Carbon and Interstitial Free Steel Sheets”, Proceedings of Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ASTM, Istanbul-Turkey, July 2002.

13. Atar, E., Mindivan, H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S. “Effect of Hf Addition on the Tribological Performance of ZrN Coating”, 29.Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds-UK, Sept. 2002.

14. Ahlatci, H., Candan, E., Cimenoglu, H., “High Temperature Abrasion Behaviour of Al/SiCp Composites”, 29.Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds-UK, Sept. 2002.

15. Palacı, Y., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “The Wear Performance of the Injention Molded Based Ceramics Containing Additivies”, 8. Conference of the Ceramic Society, Istanbul-Turkey, 29 June -3 July 2003.

16. Mindivan, H., Bakan, H.İ, Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Wear Behaviour SiC, Cr3C2 and WC Doped Alümina”, 8. Conference of the Ceramic Society, Istanbul-Turkey, 29 June -3 July 2003.

17. Atar, E., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Wear Behaviour ZrN and Zr(21%Hf) N Coatings”,  8. Conference of the Ceramic Society, Istanbul-Turkey, 29 June -3 July 2003.

18. Samur, R., Mindivan, H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Tribological Peformance of Ceramic Coatings deposited Polymer Substrates”, 8. Conference of the Ceramic Society, Istanbul-Turkey, 29 June -3 July 2003.

19. Sağlam, U., Mindivan, H., Baydogan, M., Kayali, E.S. and Cimenoglu, H., “Mechanical Properties and Wear Behaviour of T6 and RRA Treated 7039 Aluminum Alloy”, EUROMAT’2003, 8th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Lausanne – Switzerland, Sept. 2003.

20. Guleryuz, H., Cimenoglu, H., “Properties of Oxidised Ti-6Al-4V Alloy for Biomedical Applications”, EUROMAT’2003, 8th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Lausanne – Switzerland, Sept. 2003.

21. Atar, E., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Zrn And Zr(12% Hf,N) Coatings”, EUROMAT’2003, 8th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Lausanne – Switzerland, Sept. 2003.

22. Ahlatci, H., Candan, E., Cimenoglu, H., “Effect of Si Addition On The Mechanical Properties Of Al-Si/Sic Composites”, EUROMAT’2003, 8th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Lausanne – Switzerland, Sept. 2003.

23. Çelik, O., Ahlatci, H., Kayali, E.S. and Cimenoglu, H., “High Temperature Abrasive Wear Behavior of An As-cast Ductile Iron”, International Conference on Erosive and Abrasive Wear II, Cambridge - UK, Sept. 2003.

24. Guleryuz, H., Cimenoglu, H., “A study to Improve Tribological Performanceof Ti-6Al-4V for Biomedical Devices”, ASM Conference, Anaheim - California, Sept. 2003.

25. Akın, U., Samur R., Mindivan, H., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Tribological Behaviour of Combined Coatings Deposited on Aluminum”, 3rd. China International Conference on  High Performance Ceramics, Shenzen, China,  May 2004

26. Atar, E., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S.., Effect of Oxidation on the Wear Behavior of a ZrN Coating”, 3rd. China International Conference on  High Performance Ceramics, , Shenzen, China, May 2004

27. Guleryuz, H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayalı E.S., “Improvement of Corrosion Wear Resistance of Titanium by Thermal Oxidation” , XIII International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, Aug.2004.

28. Guleryuz, H., Atar, E., Cimenoglu, H., Kayalı E.S.,”Residual Stress Measurements of Thermally Oxidised Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Indentation Technique”, XIII International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, Aug.2004.

29. Güçlü, F.M., Cimenoglu, H., “The Recrystallization Behaviour of CP-Titanium”,2nd International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Annency-France, Aug.30-Sept 5 2004.

30. Turan, S., Ahlatci, H., Candan, E., Kayalı E.S., Cimenoglu, H.,” The Effect of Mg and Si Alloying on the Wear Performance of Aluminum Alloys”, The 66th World Foundary Congress, ,Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 2004.

31. Kiper, G., Mindivan, H., Samur, R., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., ”Tribolgical Behaviour of Steel Coatings Deposited on Aluminium”,AIMETA International Tribology Conference, Rome, Italy,.Sept. 2004

32. Ahlatci, H., Candan, E., Cimenoglu, H., “Wear Behaviour of Al/SiC Composites””, AIMETA International Tribology Conference, Rome, Italy,. Sept. 2004.

33. Sun Y., Ahlatci, H., Kayalı E.S., Cimenoglu, H. ”The Effect of Ni on Wear Behaviour of Cr-Ni Steels”, AIMETA International Tribology Conference,  Rome, Italy, Sept. 2004.

34. Atar, E., Çimenoğlu, H., Kayalı, E.S., “An Investigation of Fretting Wear Behaviour of Ternary (Zr,Hf)N Coatings” WTC2005 World Tribology Congress, Sept. 2005, Washington D.C. USA.

35. Baydogan, M., Uysal, A. Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Investigation on cyclic deformation behaivour of reinforced steel bars”, 11th. International Conference on Fracture, 20-25 March 2005, Turin – Italy.

36. Sun Y., Ahlatci, H., Kayalı E.S., Cimenoglu, H. ”Corrosive Wear Behaviour of Fe-Cr-Ni Steel” International Tribology Conference, Kobe, Japan, May 29- June 2 2005.

37. Mindivan, H., Baydogan, M., Kayali, E.S., and Cimenoglu, H., “Corrosion and Corrosive Wear of 7039 Aluminum Alloy”, International Tribology Conference, Kobe, Japan, May 29- June 2 2005

38. Ahlatci, H., Candan, E., Cimenoglu, H., “Effect of Mg and Si on the Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Al/60%SiC Composites, International Tribology Conference, Kobe, Japan, May 29- June 2 2005.

39. Atar, E., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S. “The Effect of Hf on the Fretting Wear Performance of a ZrN Coating”,  International Tribology Conference, Kobe, Japan, May 29- June 2 2005.

40. Mindivan, H., Baydogan, M., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Corrosion Behaviour of 7039 Aluminum Alloy”, ASM Aeromat, Orlando, USA, .June 2005.

41. Guleryuz, H., Cimenoglu, H., “A Kinetic Study on High Temperature Oxidation of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy to Predict Alpha Case Depth”, ASM Aeromat, Orlando, USA, June 2005.

42. Noyan A.U., Mindivan H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayalı E.S. “The Effect of Welding Parameters to MIG Welding of an Aluminum Alloy Tube”, International Conference WELDS 2005 “Design, Testing, Assesment and Safety of High Temperature Welded Structures” Geesthact (Hamburg), Germany, Sept. 2005.

43. Çelik, O., Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., Nitrogen Diffusion Hardening of an Austenitic Stainless Steel”, EUROMAT’2005, 9th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Prague – Czech Republic, Sept. 2005.

44. Çelik, Ö., Daglı,İ., Baydoğan, M., Kayalı, E.S., Cimenoglu, H.,“The Effect of RRA Treatment on Corrosion Wear Performance of 7175 Aluminum Alloy”, TMS 2006 Symposium, March 12-16, 2006, San Antonio, Texas,USA.

45. Baydoğan, M., Çimenoğlu, H., Kayalı, S., Rasty, J., “ Effect of Retrogression and Re-Aging Treatment on Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of 7075 Aluminım  Alloy, TMS 2006 Symposium, March 12-16, 2006, San Antonio, Texas,USA.

46. Cimenoglu, H., Ahlaci, H., Candan, E.,” The Effect of Alloying Elements (Si and Mg) on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-60 % SiC Composites Produced by Gas Pressure Infiltration TechniqueTMS 2006 Symposium, March 12-16, 2006, San Antonio, Texas,USA.

47. Mindivan, H., Kayalı, E.S., Çimenoğlu, H., “Corrosion and Corrosion Wear Behaviour of Squeeze Cast 7012 Al–50 Vol.% SiC Composites” 12th Nordic Symposium in Tribology: Nordtrib 2006, 7-9 June 2006, Helsingør, Denmark.

48. Mindivan, H., Kayalı, E.S, Çimenoğlu, H, “Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of SiC Particle Reinforced AA2618 Composites”, AITC-AIT 2006 International Conference on Tribology, 20-22 September 2006, Parma, Italy.

49. Mindivan, H., Kayalı, E.S, Çimenoğlu, H, “The Effect of Sliding Velocity on SiC Particle Reinforced 2618 Al Matrix Composites”, AITC-AIT 2006 International Conference on Tribology, 20-22 September 2006, Parma, Italy.

50. Meydanoglu, O., Mindivan, H., Çimenoğlu, H., Kayalı, E.S., “Wear Behavior of B4C Particle-Reinforced 7075 Al Composites”, 2006 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition: Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2006: Fundamentals and Characterızatıon: Volume 2, 535-542, 2006. 15-19 October 2006, Cincinnati, Ohio.

51. Meydanoglu, O., Mindivan, H., Çimenoğlu, H., Kayalı, E.S., “B4C Particle-Reinforced Al Matrix Composites Production from 7075 Al Alloy Chips by Hot Pressing”, TMS 2007 Symposium, February 25-March 1, 2007, Orlando, Florida,USA.

52. Mindivan, H., Kayalı, E.S, Çimenoğlu, H, “Wear Behaviour of Aluminum Matrix Composites in Water”, TMS 2007 Symposium, February 25-March 1, 2007, Orlando, Florida,USA.

53. Atar, E., Kayali, E.S and Cimenoglu, H.,Features Of Boride Layer Formed On Ti6al4v Substrate”, TMS 2007 Symposium, February 25-March 1, 2007, Orlando, Florida,USA.

54. Baydogan, M., Günyüz, M, Cimenoglu, H. and Kayali, E.S., “Surface Modification Magnesium Alloy by Micro rc Oxidation”, TMS 2007 Symposium, February 25-March 1, 2007, Orlando, Florida,USA.

55. Celik, O., Cimenoglu, H. and Kayali, E.S,” Nitrogen Diffusion Hardening Of Austenitic Stainless Steels”, TMS 2007 Symposium, February 25-March 1, 2007, Orlando, Florida,USA.

56. Balaban, N., Baydoğan, M., Çimenoğlu, H., Kayalı, E.S., “Biocompatibility of Thermally Oxidized Ti6Al4V and Ti6Al7Nb Alloys”, Molecular Biomimetics & BioNanoTechnology II, May 23-25, 2007, İstanbul, Turkey.

57. Atar E. Kayali, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “Features of Boride Layer Formed on the Ti6Al4V Substrate10th International Conference of the European Ceramic Society, June 17-21 2007, Berlin-Germany.

58. Mindivan, H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Wear Behaviour of Al7075–50vol% SiCp Composites” Euromat 2007, September 10 -13, Nürnberg-Germany

59..Sun, Y., Ahlatci, H., Cimenoglu,H., “High Temperatures Abrasive Wear Behaviour of High Cr-Ni Cast Steels” Euromat 2007, September 10 -13, Nürnberg-Germany

60 Gunyuz, M., Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Surface Characterization of Micro-Arc Oxidized Titainum Alloys” Euromat 2007, September 10 -13, Nürnberg-Germany

61. Atar, E., Kayali,E.S., Cimenoglu, H., “A Study on Boridizing of a Ti6Al4V Alloy” Euromat 2007, September 10 -13, Nürnberg-Germany

62. Mindivan, H., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “The Effect of Matrix on the Mechanical Properties Squeeze cast Al-50 % SiCp Composites” The Sixth Pasific Rim Internayional Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM6), November 5-9, 200, Jeju Island Korea.

63 Cingi M, Meydanoğlu O, Guleryuz H., Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Thermally Oxidised Ti6Al4V Alloy”, The Sixth Pasific Rim Internayional Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM6), November 5-9, 200, Jeju Island, Korea.

64. Baydoğan, N.D., Baydoğan, M., Tugrul, A.B., Çimenoğlu H., "Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Irradiated Stainless Steel As ShieldingMaterial",International Congress on the Advances in NuclearPower Plants (ICAPP '06), pp.2101-2104, June 4-8, 2006,Reno, NV,USA.

65. Meydanoglu, O.,  Cingi, M., Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “The Effect of Thermal Oxidation on the Fatigue Behaviour of Ti6Al4V and Ti6Al7Nb Alloys”. TMS 2008 137th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, March 9-13, 2008 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

65. Gunyuz, M., Baydogan, M., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “The Effect of Processing Parameters on Biocompatibility of Micro-Arc Oxidized Titanium Alloys”. TMS 2008 137th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, March 9-13 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

66. Celik, O., Cimenoglu, H., Kayali, E.S., “Characteristics of Hybrid Solid Solution Layer Formed on the Surface of 316 L Austenitic Stainless Steels”. TMS 2008 137th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, March 9-13, 2008 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

67.     Guleryuz, H.,Çimenoğlu, H., “Air Oxidaition Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy” 4th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, 9-11 July 2008, Barcelona, Spain

68.    Ozdemir, O., Cimenoglu, H., Albayrak, G., Tugrul, B., Altinsoy N., Baydogan, M., Sengel, H., Akmaz, F., Parlar, A.H., Baydogan, N., “The Optical Behavior of ZnO Films Against the Radiation”,  14th, International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers, October 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

69.      C. Isiksacan, M. Gunyuz, H. Bermek, P. Huner, M. Baydogan, E. Kayali, H. Cimenoglu, “Micro-Arc Oxidization of a Commercial Purity Titanium for Biomedical Applications”, TMS 2009 138 th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

70.      O. Ozdemir, H. Cimenoglu, N. Baydogan, H. Sengel, F. Akman, A. Parlar, “Optical and Electrical Properties of Al Doped ZnO Transparent Film Irradiated by Co-60 Radioisotope”, TMS 2009 138 th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

71.      H. Mindivan, H. Cimenoglu, E. Kayali, “Production of the Composite from 6082 Al Alloy Chips and Fly Ash Particles by Hot Pressing”, Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 3: General Paper Selections, TMS 2009 138 th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

72.      H. Aydin, H. K. Zeytin, H. Cimenoglu, “Effect of Microalloying Elements and Deformation Mechanisms on the TWIP Steels”, EPD Congress 2009, TMS 2009 138 th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

73.      O. Celik, E. S. Kayali, H. Cimenoglu, “Surface Characteristics of Low-Temperature Gas Nitrided 316 Ti Austenitic Stainless Steels”, Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 3: General Paper Selections, TMS 2009 138 th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

74.      H. Mindivan, E. Kayali, H. Cimenoglu,  “Effect of Aging on the Mechanical and Corrosion Performance of 7012 Al Matrix SiC Particle Reinforced Composites”, TMS 2009 138 th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

75.       E. Atar, E. Kayali, H. Cimenoglu, “Surface Modification of Ti6Al4V Alloy by Pack Boriding”, Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 3: General Paper Selections, TMS 2009 138 th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

76.      M. Tekin, E. Kayali, H. Cimenoglu, N. Baydogan, H. Sengel, F. Akmaz, A. Parlar, “The Annealing and Aging Effect on Irradiated ZnO:Al Film by Cs-137”, Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 3: General Paper Selections, TMS 2009 138 th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

77.      H. Tugral, H. Cimenoglu, N. Baydogan, H. Sengel, F. Akmaz, A. Parlar, “The Investigation of Microstructural Changes in ZnO:Al Thin Film by Beta Irradiation”, Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 3: General Paper Selections, TMS 2009 138 th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 15-19, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

78. Tekin. M., Tuğral, H., Özdemir, Ö., Çimenoğlu, H., Kayalı, E.s., Tuğrul, A.B., Baydoğan,

N., Baydoğan. M., Altınsoy, N., Albayrak, G., Sengel, H., Akmaz, F., Parlar, A., Investigation

of Heat Treatment and Al Doping on Irradiated Nanosize Hexagonal ZnO”, 5th International  Advanced Technologies Symposium, May 13-15, 2009, Karabuk

79.      E.Atar, E.S.Kayali, H.Çimenoglu, The Effect of Oxidaiton on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of (Zr,Hf)N Coatings, 5th International Conference on Diffusion in Soli,ds and Liquids, 24-26 June 2009, Roma,

80.     M.D.Ünlü, O.Meydanoğlu, H.Çimenoğlu, Air Oxidaiton of a Ti6Al7Nb Alloy, , 5th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, 24-26 June 2009, Roma,

81.      I.Ozcan, H.Livatyalı, M.Baydogan. H.Cimenoğlu The Novel Conductive Heating Technique for Steel Sheets prior to Die Quenching5th International Conference on Diffusion in Soli,ds and Liquids, 24-26 June 2009, Roma,

82.      Işıksaçan, C., Çimenoğlu, H., Bermek, H., Baydoğan, M., Kayali, E.S. “Micro-arc oxidized titanium for biomedical applications”, Europan Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Process (EUROMAT 2009), Glasgow, UK, 7-10 September 2009.

83.      B.Tekin, M. Çimenoğlu, H., Kayalı, E.S., Baydoğan, M., Tuğrul, A.B., Baydogan, N., Altınsoy, N., Albayrak, G., Şengel, H., Akmaz, F., Parlar, A., Budakoğlu, R., "Mechanical Properties of Induced ZnO:AI Nanoparticles by Cs-137 for Enhanced Device and Sensor Functionality", 2009 Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense & Security (NANO-DDS), September 28-0ctober 2, 2009, Bahia Mar Beach Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

84.      Tuğral, H., Çimenoglu, H., Kayal, E.S., Tuğrul, A.B., Baydoğan, N., Baydoğan, M., Altınsoy, N., Albayrak, G., Şengel, H., Akmaz, F., Parlar, A., "Evaluation of Optical and Colour Parameters on Induced AI Dopped Nanostructured ZnO Thin Film By Beta Radiation For The Commercialization of ZnO:AI in Civilian and Military Industries", 2009 Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense & Security (NANO-DDS), September 28-0ctober 2, 2009, Bahia Mar Beach Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

85.      Karagöz B., Özdemir Ö., Karacasu Ö., Baydoğan N., Çimenoğlu H., Kayalı E.S., Tuğrul B., Altınsoy  N., Hacıyakupoğlu S., Okka M., Kızıltaş M.S., Albayrak G., Sengel H., Akmaz F., Parlar A.,  Determination of Gamma Transmittance and Density Assessment for ZnO:Al  Thin Films by Using Gamma Transmission Technique, DSL (Diffusion in Solids and Liquids) 2010, Paris, France

86.      Günyüz M., Baydoğan M., Çimenoğlu H., Kayalı E.S., The effect of Micro arc Oxidation Process Parameters on Surface Properties of Ti6Al4V Alloys, DSL (Diffusion in Solids and Liquids) 2010, Paris, France

87.      Siyahjani F., Çimenoğlu H., Nitriding of CP – Titanium, DSL (Diffusion in Solids and Liquids) 2010, Paris, France

88.      Karadaş R., Çelik Ö., Çimenoğlu H., Low Temperatur Nitriding of Martensitic Stainless Steel, DSL (Diffusion in Solids and Liquids) 2010, Paris, France

89.      Atar E., Kayalı E.S., Çimenoğlu H., Friction and Wear Behavior of Borided Ti6Al4V Alloy Sliding against Al2O3 and Si3N4 Balls in Water, DSL (Diffusion in Solids and Liquids) 2010, Paris, France

90.      Yavuz H.G., Günyüz M.,Özkara İ.M., Baydoğan M., Çimenoğlu H., Micro Arc Oxidation of AZ91 Mg Alloy for Improved Corrosion Resistance, DSL (Diffusion in Solids and Liquids) 2010, Paris, France

91.      Çimenoğlu H., Gas Nitriding of Austenitic Stainless Steel for Biomedical Applications, DSL (Diffusion in Solids and Liquids) 2010, Paris, France , (Invited Speaker)

92. Faiz Muhaffel, Eyüp Kayalı, Hüseyin Çimenoğlu, “Antibacterial Microporous Coating Formation on Ti6Al4V Alloyvia Micro Arc Oxidation Process”  TMS 140th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, California, USA, 27 February – 03 March 2011

93. Onur Meydanoglu, Murat Baydogan, Eyup Kayali, Huseyin Cimenoglu, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al Based Composite Coatings Produced by the Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying Process” TMS 140th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, California, USA, 27 February – 03 March 2011.

94  Cimenoglu H, "Surface Modification of Metallic Biomaterials" 1st International Surface Treatment Symposium, Istanbul, June 2011 (invited)

95. Akçakese O., Çelik, Ö., Çimenoğlu H., The Effect of Low Temperature Nitriding on Wear and Corrosion Properties of AISI P20 Tool Steel, 1st International Surface Treatment Symposium, Istanbul, June 2011

96. Alpaslan. Ö., Çelik, Ö., Atar, E., Çimenoğlu H., Effect of Nitriding and PVD CrN Coating on the Wear Performance of an AISI D2 Tool Steel, 1st International Surface Treatment Symposium, Istanbul, June 2011

97.Siyahjani, F., Çimenoğlu, H., Characteristics and Wear Performannce of Nitrided Ti6Al7NbAl,  The 12th World Conference on Titanium Ti-20"", The Nonferrous Metals Society of Chine, Beijing, China June 2011

98. Muhaffel F., Çimenoğlu, H., Synthesis of Hyroxyapatite Coated Antibacterial Titania Layer  on Titanium Based Biomedical Alloys,  The 12th World Conference on Titanium Ti-20"", The Nonferrous Metals Society of Chine, Beijing, China June 2011.

99. Meydanoğlu, O., Sönmez, C., Baydogan, M., Kayalı, E.S., Cimenoglu, H., Wear Characteristics of Cold Sprayed B4C Reinforced  Al-based Matrix composite coatings. 17th International Symposium on Boron, Borides and Related Materials. Istanbul, Turkey 2011.

100. Yürüker, E.C., Ahlatci, H., Çimenoğlu, H., A study on Wear Al Matrix B4C Reinforced Composites. 17th International Symposium on Boron, Borides and Related Materials. Istanbul, Turkey 2011.

101. Celik, O., Cimenoglu, H., Kayalı, E.S., Wear and Corrosion Behaviours of Low Temperature Nitrided AISI 304 L Austenitic Stainless Steel, 7th BALKANTRİB'11 Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011

102. Alpaslan, O., Gunyuz, M., Atar, E., Cimenoglu, H. Tribological Behaviour of Duplex Treated Plastic Mold Steel 7th BALKANTRİB'11 Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011

103. . Cimenoglu H, "Low Temperature Nitriding of Steels", International Iron and Steel Symposium 2-4 April 2012, Karabuk (Invited Speaker)

104.O.Alpaslan, E.Atar, H.Cimenoglu, " Tribological Behaviour of a Duplex Treated AISI 4140 Steel", International Iron and Steel Symposium 2-4 April 2012, Karabuk

105. N. Baydogan, T. Ozdurmusoglu, H. Cimenoglu, A.B. Tugrul, "Refractive Index and Extinction Coefficient of ZnO:Al Thin Films Derived By Sol-Gel Dip Coating Technique", 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids - DSL-2012, Istanbul-Turkey, 25-29 June, 2012.

106. N. Baydogan, K. Çilingiryan, A.B. Tugrul, H. Cimenoglu, S.S. Yeşilkaya, "Surface Characterization of Irradiated ZnO:Al Thin Film By The Reactor Neutrons", 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids - DSL-2012, DSL 2012 Abstract Book, pp.184-185, Istanbul-Turkey, 25-29 June, 2012.

107. N. Baydogan, Y. Gokce, M. Baydogan, H. Cimenoglu, "Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) Properties of ZnO:Al/p-Si Heterojunctions", 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids - DSL-2012, DSL 2012 Abstract Book, pp.77-78, Istanbul-Turkey, 25-29 June, 2012

108. M.İpekçi, F.Siyahjani, H.Çimenoğlu, Thermodinamic Nitriding of Commercial Purity Titanium, 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids - DSL-2012, DSL 2012 Abstract Book, pp.77-78, Istanbul-Turkey, 25-29 June, 2012

109. H. Cimenoglu, F. Siyahjani, M. Ipekci, Characteristics of the TiN layers formed on a grade 4 titanium via PVD and gas nitriding processes, The European Corrosion Congress, Sept. 2012, Istanbul, Turkey

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