
Conduct research in Atmospheric and Space Sciences using theoretical, experimental and numerical modelling tools/techniques in order to better understand the physical and dynamical processes and their effects on technology and human activities.

Give support in scientific missions in terms of instrumentation

Research Areas

Space Weather and Environment,
Space Weather Effects on Spacecraft and Ground Systems,
Space Plasma Physics,
         Magnetospheric Physics
         Ionospheric Physics
         Planetary Atmosphere and Physics
MHD Modelling,
Solar Wind and Solar Activity,
Solar Wind–Magnetosphere–Ionosphere-Neutral Atmosphere Coupling,
Spacecraft Instrumentation
Bu alandaki içerikler değiştirilecektir.


Zerefşan Kaymaz
İçerik hazırlanmaktadır.


Dr. David G. Sibeck (NASA/GSFC Space Weather Lab.)
Dr. Elsayed Talaat (Applied Physics Laboratory Space Research Program, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Masha Kuznetsova (NASA/GSFC, CCMC, Space Weather Lab)
Dr. Nikolay Zabotin (University of Colorado, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Dr. Filiz Katırcıoğlu (Junior Researcher, İTÜ, UUBF, Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Lab.)
Araş. Gör. İklim Gençtürk Akay (Graduate Student, İTÜ, UUBF, Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Lab.)
Araş. Gör. Emine Ceren Kalafatoğlu (Graduate Student, İTÜ, UUBF, Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Lab.)
Araş. Gör. Ayşegül Ceren Moral (Graduate Student, İTÜ, UUBF, Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Lab.)
Doğa Can Su Öztürk (Graduate Student, İTÜ, UUBF, Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Lab.)
Yiğit Çay (Graduate Student, İTÜ, UUBF, Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Lab.)
Necmi Cihan Örger (Graduate Student, İTÜ, UUBF, Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Lab.)
Egemen Menteş (Graduate Student, İTÜ, UUBF, Aerospace Engineering)
Derya Baş(Graduate Student, TAI)


Lab.: established in July 2011


Ionosonde HF Radar (VIPIR)
SID Receiver and Monitor
Magnetometer and Electrometer
GPS Receiver
Spacecraft Plasmameter and Magnetometer Design (in progress)
X-Ray Flux Measurements (in progress)

Current infrastructure:
Workstations and Data storage system
Computers equipped with IDL and basic other programming sources
Servers for running high resolution Space Weather models
Space Weather Predictions in collaborations with CCMC/NASA

İçerik hazırlanmaktadır.
•  Space Weather From the Moon to the Ionosphere, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TÜBİTAK), Sep. 2013-2016
•  Space Weather Effects determined by ground measurements of magnetic and electric fields over Canakkale/Turkey: GIC currents,Turkish IUGG/IAGA, Oct 2012-Oct 2015.
•  Ionospheric Variability over İstanbul using VLF signatures of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances, ITU Research Division (BAP), May 2012-May 2014
•  Investigation of Upper Atmospheric Joule Heating using Magnetospheric spacecraft, Ground based Observations and Space Weather models, PI, ITU Research Division (BAP), Ocak 2013-Ocak 2016
•  Determination of Earth’s magnetospheric environment at Lunar Distances using Artemis spacecraft, ITU Research Division (BAP), Mayıs 2013-Mayıs 2016

•  Global Magnetic Geometry of the Open Magnetosphere for General IMF Orientations: An Emprical/Theoretical Determination Combining IMP 8 Magnetic Field and Plasma Data with Global MHD Models, G.L. Siscoe (PI), Z. Kaymaz (Co-I), NASA Project, May 1995-May 1998.
•  Space Weather: Scale Lengths of the Solar Wind Parameters Affecting the Earth's Magnetosphere, D.G. Sibeck (PI), Z. Kaymaz (Co-I), NSF project, June 1998-June 2001.
•  Investigation of Magnetically Open magnetosphere using multi-spacecraft: Interball, Geotail and Wind, Alexander von Humbolt, Germany,  Z. Kaymaz (PI), 2002-2004.
•  GEM: Magnetosheath Model Validation, NSF (USA), David Sibeck (PI) and Zerefsan Kaymaz (Co-I), 2002-2005.
•  Search for the magnetospheric sash features in Cluster, Interball, and Geotail data, Z. Kaymaz (PI), TÜBİTAK 2004-2007.
•  Effects of Magnetospheric Substorms on Upper Atmosphere using Themis Spacecraft: Implications for Spacecraft operations, Z. Kaymaz, TÜBİTAK, Aug 2009-Aug 2012.
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