Çalışma grubu, genel olarak İTÜ İnşaat Fakültesi Hidrolik Laboratuarı altyapısını kullanmaktadır. Bu altyapı dâhilindeki temel imkânlar aşağıda verilmiştir.
Düzenli ve Düzensiz Dalga Üreticileri |
Kıyı Yapıları için Sarsma Tablası |
Tsunami dalga üreticisi |
Akım Kanalları |
Dalga Kanalları |
Dalga Basenleri |
Akustik Hız Ölçerler (ADV, Vectrino, Vectrino II) |
Dalga Monitörleri |
Kuvvet Ölçerler |
Basınç Ölçerler |
Dalga Ölçerler |
Manometreler |
İvme Ölçerler |
Sıcak Tel ve Film Anomometreleri |
Laser Doppler Anomometresi (1-Boyutlu) |
Laser-Sheet Akım Görselleştirici |
Veri Kaydedici/Dönüştürücü |
ANDREEA (Akustik Doppler hız profilleyici) |
AWAC (Akustik dalga yüksekliği ve yönü ölçer) |
OPCON (Optik konsantrasyon ölçer) |
Tuzluluk Ölçer |
Ticarileşen, Ticarileşme Aşamasında olan veya Ticarileşme Potansiyeli olan Ürünler
Kabdaşlı, S., Soyuer, A. 2008 "Borulu Tip Yüzer Dalgakıran". Türk Patent Enstitüsü,
Patent No. TR 2008 05143 B, Tarih: 11.07. 2008
- 35th International Conference on Coastal Engineering: ICCE 2016, 17-22 July, 2016, Istanbul.
- International Symposium on Offshore and Polar Engineering: ISOPE 2016, 26 June-1 July, 2016, Rhodes.
- 8. Ulusal Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, 7-9 Kasım, 2014, İstanbul.
- 2nd Project Meeting of MERMAID Project: Innovative Multi-purpose off-shore platforms: planning, design and operation, 25-26 September, 2012, İstanbul.
- 3rd European Offshore Mechanics Symposium - ISOPE/EUROMS 2012, 25-27 June, 2012, İstanbul.
- Kirca, V.S.O., Sumer, B.M., Steffessen, M., Jensen, K.L., Fuhrman, D.R. (2015) "Longitudinal dispersion of heavy particles in an oscillating tunnel and application to wave boundary layers", Journal of Ocean Eng. & Marine Energy, DOI: 10.1007/s40722-015-0039-x.
- Yagci, O., Kitsikoudis, V., 2015. Machine learning based mapping of the wave attenuation mechanism of an inclined thin plate. Applied Ocean Research. (in press; DOI number http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2015.07.009).
- Ulker, M.B.C. (2015), “Semianalytical solution to the wave-induced dynamic response of saturated layered porous media”, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean, Engg., DOI. 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000272, Vol. 141, No. 1, 06014001.
- Yagci, O., Kirca, V.S.O., Acanal, L. (2014) "Wave attenuation and flow kinematics of on an inclined thin plate acting as an alternative coastal protection structure", App. Ocean Res., 48, 214-226.
- Ulker, M.B.C. (2014) “Wave-induced dynamic response of saturated multi-layer porous media: Analytical solution and validity regions of various formulations in non-dimensional parametric space”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 66, pp. 352-367.
- Ulker, M.B.C. (2014), “Modeling of dynamic response of poroelastic soil layers under wave loading”, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-18.
- Kirca, V.S.O., Sumer, B., Fredsøe, J. (2014) "Influence of clay content on wave-induced liquefaction". ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000249.
- Loukogeorgaki, E, Yagci, O., Kabdasli ,M.S., 2014. 3D Experimental investigation of the structural response and the effectiveness of a moored floating breakwaters with flexibly connected modules, Coastal Engineering, 91, 164-180.
- Kirca, V.S.O. (2013) “Sinking of irregular shape blocks into marine seabed under wave-induced liquefaction”. Coastal Engineering, 75, 40-51.
- Kirca, V.S.O., Sumer, B., Fredsøe, J. (2013) "Residual liquefaction of seabed under standing waves". ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., 139(6), 489-501.
- Acanal, L., Loukogeorgaki, E., Yagci, O., Kirca, V.S.O., Akgul, A. (2013) “Performance of an inclined thin plate in wave attenuation”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI. 65, 141-146.
- Akgul M.A., Yilmazer D., Oguz E., Kabdasli M.S., Yagci O. (2013) "The Effect of an Emergent Vegetation (i.e. Phragmistes Australis) on Wave Attenuation and Wave Kinematics", Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. SI 65, 147-152.
- Oguz E., Elginoz N., Koroglu A., Kabdasli M.S. (2013) "The Effect of Reed Beds on Wave Attenuation and Suspended Sediment Concentration", Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. SI 65, 356-361.
- Sumer, B.M., Kirca, V.S.O., Fredsøe, J. (2012) “Experimental validation of a mathematical model for seabed liquefaction in waves”. The International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering.,22(2),133-142.
- Bas, B., Kabdasli, M. S., Bozkurtoglu, S. N. E., & Seker, D. Z. (2012). Effect of Wave Direction on Discharged Brine Dilution. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 21(10).
- Akyüz, D.E., Bayazıt M., Önöz, B. (2012) Markov chain models for hydrological drought characteristics, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vol. 13(1) ,p.298-309.
- Önöz B., Bayazıt M., (2012) Block bootstrap for Mann-Kendall trend test of serially dependent data, Hydrological Process, Wiley, Vol. 26.(23) , p.3552-3560. DOI:10,1002.
- Ulker, M.B.C. (2012), “Pore pressure, stress distributions and instantaneous liquefaction of two‐layer soil under waves”, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean, Engg., Vol. 138, No. 6, pp. 435-450.
- Ulker, M.B.C., Rahman, M.S. and Guddati, M.N. (2012), “Breaking wave-induced impact response of rubble mound and seabed around a caisson breakwater”, Int. J. Analy. Numer. Mthds in Geomech. Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 362-390.
- Elginoz, N., Kabdasli, M.S., Tanik A., (2011). Effects of Posidonia Oceanica Seagrass Meadows on Storm Waves, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 373-377.
- Gedik, N., Irtem, E., Kabdasli, M.S.(2011). A Study Of Tsunami Reflection On Not-Armoured And Armoured Beach, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 506-510
- Irtem, E., Kabdasli, M.S., Bagci, T., Oguz, E., (2011). Numerical Modeling and Site Investigation on Water Body Movements in Ayvalık Bay, Turkey, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 1053-1057
- Irtem, E., Seyfioglu, E., Kabdasli, M.S. (2011). Experimental Investigation On The Effects of Submerged Breakwaters On Tsunami Run-up Height , Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 516-520
- Koroglu, A., Kabdasli, M.S. (2011). Experimental Investigation on the Stability of Coastal Embankments Effected by Tsunami, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 522-556.
- Albostan, A., Barutçu, B., Önöz, B. (2011) A non-linear time series Prediction Method for Missing Daily Flow Rate Data of middle Fırat Catchment, Energy Procedia (Elsevier), Vol. 6, p. 331-336.
- Yagci, O., Turker, U. (2011) Discussion on “Hydraulic parameters in channels with wall vegetation and gravel bed” by Hossein Afzalimehr, Jueyi Sui and Razieh Moghbel [Int. J. Sediment Research, 25 (2010) 81-90].
- Kabdasli, M.S., Kacmaz, S.E.,Bas, B., Oguz, E., Bagci, T., (2010). An Oil Spill Distribution Study In An Industrial Coastal Zone. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. (Volume 19- No.9a-2010 Reprint pp.1935-1945)
- Ulker, M.B.C., Rahman, M.S. and Guddati, M.N., (2010), “Wave-induced dynamic response and instability of seabed around a breakwater”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 17-18, pp. 1522-1545.
- Yagci, O., (2010) Hydraulic aspects of pool-weir fishways as ecologically friendly water structure. Ecological Engineering 36 (1), 36-46
- Yagci, O., (2010) Comments on “Retardance coefficient of vegetated channels estimated by the Froude number". Ecological Engineering; 33(6), 833-834 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.11.024)
- Yagci, O., Tschiesche, U., Kabdasli M.S., (2010) The role of different forms of natural riparian vegetation on turbulence and kinetic energy characteristics Advences in Water Resources 33-5 pp 601-614
- Yagci, O., Kirca, V.S.O. (2010) Comments on "Flow resistance of one-line emergent vegetation along the floodplain edge of a compound open channel" by Xin Sun, Koji Shiono [Adv. Water Resour. 32 (2009), 430-438]. Advances in Water Resources; 33(8):947-948
- İrtem, E., Gedik, N., Kabdaşlı M.S, Yasa, N.E. (2009). Coastal Forest effects on Tsunami run-up height. Ocean Engineering 36 no 3-4 pp 313-320
- Kirca V.S.O. and Kabdasli M.S (2009) .Reduction of non-breaking wave loads on caisson type breakwater using a modified perforeted configuration Vol 36 İss.16-17 pp 1316-1331
- Kucukali, S., Cokgor S.,(2009), “Energy Concept for Predicting Hydraulic Jump Aeration Efficiency", Journal of Envirenmontal Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135, No. 3
- Türker, U. and Kabdaşlı, S. (2009). The shape parameter and its modification for defining coastal profiles . Environmental Geology Vol 57 259-266.
- Ulker, M.B.C., Rahman, M.S. and Jeng, D.-S., (2009), “Wave-Induced Response of Seabed: Various Formulations and Their Applicability”, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp.12-24.
- Ulker, M.B.C. and Rahman, M.S., (2009), “Response of Saturated Porous Media: Different Formulations and Their Applicability”, Int. J. Analy. Numer. Mthds in Geomec., Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 633-664.
- Yagci, O. (2009) Comments on “Three layer model for vertical velocity distribution in open channel flow with submerged rigid vegetation” in Advances in Water Resources, 32 (9),1460-1461.
- Şeker, D.Z., Koroglu, A., Kabdasli, S., Karabork, H., Goktepe,A., Varol, E. "Application of terrestrial laser scanner for quantification of beach profiles" 18th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region September 26-30, 2015 Crete – Greece.
- Kirca, V.S.O., Aksoy, H., Papatheodorou, K., Stepanova, K. “Legislative Aspects of Flood Hazard Prevention and Resilience in Non-EU Member European Countries” 9th World Congress of European Water Resources Association, EWRA 2016, June 10-13, 2015, Istanbul.
- Yagci, O., Kitsikoudis, V., Celik, M. F., Hodoglu, C., Kirca, V. O., Valyrakis, M., Duran, Z., Kaya, S. “The Variation of Local Scour Pattern Around Representative Natural Vegetation Elements”, 36th IAHR World Congress, (Vol. 17, p. 13566), April 2015, The Hague, Netherlands.
- Valyrakis, M., Kitsikoudis, V., Yagci, O., Kirca, V.S.O. & Koursari, E.”Experimental investigation of the modification of the flow field, past instream vegetation elements, for distinct bedsurface roughness”, 36th IAHR World Congress, April 2015, The Hague, Netherlands.
- Valyrakis, M., Liu, D., McGann, N.J., Turker, U. Yagci, O., 2015. Characterising the effect of increasing riverbank vegetation on the flow field across the channel. 36th IAHR World Congress, 28 June- 3 July, 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Yazici, G., Aksel, M., Koroglu, A. “Seismic Vulnerability of Treatment Plants In Istanbul”. International Burdur Earthquake & Environment Symposium. 7-9 May 2015.
- Kirca, V.S.O., Ulker, M.B.C. "Recent Developments in Wave-Induced Liquefaction", 11th ACE Advances in Civil Eng. Congress, October 21-25, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Ulker, M.B.C. “Dynamics of unsaturated soils: Governing equations and constitutive relations”, 11th ACE Advances in Civil Eng. Congress, October 21-25, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Loukogeorgaki, E., Lentsious, E.,N., Aksel, M., Yagci, O., Kabdasli, M.S., 2014. 3d experiments on moored floating breakwaters: Hydroelastic and structural response assessment, 5th International Conference Coastlab, Varna, Bulgaria, September 29- October 2, Vol. 2, pp:44-53.
- Ulker, M.B.C., (2014) “Dynamic response of seabed-rubble mound breakwater system under seismic waves”, Proc. 2ndEuropean Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), Aug. 24-29, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Kirca, V.S.O., Sumer, B.M., Fredsoe, J. "Influence of Clay Content on Wave Induced Liquefaction in Waves", 34th ICCE Conference, June 15-20, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
- Aksoy, H, Kirca, V.S.O., Papatheodorou, K.. "Flood hazard assessment and modelling practices in turkey", Proceedings of the MEDFRIEND ″Monitoring, modelling and early warning of extreme events triggered by heavy rainfalls″. PON 01_01503 - MED-FRIEND project, June 26th-28th, 2014, Cosenza, Italy.
- Valyrakis, M., Yagci, O., Watt, S. 2014. Experimental investigation of the effects of different types of aquatic vegetation on the flow field. 7th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics. January 7- January 9, Singapore.
- Oguz E., Akgul M.A., Incecik A. (2013) "Offshore Wind Farms: Potential and Applicability in the Southern Marmara Region, Turkey”, 15th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, IMAM 2013, 14-17 October 2013, A Coruna,Spain.
- Kirca, V.S.O., Kabdasli, M.S., Seker, D.Z., Celikoyan, M. (2013) "Stability and energy dissipation of an antifer layer protected caisson", 23rd ISOPE Conference, June 30-July 5 2013, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
- Loukogeorgaki E., Kabdasli M.S. and Yagci O., 2013. “Experimental Investigation for Structural Response Assessment of Floating Breakwaters”, 23rd ISOPE Conference, June 30-July 5 2013, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Vol. 3, pp. 1180-1187.
- Açanal, L., Loukogeorgaki, E., Yagci, O., Kirca, V.S.O., Akgül, A. (2013) “Performance of an inclined thin plate in wave attenuation”. Proceedings 12th International Coastal Symposium , 7-9 April 2013, Plymouth, England, ISSN 0749-0208.
- Abdollahzadehmoradi,Y., Önöz,B. (2013) Seasonality Flood Analysis of Upper Karun Basin (Iran), ASCE, 6th International Perspective on Water Recources & Environment, (IPWE),7-9 January 2013, Izmir.
- Mahnamfar, F., Önöz, B. (2013) Low Flow Analysis of Iran's Karun Upper Basin, ASCE, 6th International Perspective on Water Recources & Environment, (IPWE),7-9 January 2013, Izmir.
- Güzel, B., Önöz B., Kabdaslı S. (2013) Feasibility Study of an Offshore Wind Farm in Bozcaada, ICCI 2013-19 International Energy and Environment Fair and Conferance., 2013,Istanbul.
- Ulker, M.B.C., (2013) “Dynamic response of multi-layer soil under harmonic waves: Analytical and numerical solutions”, 5th Int. Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Aug.31st –Sept. 1st, Paris, France.
- Ulker, M.B.C., (2013) “A semi-analytical solution to the dynamic response of saturated multi-layer porous media under progressive waves”, 5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, July 10-12, Vienna, Austria.
- Kirca, V.Ş.Ö., Sumer, B.M. and Fredsøe (2012) J. “Residual Liquefaction Under Standing Waves”, 22nd ISOPE Conference, 22-28 June, 2012, Rhodes.
- Koroglu A., Elginoz N., Oguz E., Kabdasli M.S. (2012) "Wave - Induced Suspended Sediment Flux Degradation due to Emergent Vegetation", 22nd ISOPE Conference, 22-28 June, 2012, Rhodes.
- Kirca, V.Ş.Ö., Fredsøe, J. and Sumer, B.M. (2012) “Wave liquefaction in soils with clay content”, PIANC-COPODEC 8th International Conference on Coastal and Port Eng’g in Developing Countries, 20-24 February, 2012, Madras, India.
- Albostan A., Önöz B., Entropy-Based Probability Distribution Estimation for Daily Flows 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, October 17-20, 2012, Ankara, Turkey.
- Ulker, M.B.C., (2012) “Dynamic pore pressure response of two-layer seabed under nonlinear waves”, Proc. 10th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, September 19-26, 2012, Kos, Greece.
- Ulker, M.B.C., (2012) “Instantaneous liquefaction in a multi-layer seabed under nonlinear progressive waves”, Proc. 10th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, September 19-26, 2012, Kos, Greece.
- Sumer, B.M., Kirca, V.Ş.Ö. and Fredsøe, J. “Experimental Validation of a Mathematical Model for Seabed Liquefaction in Waves”, 21st ISOPE Conference, 24-29 June, 2011, Maui, Hawaii.
- Koroglu, A., Kabdasli, M.S., (2011). An Oil Spill And Response Activities Scenarios After A Fuel Tank Seepage In A Port: Haydarpasa Port Case Study. 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2011.
- Bas, B., Kabdasli, M. S., Erturk Bozkurtoglu, S. N., (2011). An experimental study on brine disposal under wave conditions, IMAM 2011.
- Kırca, V.Ş.Ö., Sumer, B.M. and Fredsøe, J. (2011). “Experimental Validation of a Mathematical Model for Seabed Liquefaction in Waves”, 21st ISOPE Conference, 24-29 June, Maui, Hawaii.
- Albostan,A., Barutçu,B., Önöz, B., Trend detection of Time Series via Wavelet: Case study on Dicle Catchment, International Conference on Mathematical Finance and Economics, Abstract, July 6-8, 2011, Istanbul Turkey.
- Kabdaşli, M.S., Önöz, B., Varol,E., Babaç, G., Bağci,T. (2010). Wave Energy Extraction Through Offshore Breakwaters, 10th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE-2010), Famagusta, N. Cyprus, September 15-17.
- Ulker, M.B.C., Rahman, M.S. (2010) “Finite element formulations of the dynamics of saturated porous media”, Proc. 16th Nat. Cong. Theo. Appl. Mech., June 27-July 2, Pennsylvania, US.
- Ulker, M.B.C., Rahman, M.S. and Guddati, M.N. (2010) “Standing wave-induced dynamic response and instability of seabed around a breakwater”, Proc. 29th Int. Conf. Ocean, Offshore Arctic Eng. June 6-11, Shanghai, China, Vol.1, pp. 737-746.
- Bagci, T. Elginoz Yasa, N., Bas, B., Oğuz, E., Akgül, A., Yüce, A., Kabdasli, M. S., An experimental study on geotextile usage for protection of scour under submarine pipelines, 13th Congress of Intl. Maritime Assoc. of Mediterranean, IMAM 2009, İstanbul, Turkey, 12-15 Oct. 2009.
- Kabdaşlı, M.S., Bağcı, T., Baş, B., Kaçmaz, E., Oğuz E. (2009), “An Oil Spill Distribution Study for Industrial Coastal Zone” 15th.MESAEP 7-11 Oct.Bari ITALY
- Yagci, O., Türker, U. and Kabdaşlı, S., (2009). Wave damping and retardance by emergent vegetation. Proceeding book of the international conference on Survival and Sustainability: Environmental concerns in the 21st Century, KKTC
- Ulker, M.B.C., Rahman, M.S. and Guddati, M.N. (2009), “Breaking wave-induced dynamic response of rubble mound and seabed under a caisson breakwater”, Proc. 28th Int. Conf. Ocean, Offshore Arctic Engg. May 31-June 05, Honolulu, Hawai, Vol.7, pp. 141-150.
- Yılmazer D., Bağcı T., M.S Kabdaşlı (2009) “ Sustainable Tourism and Artificial Lagoons” MEDCOAST '09 Ninth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, 8-12 Nov. Soci, Rusya.
- Koroglu, A. (2015), "Dredge-and-Fill". M.J. Kennish (ed.), Encyclopedia of Estuaries, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8801-4. (Book chapter)
- Koroglu, A. (2015), "Wetland Reclamation". M.J. Kennish (ed.), Encyclopedia of Estuaries, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8801-4. (Book chapter)
- Koroglu, A. (2015), "Vulnerability Index". M.J. Kennish (ed.), Encyclopedia of Estuaries, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8801-4. (Book chapter)
- Koroglu, A. (2015), “Oil Spills". M.J. Kennish (ed.), Encyclopedia of Estuaries, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8801-4. (Book chapter)
- Irtem, E., Kabdasli, M.S., Gedik, N., 2009, “Coastal Protection Measures for Tsunami Disaster Reduction”, Tsunamis: Causes, Characteristics, Warnings and Protection, Ed. Veitch, N., Jaffray, G., ISBN: 978-1-60876-360-3, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY.
- Kabdaşlı, S., Önöz, B., Varol, E., ve Babaç, G., 2009. Dalga Enerjisi, Hakkı Eraslan (Ed.), Sürdürülebilir Rekabet Avantajı Elde Etmede Enerji Sektörü, Uluslararası Rekabet Araştırmaları Kurumu Derneği (URAK) Yayınları, Yayın No 2009/1., İstanbul.
Geliştirilen Başlıca Yöntemler, Prosedürler, Mekanizmalar, Ürünler, Yönetmelikler