Prof. Dr. Ömer Usta, 212 285 33 38, Ekip
Prof. Dr. Ayşen Demirören, 212 285 6766,
Prof. Dr. Belgin Emre Türkay, 212 285 6957,
Y. Doç. Dr. H. Lale Zeynelgil, 212 285 6018,
Doç. Dr. V.M. İstemihan Genç, 212 285 6032,
Y. Doç. Dr. Canan Z Karatekin, 212 285 6745,
Araş. Gör. Fatih Küçüktezcan, 212 285 6708,
Araş. Gör. Merve G. Halaçlı, 212 285 6020,
Araş. Gör. Kahraman Yumak, 212 285 6738,
Araş.Gör. Lale Erdem
1-Geçici Hal Test Sistemi : EMC-Partner TRA2000IN6
2- Düşük Frekans Ölçüm Sistemi : EMC-Partner HAR1000-1P
3-Telekom Test Sistemi : EMC-Partner CDN-UTP8
4-Farklı Tipte Güneş Panelleri ve Akü Sistemleri
5-ABB ve Siemens marka RTU lu Deney Düzenekleri
6-SEL Akıllı koruma Sistemleri
6-Yerel Elektrik santarali
İçerik hazırlanmaktadır.
Başlıca Çalışmalar ve Projeler
1. Şebeke Analizörü Tasarımı ve Gerçekleştirilmesi (TUBITAK-ENTES-ITU, 2011-12)
2. Endüstriyel Endüktif ve Kapasitif Sensörlerin Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi (EMAS-ITU, 2011)
3. Digital Power factor Controller Design (New- ENTES, ITU, 2007)
4. AMR Over Distribution Lines (New-MAKSAY, ITU, 2006… Cont.)
5. MR Using GPRS/GSM (TUBİTAK, MAKSAY, ITU 2005….Cont.)
6. MPR Design for Induction Machine Protection (TUBITAK-ENTES-ITU, 2005 Cont.)
7. Design of DSP-Based Power Quality Analyzer (TUBITAK-ENTES-ITU, Completed 2005 )
Ticarileşen, Ticarileşme Aşamasında olan veya Ticarileşme Potansiyeli olan Ürünler
1. Şebeke Analizörü
2. Uzaktan Sayaç Okuma Kontrol Merkezi (Donanım ve Yazılım tasarı)
3. GSM/GPRS Modemli Akıllı Elektrik Sayacı
4. PLC Modemli Akıllı Elektrik Sayacı
Geliştirilen Başlıca Yöntemler, Prosedürler, Mekanizmalar, Ürünler, Yönetmelikler
1.Güç Değişimi Koruma Algoritması
2.Dengesiz Güç Koruma Rölesi Tasarımı
3.Uyarmanın Kaybı Algılama Algoritması
4.Harmonic Kaynaklarının Yerlerinin Belirlenmesi için Algoritma
NN ile Otomatik Üretim Kontrolu için Algoritma
6.PSO ile Gerilim Kararlılığı ve Kontrolu
7.Elektromekanik Sistem Parameterlerinin Kestriminde Kullanılan Verilerdeki Gürültünün Süzülmesi için Sayısal Tikhonov Düzgünleştirme Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi
8. 30 kW’a Kadar Düşük Güçlü Rüzgar Santralleri için Sabit Mıknatıslı Senkron Alternatorlerin Tasarımı
Yayınlar, Patentler vb.
1.O Dağ, C Uçak, Ö Usta, “Harmonic source location and meter placement optimization by impedance network approach”, Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik), 2012 - Springer
2.Ö Usta, M H Musa, M Bayrak and MA Redfern, A New Relaying Algorithm to Detect Loss of Excitation of Synchronous Generators, Turk Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.15, No.2, pp.339-349, 2007.
3.Ö Usta, M Bayrak and MA Redfern, " A New Digital Relay for Generator Protection Against Asymmetrical Faults'', IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol.17, No. 1, pp. 54-59, January 2002
4.K Yumak, O Usta, “A controversial issue: Power components in nonsinusoidal single-phase systems”, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2011 7th International Conference, Bursa, Turkey, 1-4 Dec. 2011.
5.A. Demiroren, H. L. Zeynelgil, "GA application to optimization of AGC in three-area power system after deregulation", Int.Journal Electrical PowerEnergy Systems, Vol.29 no.3 2007
6.A. Demirören, E. Yeşil, “Automatic Generation Control with Fuzzy Logic Controllers in the Power System Including SMES Units”, International Journal of Electrical Power&Energy Systems, Vol. 26 , pp. 291-305, 2004
7.Guleryuz M. and Demiroren A., "Effects of a wind farm and FACTS devices on static voltage stability of Bursa transmission system in Turkey", IEEE PES 10th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Rome, Italy, May 2011.
8.Belgin E. Türkay, Ali Yasin Telli “Economic Analysis Of Stand Alone And Grid Connected Hybrid Energy Systems” Renewable Energy, vo.36, pp.1931-1943,2011 (SCI-B)
9.Belgin Türkay, Ali Yasin Telli; “Economic Analysis of Grid connected Hybrid Energy systems” Energy Sources Part B vol.6,issue 3,2011. (SCI-C)
10.Belgin Türkay, Fatih Mecitoğlu, Saim Baran” Application of fast Evolutionary algortihm to short term hydro-thermal generation scheduling” Energy Sources Part B ,Vol.6, issue 4,2011. (SCI-C)
11.I. Genc, R. Diao, V. Vittal, S. Kolluri, S. Mandal, Decision tree-based preventive and corrective control applications for dynamic security enhancement in power systems, IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 25(3) (2010) 1611-1619.
12.F. Caliskan, I. Genc, A Robust Fault Detection and Isolation Method in Load Frequency Control Loops, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol 23, No. 4, pp. 1756-1767, 2008.
13.C. F. Kucuktezcan, V.M.I. Genc, “A New Dynamic Security Enhancement Method Via Genetic Algorithms Integrated With Neural Network Based Tools”, Electric Power Systems Research 83 (2011) 1–8.
14.C. F. Kucuktezcan, V.M.I. Genc, “Big Bang-Big Crunch Based Optimal Preventive Control Action on Power Systems”, IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, Berlin, Germany, 2012.
15.C. F. Kucuktezcan, V. M. I. Genc, “Dynamic security assessment of a power system based on Probabilistic Neural Networks”, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, Gothenborg, Sweden, October 10-13 2010.
16.Ovacik, L., Jones, O. C., Lin, J. T., and Shu, H., "A Finite Element Electrical Impedance Imaging System for Binary Media: 1. Analytical and Numerical Methods," Inv. Prob. in Eng., Vol. 6, No. 1, 1998, pp. 33-77.
17.Ovacik, L., and Jones, O. C., "A Finite Element Electrical Impedance Imaging System for Binary Media: 2. Experimental Methods in Two Dimensions with Emphasis on Distinguishability," Inv. Prob. in Eng., Vol. 6, No. 2, 1998, pp. 125-154.
18.Ovacik, L., and Salon, S. J., "Shape Optimization of Nonlinear Magnetostatic Problems Using the Finite Element Method Embedded in Optimizer," IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol. 32, No. 5, September 1996, pp. 4323-4325.
19.Ovacik, L., Alkan, S., Kemençe, B., “A Method for Time-Domain Analysis of Permanent-Magnet Brushless Motors Using Permeance Network Approach” Int. Conf. Elec. Machines (ICEM 2006), Chania Crete, Greece, Sept. 2-5, 2006.
20.Uysal, A., Ovacık, L., “Fuzzy Elevator Group Controller with Floor Priority Constraints,” Applied Electronics 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Sept. 10-11, 2009.
21.Ovacik, L., Bilgin, B. “Developments in Voltage Regulation of Variable-Speed PM Synchronous Alternators in Automotive Electric Systems” Pilsen, Czech Republic, Sept. 7-8, 2011.