Antalya 2023 Karar Konferansı (2013)
TEPAV Karar Konferansı (2012)
Çamlı Yem ve Besicilik “Stratejik Opsiyonların Değerlendirilmesi” Karar Konferansı (2011)
Viking Kağıt ve Selüloz “Stratejik Opsiyonların Değerlendirilmesi” Karar Konferansı (2011)
DYO Boya Fabrikaları “Stratejik Opsiyonların Değerlendirilmesi” Karar Konferansı (2011)
TOBB (Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği) Karar Konferansı (2011)
Vestel ve İş Ortakları Karar Konferansı (2010)
İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı Karar Konferansı (2010)
TMB (Türkiye Müteahhitler Birliği) Karar Konferansı (2010)
Rixos Otelleri “Gelecek Tasarımı” Karar Konferansı (2010)
ETİ “Global Tat” Karar Konferansı (2009)
Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Karar Konferansı (2008)
Bodrum Karar Konferansı (2008)
BMC “Dağıtım Kanallarını Yeniden Yapılandırma” Karar Konferansı (2008)
AKSA “Strateji Değerlendirme ve Opsiyon Önceliklendirme” Çalıştayı (2008)
BMC “Stratejik İşbirliği Projelerinin Değerlendirilmesi” Karar Konferansı (2008)
Datasel Karar Konferansı (2007)
Sabancı Vakfı Karar Konferansı (2007)
“Organ Nakli Sistem Geliştirme” Karar Konferansı (2007)
“Sohbetli Yaşamın Olduğu Yer Bakırköy” Karar Konferansı (2006)
PO (Petrol Ofisi) “Yeni İstasyon Tasarımı” Karar Toplantısı (2005)
“Özlenen ve Gelişen Rize” Karar Konferansı (2005)
“Gıda Dernekleri” Çalıştayı (2004)
“Türk Tekstil ve Hazır Giyim Sektörünün Global Rekabet Avantajının Geliştirilmesi” Karar Konferansı (2004)
“Yaşanan ve Yaşatan Sanayi Kenti Kocaeli” Gelecek Tasarımı ve Karar Konferansı (2003)
“Türkiye'de Reklam Sektörünün Geliştirilmesi” Karar Konferansı (2003)
Ulaştırma Bakanlığı – Uluslararası Nakliyeciler Derneği - Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği “İdeal Kara Taşımacılığı Gelecek Tasarımı” Çalıştayı (2003)
TUSIAD “Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitimin İyileştirilmesi” Karar Konferansı (2003)
DTO (Deniz Ticaret Odası) Karar Konferansı (2003)
TOBB (Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği) Karar Konferansı (2003)
AMPD (Alışveriş Merkezleri ve Perakendeciler Derneği) Karar Konferansı (2003)
MEYED (Meyve Yetiştiricileri ve Meyve Suyu Endüstrisi Derneği) Karar Konferansı (2002)
Özel Sağlık Sektörü için Karar Konferansı (2002)
Gümrük Müsteşarlığı - Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı - Uluslararası Nakliyeciler Derneği – Türkiye İhracatcılar Meclisi – Gümrük Müşavirleri Derneği ”Etkin Bir Dış Ticaret Politikası Belirleme ve Gümrük Uygulamaları” Karar Konferansı (2002)
Galatasaray Spor Kulubü Karar Konferansı (2002)
Raklamcılar Derneği Karar Konferansı (2002)
TEMA Vakfı Karar Konferansı (2000)
Eskişehir 2010 Gelecek Tasarımı ve Karar Konferansı (2000)
Brisa ERP Seçimi Karar Konferansı (2000)
Osmanlı Bankası Şube Değerlendirme Arama ve Karar Konferansları (2000)
TOFAŞ-FIAT Arama ve Karar Konferansları (1999)
Vehbi Koç Vakfı Arama ve Karar Konferansları (1999)
Ata Menkul Değerler Strateji Belirleme Konferansı (1999)
Mis Süt Karar Konferansı (1999)
İlaç İşverenleri Sendikası İlaç Sanayinin Belirlenmesi Karar Konferansı (1999)
Hukuk Düzeninde Kalite için Karar Konferansı (1998)
RUAN, D., KABAK, Ö., QUINONES, R., (2013) An ordered weighted averaging operator-based cumulative belief degree approach for energy policy evaluation. Int. J. Advanced Operations Management, 5 (1), 58-73
MARTA J., SINGHAPAKDI A., LEE D.-J., BURNAZ Ş., TOPCU Y.İ., ATAKAN M.G.S. ve ÖZKARACALAR T. (2012) The Effects of Corporate Ethical Values and Personal Moral Philosophies on Ethical Intentions in Selling Situations: Evidence from Turkish, Thai, and American Businesspeople, Journal of Business Ethics, 106/2, 229-241. (SSCI)
UĞURLU S. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2012) Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps as a Modeling Tool for Traveler Satisfaction in Public Transit Systems. “Computational Intelligence Systems in Industrial Engineering” isimli kitap içinde bölüm, Kahraman E. (ed.), Atlantis Press, “Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems” kitap serisi Vol. 6, s. 385-404
KESKİN, C., ASAN, U. ve KAYAKUTLU, G., (2012) Value Stream Maps for Industrial Energy Efficiency, edited by Fausto Cavallaro, Springer.
ASAN U., SOYER A. and SERDAR ASAN Ş. (2012) “A Fuzzy Analytic Network Process Approach, Computational Intelligence Systems in Industrial Engineering: with Recent Theory and Applications”, edited by Cengiz Kahraman, Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 6, Atlantis Press.
ASAN U., ERCAN S., (2012), “An Introduction to Self-Organizing Maps”, edited by Cengiz Kahraman, Atlantis Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 6, Atlantis Press.
UĞURLU, S., COŞGUN Ö., EKINCI, Y. (2012). A Dynamic Pricing Model for a Maritime Service Provider, The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,5 (6), 1109-1119.
YURDAKUL EROL S. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2011) An Integrated Decision Aid for Identifying and Prioritizing Strategies in Forest Management, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 10/5, 683-695. (SCI-C)
KİŞİOĞLU P. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2011) Applying Bayesian Belief Network Approach to Customer Churn Analysis: A Case Study on the Telecom Industry of Turkey, Expert Systems with Applications, 38/6, 7151-7157. (SCI-A)
BURNAZ, S. ve BİLGİN, P. (2011), “Consumer Evaluations on Brand Extensions: B2B Brands Extended into B2C Markets”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 20/4, 256-267.
KABAK, Ö., RUAN, D., (2011) A cumulative belief degree-based approach for missing values in nuclear safeguards evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 23 (10), 1441-1454
KABAK, Ö., RUAN, D., (2011) A comparison study of fuzzy MADM methods in nuclear safeguards evaluation. Journal of Global Optimization 51 (2) 209-226,
ÜLENGİN, F., KABAK, Ö., ÖNSEL, Ş., AKTAŞ, E., PARKER, B.R. (2011) The competitiveness of nations and implications for human development, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 45 (1), s. 16-27
KABAK, Ö., ÜLENGİN, F. (2011) Possibilistic linear-programming approach for supply chain networking decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, 209 (3), s. 253-264.
KAYA, T. ve KAHRAMAN, C. (2011) A Fuzzy Approach to E-banking Website Quality Assessment Based on an Integrated AHP-ELECTRE Method, Technological and Economical Development of Economy, Vol. 17, 2. (SSCI)
UĞURLU, S., KAYA İ. (2011) A New Reliability Index Based on Fuzzy Process Capability Index for Travel Time in Multimodal Networks, The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4 (4), 550-565.
USTUNDAG, A., UĞURLU, S., KILINÇ, M.S. (2011) Evaluating the Performance of Technology Transfer Offices, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 24 (4), 322-337.
UĞURLU, S., KAHRAMAN C. (2011) Fuzzy Multicriteria Risk Assessment for Hazardous Waste Management: The Case of Istanbul, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 1 (1), 29-41.
KAYA T., AKTAŞ E., TOPCU Y.İ. ve ÜLENGİN B. (2010) Modeling Toothpaste Brand Choice: An Empirical Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Multinomial Probit Model, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 3/5, 674-687. (SCI-C)
ÇALIŞIR F., BAYRAKTAROĞLU A.E., GÜMÜŞSOY Ç.A., TOPCU Y.İ ve MUTLU T. (2010) The Relative Importance of Usability and Functionality Factors for Online Auction and Shopping Web Sites, Online Information Review, 34/3, 420-439. (SCI, SSCI)
ONAR S.Ç., AKTAŞ E. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2010) A Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Factors affecting Internet Banking in Turkey. “Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems” isimli kitap içinde bölüm, Ehrgott M. et al. (eds.), Springer, “Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems” kitap serisi Vol. 634, s. 235-246.
BOZKAYA, B., YANIK, S., BALCISOY, S. (2010) A GIS-Based Optimization Framework for Competitive Multi-Facility Location-Routing Problem, Networks and Spatial Economics, 10 (3), 297-320.
ÇİÇEK K., ÇELİK M. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2010) An Integrated Decision Aid Extension to Material Selection Problem, Materials & Design, 31/9, 4398-4402. (SCI-B) - Short Communication.
ALTAY A., KAYAKUTLU G. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2010) Win-Win match using a Genetic Algorithm, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34/10, 2749-2762. (SCI-B)
KARPAK B. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2010) Small Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Turkey: An Analytic Network Process Framework for Prioritizing Factors Affecting Success, International Journal of Production Economics, 125/1, 60-70. (SCI-A)
KABAK, Ö., ÜLENGİN, F. (2010) A demand forecasting methodology for fuzzy environments. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16 (1), s. 121-139
ÜLENGİN, F., KABAK, Ö., ÖNSEL, Ş., ÜLENGİN, B., AKTAŞ, E. (2010) A Problem-Structuring Model For Analyzing Transportation-Environment Relationships. European Journal of Operational Research, 200 (3), s. 844-859.
ÇELEBİ, D., BAYRAKTAR, D., BİNGÖL, B., (2010) "Analytical Network Process for Logistics Management: A Case Study in a Small Electronic Appliances Manufacturer Company", Computers & Industrial Engineering: Supply, Production and Distribution Systems, 58-3, 432-441.
KAYA T. (2010) Multi-attribute Evaluation of Website Quality in E-business Using an Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Methodology, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol.3, No. 3, 301-314. (SCI-B)
KAYA, T. ve KAHRAMAN, C. (2010) Multicriteria Renewable Energy Planning Using an Integrated Fuzzy VIKOR & AHP Methodology: The Case of İstanbul, Energy, Volume 35, Issue 6, June 2010, p. 2517-2527. (SCI-A)
ÇELİK M. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2009) Use of an ANP to Prioritize Managerial Responsibilities of Maritime Stakeholders in Environmental Incidents: An Oil Spill Case, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 14/7, 502-506. (SSCI) - Notes and Comments.
ÇELİK M., ER İ.D. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2009) Computer-Based Systematic Execution Model on Human Resources Management in Maritime Transportation Industry: The Case of Master Selection for Embarking on Board Merchant Ships, Expert Systems with Applications, 36/2, 1048-1060. (SCI-A)
ÇOBAN E., MUTER İ., TAŞ D., BİRBİL Ş.İ.,BÜLBÜL K., ŞAHİN G., TOPCU Y.İ., TÜZÜN D. ve YENİGÜN H. (2009) Column Generation Approaches to a Robust Airline Crew Pairing Model For Managing Extra Flights. “Operations Research Proceedings 2008” isimli kitap içinde bölüm, Fleischmann B. et al. (eds.), Springer, s. 439-444. TÜBİTAK araştırma projesinden
ÖNSEL Ş., ÜLENGİN F., ULUSOY G., KABAK Ö., TOPCU Y.İ. ve AKTAŞ E. (2009) A decision support system to evaluate the competitiveness of nations. “Advances in Numerical Methods” isimli kitap içinde bölüm, Mastorakis N. and Sakellaris J. (eds.), Springer, “Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering” kitap serisi Vol. 11, s. 113-125.
KAHRAMAN, C., ENGİN, O., KABAK, Ö., KAYA, İ. (2009) Information systems outsourcing decisions using a group decision-making approach. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22 (6), s. 832-841.
ASAN, U. ve SOYER, A., (2009), Identifying Strategic Management Concepts: An Analytic Network Process Approach, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 56, 2009, pp. 600-615.
KAYA, T. ve ÜLENGİN, B. (2009) Brand Choice Modeling Based on Diary Mode Panel Data: A Model of Choice Decision in Turkish Cola Market, Journal of Euromarketing, Vol.18, 101-114.
TOSUN O.K., GÜNGÖR A. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2008) ANP Application for Evaluating Turkish Mobile Communication Operators, Journal of Global Optimization, 42/2, 313-324. (SCI-A)
KABAK Ö., ÜLENGİN F., AKTAŞ E., ÖNSEL Ş. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2008) Efficient shift scheduling in the retail sector through two-stage optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, 184/1, 76-90. (SCI-A)
KABAK, Ö., ÜLENGİN, F. (2008) A new perspective for assessing the sustainability of countries. Journal of Transnational Management, 12(4), s. 3-32
ASAN, U., POLAT, S. ve SANCHEZ, R. (2008), A scenario-driven modular design in managing market uncertainty, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 4 No. 42 pp. 459-487.
ASAN U., POLAT S., (2008), Modular Design Capability and Product Positioning: An Integrative View, Competence Perspectives on Learning and Dynamic Capabilities, edited by A. Heene, R. Martens and R. Sanchez, Advances in Applied Business Strategy, Vol. 10, pp. 29-53, Elsevier, Oxford.
ÇELEBİ, D. ve BAYRAKTAR, D., (2008) "An Integrated Neural Network and Data Envelopment Analysis for Supplier Evaluation under Incomplete Information", Expert System with Applications, Vol. 35, 1698-1710.
ÜLENGİN F., ÖNSEL Ş., TOPCU Y.İ., AKTAŞ E. ve KABAK Ö. (2007) An integrated transportation decision support system for transportation policy decisions: The case of Turkey, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 41/1, 80-97. (SCI & SSCI)
SOYER, A., KABAK, Ö. ve ASAN U. (2007) A fuzzy approach to value and culture assessment and an application, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 44 (2), s. 182-196.
KAHRAMAN, C., CEVİK, S., ATEŞ, N.Y. ve GÜLBAY, M (2007) Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Evaluation Of Industrial Robotic Systems, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp.414-433 (SCI-A)
POLAT, S., & ASAN, U., (2005). Scenario Based Competence Designation. In: R. Sanchez & A. Heene (Eds), Competence perspectives on managing internal processes. Advances in Applied Business Strategy. Vol. 7, pp. 51-77. Elsevier, Oxford.
TOPCU Y.İ. (2004) A Decision Model Proposal for Construction Contractor Selection in Turkey, Building and Environment, 39/4, 469-481. (SCI-A)
TOPCU Y.İ. ve ÜLENGİN F. (2004) Energy for The Future: An Integrated Decision Aid for the Case of Turkey, Energy, 29/1, 137-154. (SCI-A)
ASAN, U., BOZDAĞ, C.E. ve POLAT, S. (2004), "A Fuzzy approach to qualitative cross impact analysis", Omega, Vol.32, pp. 443-458.
TROMMSDORFF V., ASAN U., BECKER J., (2004), "Produkt- und Markenpositionierung", Handbuch Markenführung, Edited by Bruhn M., Volume 1, Second Edition, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden.
ÜLENGİN F., TOPCU Y.İ. ve ŞAHİN Ş.Ö. (2001) An Integrated Decision Aid System For Bosphorus Water Crossing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 134, 179-192. (SCI-A)
ÜLENGİN F., TOPCU Y.İ. ve ŞAHİN Ş.Ö. (2001) An artificial neural network approach to multicriteria model selection. “Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the New Millennium “ isimli kitap içinde bölüm, Köksalan M. and Zionts S. (eds.), Springer, “Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems” kitap serisi Vol. 507, s. 101-110.
ÖNSEL Ş., ÜLENGİN F. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2000) Problem Structuring and Evaluation Integration: A Case Study in Transportation Planning. “Research and Practice in Multiple Criteria Decision Making” isimli kitap içinde bölüm, Haimes Y.Y. and Steuer R.E. (eds.), Springer, “Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems” kitap serisi Vol. 487, s. 458-472.
ÜLENGİN F. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (2000) Knowledge Based Decision Support Systems techniques and their application in transportation planning systems. “Knowledge-Based Systems: Techniques and Applications” isimli kitap içinde bölüm, Leondes C.T. (ed.), Academic Press, Vol. 4, s. 1403-1429.
ÜLENGİN F. ve TOPCU Y.İ. (1997) Cognitive Map-KBDSS integration in transportation planning. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48/11, 1065-1075. (SCI, SSCI)