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Metin Demiralp, "A New Algebraic Approach to the Eigenvalue Problems of
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Hasan Taşeli and Metin Demiralp, "Convergent perturbation studies in
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N. A. Baykara and M. Demiralp, "Analytic Evaluation of Equipotential
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M. Demiralp, N. A. Baykara, and H. Taşeli, "Convergent perturbation
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N. A. Baykara and M. Demiralp, "Eigenlevel calculations for screened
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Metin Demiralp, "Rapidly converging threshold value calculations in
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H. Taşeli, M. Demiralp, K. Kafalı, "Drag minimization in stokes flow",
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Metin Demiralp, S. Burhanettin Altan, "An integration-free algorithm
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approach", Int. J. Engng. Sci., 8(4), pp. 293-302, Apr.
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Metin Demiralp, Herschel Rabitz, "Factorization of certain evolution
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Metin Demiralp, Herschel Rabitz, "Factorization of certain evolution
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Metin Demiralp, N. A. Baykara, H. Taşeli, "A basis set comparison
in a variational scheme for the Yukawa potential", J. Math. Chem.
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Metin Demiralp, Herschel Rabitz, "Lie algebraic factorization of
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Metin Demiralp, Herschel Rabitz, "Lie algebraic factorization of
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Metin Demiralp, Herschel Rabitz, "Optimally controlled quantum mole
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Metin Demiralp, Herschel Rabitz, "Optimally controlled quantum mole
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N. A. Baykara, Metin Demiralp, "An auto-coherent variational scheme
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Metin Demiralp and Herschel Rabitz, "Optimal control in classical
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Tanıl Ergenç and Metin Demiralp, "Formulation of some gaussian integ
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Metin Demiralp, "Determination of the quantum motion of the one dimen
sional harmonic oscillator via expectation value evolutions", Bull.
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Metin Demiralp, Herschel Rabitz, "Upper and lower bounds on the control
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Metin Demiralp and Herschel Rabitz, "Dispersion-free wave packets and
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Hasan Taşeli, Metin Demiralp, "A new approach to the classical Stokes
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Metin Demiralp and Herschel Rabitz, "Assessing optimality and robustness
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Metin Demiralp and Herschel Rabitz, "Assessing optimality and robustness
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G. Li, M. Artamonov, H. Rabitz, S.-W. Wang, P. G. Georgopoulos, M.
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order terms lp-RS-HDMR", J. Comput. Chem., 24(5), pp.
647-656, Apr. 2003, DOI: 10.1002/jcc.10232 (PDF tutamağı)
M. Alper Tunga, Metin Demiralp, "A Factorized High Dimensional Model
Representation on the Partitioned Random Discrete Data", Applied
Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics, 1(1),
pp. 231-241, Mar. 2004, DOI: 10.1002/anac.200310020
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Burcu Tunga, Metin Demiralp, "Optimally Controlled Dynamics of One
Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator: Linear Dipole Function and Quadratic
Penalty", ANACM, Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational
Mathematics, WILEY-VCH, 1(1), pp. 242-250, Mar. 2004,
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Metin Demiralp, "Weighted Eigenvalue Problem Approach to the Critical
Value Determination of Screened Coulomb Potential Systems", Applied
Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics, 1(1),
pp. 251-259, Mar. 2004, DOI: 10.1002/anac.200310022
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Tülin Kaman, Metin Demiralp, "A Parametric Sensitivity Analysis for the
Solution of Extrema Evaluation Problems via a Dimensionality Reducing
Approximation Method", ANACM, Applied Numerical Analysis and
Computational Mathematics, 1(1), pp. 260-269, Mar. 2004,
DOI: 10.1002/anac.200310023 (PDF tutamağı)
Ayşegül Kurşunlu, İrem Yaman, Metin Demiralp, "Optimal Control of One
Dimensional Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Under an External Field With
Quadratic Dipole Function and Penalty on Momentum: Construction of
the Linearised Field Amplitude Integral Equation", Applied Numerical
Analysis and Computational Mathematics, 1(1), pp. 270-279,
Mar. 2004, DOI: 10.1002/anac.200310024
(PDF tutamağı)
İrem Yaman, Metin Demiralp, "High Dimensional Model Representation
Approximation of an Evolution Operator with a First Order Partial
Differential Operator Argument", Applied Numerical Analysis and
Computational Mathematics, 1(1), pp. 280-289, Mar. 2004,
DOI: 10.1002/anac.200310025 (PDF tutamağı)
M. A. Tunga, M. Demiralp, "A factorized high dimensional model
representation on the nodes of a finite hyperprismatic regular grid",
Appl. Math. and Comput., 164(3), pp. 865-883, May 2005,
DOI: (PDF tutamağı)
N. A. Baykara, İ. Yaman, M. Demiralp, "An Exponential Matrix Product
Based Representation for Generalized Hypergeometric Functions of Type
pFp", Appl. Numer. Anal. and Comput. Math.,
2(1), pp. 19-33, May 2005, DOI: 10.1002/anac.200410020
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M. Demiralp, B. Tunga, "Instantaneous Stability and Robustness Investigations
in Quantum Optimal Control: Harmonic Oscillator Under Linear Dipole and
Quadratic Control Agents", Appl. Numer. Anal. and Comput. Math.,
2(1), pp. 60-69, May 2005, DOI: 10.1002/anac.200410023
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M. Demiralp, S. Üsküplü, "Matrix Algebraic Infinite Product Representation
for Generalized Hypergeometric Functions of Type p+1Fp
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212-226, May 2005, DOI: 10.1002/anac.200410036 (PDF tutamağı)
M. Demiralp, G. Taşkın, "Relations Between the Matrix Algebraic Factorized
Type Solutions at Different Singular Points for Generalized Hypergeometric
Functions of Type p+1Fp", Appl. Numer. Anal. and
Comput. Math. 2(2), pp. 227-237, Aug. 2005, DOI: 10.1002/
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M. Demiralp, "Critical value calculations for the screening parameter of
Hulthen potential", Appl. Math. and Comput. 168(2), pp.
1380-1399, Sep. 2005, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.03.031 (PDF tutamağı)
M. Demiralp, "Convergence issues in the Gaussian weighted multidimensional
fluctuation expansion for the univariate numerical integration", WSEAS
Trans. Math. 4(4), pp. 486-492, 2005, ISSN: 1109-2769 (PDF
M. Alper Tunga, Metin Demiralp, "Hybrid High Dimensional Model Representation
(HHDMR) on the Partitioned Data", J. Comput. and Appl. Math. 185
(1), pp. 107-132, Jan. 2006, DOI: 10.1016/ (PDF
H. Rabitz, T. -S. Ho, M. Hsieh, R. Kosut, M. Demiralp, "Topology of optimally
controlled quantum mechanical transition probability landscapes", Phy.
Rev. A, 74(1), pp. 012721[9 pages], 2006, DOI: 10.1103/
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M. Demiralp, "Plain and Logarithmic High Dimensional Model Representation
and the Effect of Their Types on Univariance Level", WSEAS Trans.
Math., 5(5), pp. 582-588, 2006, ISSN: 1109-2769 (PDF
M. Demiralp, "Weight Parameters Optimization to Get Maximum Constancy in
High Dimensional Model Representation", WSEAS Trans. Math.,
5(11), pp. 1177-1181, 2006, ISSN: 1109-2769 (PDF
M. Demiralp, "Illustrative Implementations to Show How Logarithm Based
High Dimensional Model Representation Works for Various Function Structures",
WSEAS Trans. Computers 5(6), pp. 1339-1344, Jun. 2006
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M. Demiralp, "Importance and Measurement of Univariance in High Dimensional
Model Representation for Multivariate Analysis", WSEAS Trans. Comp.,
5, pp. 1738-1744, Sep. 2006, ISSN: 1109-2750 (PDF tutamağı)
M. A. Tunga, M. Demiralp, "A New Approach for Data Partitioning Through
High Dimensional Model Representation", Int. J. Computer Math. 85(12), pp. 1779-1792, Dec. 2008, DOI: 10.1080/00207160701576095
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M. A. Tunga, M. Demiralp, "Bound analysis in univariately truncated
Generalized High Dimensional Model Representation for random-data
partitioning: Interval GHDMR", Appl. Numer. Math. 59(6),
pp. 1431-1448, 2009, DOI:10.1016/j.apnum.2008.06.006 (PDF tutamağı)
Emre Demiralp, "Applications of High Dimensional Model Representations
to Computer Vision", WSEAS Trans. on Math. 8(4), pp.
184-192, Jun. 2009 (PDF tutamağı)
E. Gürvit, N.A. Baykara and M. Demiralp, "Numerical Integration of Bivariate
Functions over a Non Rectangular area by Using Fluctuationlessness Theorem",
WSEAS Trans. on Math. 8(5), pp. 193-198, Jun. 2009
(PDF tutamağı)
N. Altay and M. Demiralp, "Fluctuationlessness Theorem and its Application
to Boundary Value Problems of ODEs", WSEAS Trans. on Math. 8
(5), pp. 199-204, Jun. 2009 (PDF tutamağı)
C. Gözükırmızı and M. Demiralp, "The Application of the Fluctuation
Expansion with Extended Basis Set to Numerical Integration", WSEAS
Trans. on Math. 8(5), pp. 205-212, Jun. 2009
(PDF tutamağı)
M.A. Tunga and M. Demiralp, "A Reverse Technique for Lumping High
Dimensional Model Representation", WSEAS Trans. on Math. 8(5), pp. 213-218, Jun. 2009 (PDF tutamağı)
S. Üsküplü and M. Demiralp, "Truncation Approximations for Two Term
Recursive Universal Form of Matrix Ordinary Differential Equations",
WSEAS Trans. on Math. 8(5), pp. 219-223, Jun. 2009
(PDF tutamağı)
S. Tuna, B. Tunga, N.A. Baykara and M. Demiralp, "Fluctuation free
matrix representation based univariate integration in hybrid high
dimensional model representation (HHDMR) over plain and factorized
HDMR", WSEAS Trans. on Math. 8(6), pp. 225-230, Jun.
2009 (PDF tutamağı)
B. Tunga and M. Demiralp, "A nonlinear perturbative scheme to solve
weight optimization problem of high dimensional model representation
(HDMR)", WSEAS Trans. on Math. 8(6), pp. 231-237, Jun.
2009 (PDF tutamağı)
M. Demiralp, "Fluctuationlessness theorem to approximate univariate
functions' matrix representations", WSEAS Trans. on Math. 8
(6), pp. 258-267, Jun. 2009 (PDF tutamağı)
E. Meral and M. Demiralp, "Determination of the external field amplitude
and deviation parameter through expectation value based quantum optimal
control of multiharmonic oscillators under linear control agents", J.
Math. Chem. 46(3), pp. 834-852, Oct. 2009, DOI: 10.1007/
s10910-009-9550-4 (PDF tutamağı)
İ. Yaman and M. Demiralp, "A new rational approximation technique based
on transformational high dimensional model representation", Numer.
Algor. 52(3), pp. 385-407, Nov. 2009, DOI: 10.1007/
s11075-009-9279-y (PDF tutamağı)
B. Tunga and M. Demiralp, "Constancy maximization based weight optimization
in high dimensional model representation", Numer. Algor. 52
(3), pp. 435-459, Nov. 2009, DOI: 10.1007/s11075-009-9291-2 (PDF tutamağı)
M. Demiralp, "No fluctuation approximation in any desired precision for
univariate matrix representations", J. Math. Chem. 47(1),
pp. 99-110, Jan. 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-009-9533-5
(PDF tutamağı)
N. Altay and M. Demiralp, "Numerical solution of ordinary differential
equations by fluctuationlessness theorem", J. Math. Chem. 47
(4), pp. 1323-1343, May 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-009-9657-7
(PDF tutamağı)
S.Ü. Altınbaşak and M. Demiralp, "Solutions to linear matrix ordinary
differential equations via minimal, regular and excessive space extension
based universalization: Perturbative matrix splines, convergence and error
estimate issues for polynomial coefficients in the homogeneous case",
J. Math. Chem. 48(2), pp. 253-265, Aug. 2010, DOI:
10.1007/s10910-010-9665-7 (PDF tutamağı)
S.Ü. Altınbaşak and M. Demiralp, "Solutions to linear matrix ordinary
differential equations via minimal, regular and excessive space extension
based universalization: Convergence and error estimates for truncation
approximants in the homogeneous case with premultiplying polynomial
coefficient matrix", J. Math. Chem. 48(2), pp. 266-286,
Aug. 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-010-9667-5 (PDF tutamağı)
B. Tunga and M. Demiralp, "The influence of the support functions on the
quality of enhanced multivariate product representation", J. Math.
Chem., 48(3), pp. 827-840, Oct. 2010, DOI: 10.1007/
s10910-010-9714-2 (PDF tutamağı)
E. Meral and M. Demiralp, "A perturbative approach to the solution for
expectation value based quantum optimal control of multiharmonic
oscillators under linear control agents", TWMS J. Pure Appl. Math. 1(1), pp. 53-67, 2010 (PDF tutamağı)
M. Demiralp, "Data Production For a Multivariate Function On an Orthogonal
Hyperprismatic Grid Via Fluctuation Free Matrix Representation: Completely
Filled Grid Case", Int. J. Elect. Eng. Comm. Eng., 1(1),
pp. 61-76, 2010
(PDF tutamağı)
N.A. Baykara, E. Gürvit and M. Demiralp, "The fluctuationlessness approach
to the numerical integration of functions with a single variable by
integrating Taylor expansion with explicit remainder term", J. Math.
Chem. 49(2), pp. 393-406, Feb. 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-010-
9748-5 (PDF tutamağı)
M. Alper Tunga, "A Matrix Based Indexing HDMR method for multivariate
data modelling", J. Math. Chem. 49(5), pp. 1092-1114,
May 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-011-9800-0 (PDF tutamağı)
A. Kurşunlu and M. Demiralp, "A fluctuation removal based univariate
integration over prescribed nodes: Certain important aspects of one
node fluctuation free integration", J. Math. Chem. 49(2),
pp. 407-427, Feb. 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-010-9749-4 (PDF tutamağı)
A. Kurşunlu and M. Demiralp, "A fluctuation removal based univariate
integration over prescribed nodes: One node fluctuation free integration
under higher order set of conditions with an extension to multinode
case", J. Math. Chem. 49(2), pp. 428-443, Feb. 2011, DOI:
10.1007/s10910-010-9750-y (PDF tutamağı)
N. Altay and M. Demiralp, A high dimensional model representation based
numerical method for solving ordinary differential equations, J. Math.
Chem. 49(3), pp. 687-710, Mar. 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-010-
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B. Tunga and M. Demiralp, "Fluctuation free multivariate integration based
logarithmic HDMR in multivariate function representation", J. Math.
Chem. 49(4), pp. 894-909, Apr. 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-010-
9786-z (PDF tutamağı)
B. Tunga and M. Demiralp, "Constancy maximization based weight optimization
in high dimensional model representation for multivariate functions", J.
Math. Chem 49(9), pp. 1996-2012, Oct. 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10910
-010-9786-z (PDF tutamağı)
M. Demiralp, "Fluctuation expansion for a univariate function's matrix
representation", TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.,
2(2), pp. 176-193, Oct. 2011 (PDF tutamağı)
E. Kanal, N.A. Baykara and M. Demiralp, "Theory and algorithm of the
inversion method for pentadiagonal matrices", J. Math. Chem. 50(1), pp. 289-299, Jan. 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-011-9915-3
(PDF tutamağı)
M. Demiralp, E. Demiralp and L. Hernandez-Garcia, "A probabilistic
foundation for dynamical systems: Theoretical background and mathematical
formulation", J. Math. Chem., 50(4), pp. 850-869, Apr.
2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-011-9929-x (PDF tutamağı)
E. Demiralp, M. Demiralp and L. Hernandez-Garcia, "A probabilistic
foundation for dynamical systems: Phenomenological reasoning and
principal characteristics of probabilistic evolution", J. Math.
Chem., 50(4), pp. 870-880, Apr. 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-
011-9930-4 (PDF tutamağı)
E. Kanal and M. Demiralp, "A modified method of calculating high
dimensional model representation (HDMR) terms for parallelization with
MPI and CUDA", J. Supercomput., 62(1), pp. 199-213, Oct.
2012, DOI: 10.1007/s11227-011-0695-0 (PDF tutamağı)
B. Tunga and M. Demiralp, "A novel approximation method for multivariate
data partitioning: Fluctuation free integration based HDMR", Eng.
Comput., 29(7), pp. 743-765, 2012, DOI: 10.1108/02644401211257245
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M. Alper Tunga and Metin Demiralp, "Multivariate data modelling through
Piecewise generalized HDMR method", J. Math. Chem., 51(7),
pp. 1711-1726, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-012-0001-2 (PDF tutamağı)
Evrim Korkmaz Özay and Metin Demiralp, "Combined small scale high
dimensional model representation", J. Math. Chem., 50(7),
pp. 2023-2042, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-012-0018-6 (PDF tutamağı)
Burcu Tunga and Metin Demiralp, "Hybrid HDMR method with an optimized
hybridity parameter in multivariate function representation", J. Math.
Chem., 50(8), pp. 2223-2232, Sep. 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10910
-012-0026-6 (PDF tutamağı)
Emre Demiralp, Renee J. Thompson, Jutta Mata, Susanne M. Jaeggi, Martin
Buschkuel, Lisa Feldman Barret, Phoebe C. Elsworth, Metin Demiralp, Luis
Hernandez-Garcia, Patricia J. Deldin, Ian H. Gotlib and John Jonides,
"Feeling Blue or Turquoise? Emotional Differentiation in Major Depressive
Disorder", Psychological Science, 23(11), pp. 1410-1416,
Nov. 2012, DOI:10.1177/0956797612444903(PDF tutamağı)
Metin Demiralp and Emre Demiralp, "A contemporary linear representation
theory for ordinary differential equations: probabilistic evolutions and
related approximants for unidimensional autonomous systems", J. Math.
Chem., 51(1), pp. 58-72, Jan. 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-012
-0070-2 (PDF tutamağı)
Metin Demiralp and Emre Demiralp, "A contemporary linear representation
theory for ordinary differential equations: multilinear algebra in
folded arrays (folarrs) perspective and its use in multidimensional
case", J. Math. Chem., 51(1), pp. 38-57, Jan. 2013, DOI:
10.1007/s10910-012-0064-0 (PDF tutamağı)
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M. Demiralp, "A probabilistic evolution approach trilogy, part 1: quantum
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M. Demiralp and N. A. Baykara, "A probabilistic evolution approach trilogy,
part 2: spectral issues for block triangular evolution matrix, singularities,
space extension", J. Math. Chem., 51(4), pp. 1187-1197, Apr.
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M. Demiralp and B. Tunga, "A probabilistic evolution approach trilogy,
part 3: Temporal variation of state variable expectation values from
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Süha Tuna and Burcu Tunga, "A novel piecewise multivariate function
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M. A. Tunga and M. Demiralp, "Bound Analysis Through HDMR for Multivariate
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M. A. Tunga and M. Demiralp, "A novel method for multivariate data
modelling: Piecewise generalized EMPR", J. Math. Chem.,
51(10), pp. 2654-2667, Nov. 2013, DOI:10.1007/s10910-013-0228-6
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F. Hunutlu, N. A. Baykara and M. Demiralp, "Truncation approximants to
probabilistic evolution of ordinary differential equations under initial
conditions via bidiagonal evolution matrices: simple case", I. J. Comput.
Math., 90(11), Nov. 2013, DOI:10.1080/00207160.2013.774385
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Coşar Gözükırmızı, M. Demiralp, "Probabilistic evolution approach for the
solution of explicit autonomous ordinary differential equations. Part 1:
Arbitrariness and equipartition theorem in Kronecker power series",
J. Math. Chem., 52(3), Mar. 2014, DOI:10.1007/s10910-013-0298-5
(PDF tutamağı)
Coşar Gözükırmızı, M. Demiralp, "Probabilistic evolution approach for the
solution of explicit autonomous ordinary differential equations. Part 2:
Kernel separability, space extension, and, series solution via telescopic
J. Math. Chem., 52(3), Mar. 2014, DOI:10.1007/s10910-013-0299-4
(PDF tutamağı)