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Başlıca Çalışmalar ve Projeler

Denge Diyagramı İş Programı Hazırlama Yönteminde Kaynak Dengelemesi için Bir Model Önerisi, İstanbul Teknik Ünversitesi BAP Projesi, BAP - 32408, 2008-2012.

İnşaat Projelerinde Süre Maliyet Kalite En İyilemesi, İstanbul Teknik Ünversitesi BAP Projesi, BAP - 37672, 2014-2016. 

İnşaat Projelerinde Tedarikçi Seçimi için Bütünleşik Bir Yaklaşım Önerisi, İstanbul Teknik Ünversitesi BAP Projesi, BAP - 37970,  2014-2015.

Uluslararası İnşaat Projelerinde Alt Yüklenicilerin Seçimi İçin Çok Amaçlı En İyileme Modeli Geliştirilmesi, TÜBİTAK 114M130, 2014-2015.

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Yayınlar, Patentler vb.
Al-Sobiei, O. S., D. Arditi ve G. Polat, “Managing Owner’s Risk of Contractor Default,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 131 (9), 973-978 (2005).
Al-Sobiei, O. S., D. Arditi ve G. Polat, “Predicting the Risk of Contractor Default in Saudi Arabia Utilizing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) Techniques,” Construction Management and Economics, 23 (4), 423-430 (2005). 
Polat, G. ve D. Arditi, “The JIT Materials Management System in Developing Countries,” Construction Management and Economics, 23 (7), 697-712 (2005). 
Polat, G., D. Arditi, G. Ballard ve U. Mungen, “Economics of On-site vs. Off-site Fabrication of Rebar,” Construction Management and Economics, 24 (11), 1185-1198 (2006).
Arditi, D., D. Lee ve G. Polat, “Fatal Accidents in Nighttime vs. Daytime Highway Construction Work Zones,” Journal of Safety Research, 38 (4), 399-405 (2007).
Polat, G., D. Arditi ve U. Mungen, “Simulation-Based Decision Support System for Economical Supply Chain Management of Rebar,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 133 (1), 29-39 (2007).
Algarni, A. M., D. Arditi ve G. Polat, “Build-Operate-Transfer in Infrastructure Projects in the United States,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 133 (10), 728-735 (2007).
Polat, G., “Factors Affecting the Use of Precast Concrete Systems in the United States,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 134 (3), 169-178 (2008). 
Polat, G., “Simulation-Based Efficiency Assessment Approach for Rebar Supply Chains in Turkey,” Construction Innovation – Information, Process, Management – Special Issue on Offsite Manufacturing, 9 (1), 101-121 (2009). 
Polat, G. ve U. Donmez, “ANP-Based Marketing Activity Selection Model for Construction Companies,” Construction Innovation – Information, Process, Management, 10 (1), 89-111 (2010). 
Arditi, D., G. Polat ve S. Akin, “Lessons Learned System in Construction Management,” International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 2 (1), 61-83 (2010).
Polat, G., “Using ANP Priorities with Goal Programming in Optimally Allocating Marketing Resources,”  Construction Innovation – Information, Process, Management, 10 (3), 346-365 (2010). 
Arditi, D., G. Polat ve S. A. Makinde, “Marketing Practices of U.S. Contractors,” ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 24 (4), 255-264 (2008). 
Polat, G., “Precast Concrete Systems in Developing vs. Industrialized Countries,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 16 (1), 85-94 (2010).
Polat, G., U. Donmez, “Marketing Management Functions of Construction Companies: Evidence from Turkish Contractors,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management,16 (2), 267-277 (2010).
Arditi, D. ve G. Polat, “Graduate Education in Construction Management,” ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 136 (3), 175-179 (2010).
Damci, A., D. Arditi ve G. Polat, “Multi-Resource Leveling in Line-of-Balance Scheduling,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139 (9), 1108-1116 (2013).
Polat, G., M. Duzcan, “Identification of Risk Factors that Affect Cost Contingency Amount in International Construction Projects: Evidence from Turkish Contractors,” International Journal of Construction Project Management, 3 (1), 59-71 (2011).
Polat, G., G. Alp ve B. N. Bingol, “İnşaat İşletmelerinde Kaynak Tabanlı Stratejik Yönetim,” NWSA Engineering Sciences, 7 (1), 218-228 (2012). 
Polat, G., “Artificial Neural Network (Ann) Approach to Determine Cost Contingency in International Construction Projects,” Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 1 (2), 195-201 (2012). 
Damci, A., D. Arditi ve G. Polat, “Resource Leveling in Line-of-Balance Scheduling,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 28 (9), 679-692 (2013).
Polat, G. ve B. N. Bingol, “Comparison of Fuzzy Logic and Multiple Regression Analysis Models in Determining Contingency in International Construction Projects,” Construction Innovation – Information, Process, Management, 13 (4), 445-462 (2013).
Damci, A. ve G. Polat, “Impacts of Different Objective Functions on Resource Leveling in Construction Projects: A Case Study,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, (kabul edildi).
Kuruoglu, M. ve G. Polat, “Determining the Level of Construction Management Applications in Turkey Compared with CMAA Standards,” Proc. 5th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, İstanbul, 1319-1327, 2002.
 Polat, G, “Supply Chain Management in Construction: Problem Analysis of Current Supply Chain Configurations for Engineered-to-Order Products,” Proc. 3rd International Conference on Information Systems in Engineering and Construction, Orlando, xx-xx, 2003.
 Polat, G. ve G. Ballard, “Construction Supply Chains: Turkish Supply Chain Configurations for Cut and Bent Rebar,” Proc. 11th International Group of Lean Construction Congress, Blacksburg, 319-331, 2003.
 Polat, G. ve G. Ballard, “Impact of Client’s Attributes on Project Performance in Turkey,” Proc. 6th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, İstanbul, 1976-1985, 2004.
 Polat, G. ve G. Ballard, “Waste in Turkish Construction: Need for Lean Construction Techniques,” Proc. 12th International Group of Lean Construction Congress, Copenhagen, 488-501, 2004.
 Polat, G. ve G. Ballard, “Comparison of the Economics of the On-Site and Off-Site Fabrication of Rebar in Turkey,” Proc. 13th International Group of Lean Construction Congress, Sydney, 439-447, 2005.
 Polat, G. ve G. Ballard, “Why is On-Site Fabrication of Cut & Bent Rebar Preferred in Turkey?,” Proc. 13th International Group of Lean Construction Congress, Sydney, 449-456, 2005.
 Polat, G. ve G. Ballard, “Impacts of Companywide Improvements on the Economics of On-Site Fabrication Practice of Rebar in Turkey,” Proc. 11th Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, 1236-1247, 2006.
 Polat, G. ve G. Ballard, “How to Promote Off-Site Fabrication Practice of Rebar in Turkey?,” Proc. 14th International Group of Lean Construction Congress, Santiago, 279-290, Lom Ediciones, Chile, 2006.
 Polat, G. ve U. Mungen, “Impact of Subcontracting Practices on Project Performance: Case of Turkish Construction Industry,” Proc. 7th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, İstanbul, xx-xx, 2006.
 Goncu, U., U. Mungen ve G. Polat, “Konut Pazarlama Stratejileri,” Proc. 7th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, İstanbul, xx-xx, 2006.
 Polat, G. ve A. Damci, “Need for Qualified Workforce in Industrialized Building Systems: Case of the Turkish Precast Concrete Industry,” Proc. 3rd Annual Built Environment Education Annual Conference (Beecon 2007), London, xx-xx, 2007.
 Polat, G., “Unqualified Workforce Problem in Industrialized Building Systems,” Proc. 4th SCPM & 1st IPMA / MedNet Conference, Chios Island, 249-254, 2008.
 Polat, G. ve A. Damci, “Supplier Selection Criteria in the Turkish Precast Concrete Industry,” Proc. 8th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Famagusta, Vol. II, 499-506, Eastern Mediterranean University Press, Famagusta, 2008.
 Polat, G., “Factors Affecting the Use of Precast Concrete Systems in the Turkish Construction Industry,” Proc. 8th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Famagusta, Vol. II, 523-530, Eastern Mediterranean University Press, Famagusta, 2008.
 Damci, A., G. Polat ve M. Ciraci, “Need for Education in the Design/Build Project Delivery System in Turkey,” Proc. 8th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Famagusta, Vol. II, 537-544, Eastern Mediterranean University Press, Famagusta, 2008.
 Polat, G., “Managing Information Technology in Construction: Case of the Turkish Construction Industry,” Proc. 5th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-V) “Collaboration and Integration in Engineering, Management and Technology, İstanbul, 1167-1175, 2009.
 Polat, G. ve Y. Buyuksaracoglu, “Using Discrete-Event Simulation for Process Modeling: Case of Work Structuring of Asphalt Highway Construction Operations,” Proc. CIB W78 Conference - Managing IT in Construction, İstanbul, 545-552, 2009.
 Polat, G. ve Y. Tatar, “Predicting the Significance of Environmental Issues in Construction Operations,” Proc. Managing Construction for Tomorrow Conference (MC4T), İstanbul, 673-681, 2009.
 Polat, G., Y. Buyuksaracoglu ve A. Damci, “Scheduling Asphalt Highway Construction Operations Using the Combination of Line-of-Balance and Discrete Event Simulation Techniques,” Proc. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM09), Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong, 1126-1130, 2009.
 Polat, G. ve M. Duzcan, “Factors Affecting Cost Contingency in International Projects,” Proc. PM-05 Scientific Conference on Project Management, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 609-617, 2010. 
 Polat, G. ve M. A. Arslan, “Factors Affecting International Expansion Decisions of Turkish Construction Contracting Companies,” Proc. 9th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Trabzon, 2010.
 Polat, G. ve Y. Buyuksaracoglu, “Simulation-Based Efficiency Assessment Approach for Asphalt Highway Construction Operations,” Proc. 9th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Trabzon, 2010.
 Damci, A. ve G. Polat, “Resource Leveling of Railway Track Construction Operations Using the Linear Scheduling and Genetic Algorithm Techniques,” Proc. 8th International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, Brisbane, Australia, 105-110, 2010.
 Polat, G. ve M. A. Arslan, “Market and Project Selection Decisions of Construction Companies: Evidence from Turkish Contractors,” Proc. International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering, Tirana, Albania, 2011.
 Damci, A., G. Polat ve T. Baysal, “Resource Leveling of an Industrial Building Using Genetic Algorithm Technique,” Proc. International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering, Tirana, Albania, 2011.
 Polat, G., A. Damci ve Y. Tatar, “Barriers and Benefits of Total Quality Management in the Constructıon Industry: Evidence from Turkish Contractors,” Proc. 7th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations “Quality 2011”, Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011.
 Polat, G. ve B. N. Bingol, “Using Fuzzy Logic Approach for Determining Cost Contingency in International Construction Projects,” Proc. 2nd World Conference on Information Technology, Antalya, Turkey, 2011.
 Polat, G., B. Yel ve B. N. Bingol, “Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Approach to Estimate Bid Mark-up Size in Public Constructıon Projects,” Proc. 8th International Symposium on Intelligent & Manufacturing Systems, Antalya, Turkey, 2012.
 Orgut, R. E., I. Sengul ve G. Polat, “Resource Leveling of a Highway Project Using Branch and Bound Algorithm,” Proc. 10th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara, 2012.
 Polat, G., K. Genc ve B. N. Bingol, “Factors Considered by Turkish Contractors in Mark-Up Size Decision for International Projects,” Proc. 10th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara, 2012.
 Polat, G. ve B. N. Bingol, “Marketing Activity Selection Based on Fuzzy-Ahp,” Proc. 10th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara, 2012.
 Damci, A. ve G. Polat, “Resource Management in Linear Schedules: An Overview,” Proc. 10th Int. Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ankara, 2012.
 Polat, G., K. Genc ve B. N. Bingol, “Determining Mark-up Size in International Construction Projects Using Fuzzy Logic Approach,” Proc. 3rd World Conference on Information Technology, Barcelona, Spain, 2012.
 Polat, G., B. N. Bingol ve A. Damci, “An Integrated Approach to Subcontractor Selection in Construction Projects,” Proc. Creative Construction Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2013.
 Damci, A., D. Arditi, G. Polat ve B. N. Bingol, “An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Resource Leveling of Lob Schedules,” Proc. Creative Construction Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2013.
 Polat, G., B. N. Bingol ve E. Uysalol, “Modeling Bid/No Bid Decision Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS): A Case Study,” Proc. 2014 Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2014.
 Polat, G. ve U. Müngen, “İnşaat Sektöründe Ekonomik Malzeme Yönetim Sistemi Seçimi için Simulasyon Modeli,” İTÜ Dergisi, 5 (2), 105-115 (2006).
 Polat, G. ve U. Müngen, “Yüklenici İnşaat Firmalarında Teklif Hazırlama Sürecinin İncelenmesi”, 2. Yapı İşletmesi Kongresi, 79-88, İzmir, 2000.
 Polat, G., D. Arditi, D. ve U. Müngen, “Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Tam Zamanında Malzeme Yönetim Sisteminin İncelenmesi”, 3. Yapı İşletmesi Kongresi, 263-271, İzmir, 2005.
 Polat, G. ve A. Damcı, “Türk İnşaat Sektöründe Prefabrik Betonarme Yapı Elemanlarının Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörler”, 4. İnşaat Yönetimi Kongresi, 149-158, İstanbul, 2007.
 Polat, G. ve A. Damcı, “Mühendislik ve Tasarım Hizmeti Sunan Firmalarda Bilgi Teknolojilerinin Kullanımı”, 5. Yapı İşletmesi / Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 107-116, Eskişehir, 2009.
 Polat, G. ve Ü. Dönmez, “Yüklenici İnşaat İşletmelerinde Markalaşma Süreci”, 5. Yapı İşletmesi / Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 365-376, Eskişehir, 2009.
 Polat, G., A. Damcı ve M. Düzcan, “Uluslararası İnşaat Projelerinde Risk Priminin Çoklu Regresyon Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi”, 1. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 584-595, Ankara, 2010. 
 Polat, G., D. Arditi ve K. Kechagias, “Avrupa Birliği Genişleme Süreci ve Avrupa İnşaat Sektöründe İstihdam”, 1. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 573-583, Ankara, 2010. 
 Polat, G., G. Alp ve B. N. Bingöl, “Mikro ve Küçük-Orta Ölçekli İnşaat İşletmelerinde Stratejik Yönetim Uygulamaları”, 2. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, İzmir, 2012. 
 Polat, G., B. N. Bingöl ve K. Genç, “Uluslararası İnşaat Projelerinde Katkı Payı Miktarının Dirençli Doğru ve Regresyon Analizi ile Belirlenmesi”, 2. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, İzmir, 2012. 
 Damcı, A., D. Arditi ve G. Polat, “Denge Diyagramı Yöntemi ve Kritik Yol Yöntemi ile Belirlenen Kritik Aktivitelerin Karşılaştırılması”, 2. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, İzmir, 2012. 
 Polat, G., “Türkiye’nin Depremselliği ve Depremde Oluşan Yapı Hasarları”, İnşaatçıların Deprem Hasarlarından Doğan Sorumlulukları İle Hasarlı Binaları Onarma ve Güçlendirme Yolları, ed. D. Sorguç, 11-44, İstanbul Ticaret Odası, İstanbul, 2000.
 Polat, G., “Teklif Hazırlama Süreci ve Teklif Fiyatının Oluşturulması”, İnşaatçılar İçin Yeni İhale Düzeninde Pratik Teklif Fiyatı Belirleme Yöntemi, ed. M. Kuruoğlu, 24-37,  İstanbul Ticaret Odası, İstanbul, 2003.
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