Trafik Mühendisliği Tasarım Uygulamaları
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Ulaştırmada Tercih Modelleri


Yard. Doç. Dr. H. Onur TEZCAN


Prof. Dr. Yetiş Şazi MURAT 0-258-296 3357
Doç. Dr. Kemal Selçuk ÖĞÜT 0-212-285 3663
Yard. Doç. Dr. H. Onur TEZCAN 0-212-285 3665 
Yard. Doç. Dr. Mustafa TANIŞ 0-372-257 4010-1940
Araş. Gör. Göker AKSOY 0-212-285 3674
Araş. Gör. Sami Cankat TANRIVERDİ 0-212 473 7070-17920
Araş. Gör. Ayşe POLAT ---
Araş. Gör. Gürcan SARISOY ---
Başlıca Çalışmalar ve Projeler
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Geliştirilen Başlıca Yöntemler, Prosedürler, Mekanizmalar, Ürünler, Yönetmelikler 
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Yayınlar, Patentler vb.
Kılıç, M., Günay, B., Erdoğan, M., Yılmaz, T., Kaplan, Y. (2013) "Trafikte Yaya Önceliği", Yazar Ofset, ISBN 978-6051495088.
Günay, B. (2009) "Fundamentals of Warehousing Problems with Worked Examples", BrightPen Publishing, ISBN 978-0755211777.

Murat, Y.Ş., Arslan, T., Çakıcı, Z., Akçam, C. (2015) “Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based Decision Support System for Urban Intersections in Transportation Planning”, Using Decision Support Systems for Transportation Planning Efficiency, Chapter 8, IGI Global Publishing.
Murat, Y.Ş., Kutluhan, S., Uludağ, N. (2014) “Use of Fuzzy Optimization and Linear Goal Programming Approaches in Urban Bus Lines Organization”, Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, Vol 223, ISBN 978-3-319-00929-2, Springer, pp. 277-287.
Murat, Y.Ş., Çakıcı, Z., Yaslan, G. (2014) “Use of Fuzzy Logic Traffic Signal Control Approach as Dual Lane Ramp Metering Model for Freeways”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISBN: 978-3-319-00929-2, pp. 339-349.
Murat, Y.Ş. (2012) "Fuzzy Clustering Approach for Accident Black Spot Centers Determination", Fuzzy Logic-Emerging Technologies and Applications, ISBN: 978-953-51-0337-0, InTech Publishing Company, pp. 83-98.
Murat, Y.Ş., Kutluhan, S. (2011) “An Investigation on Pedestrians and Pedestrian Areas of Denizli City in Scope of Urbanization”, Urbanisation, Land Use, Land Degradation And Environment, ISBN 978-81-7035-711-7, Daya Publishing House, pp. 277-299.

Karacasu, M., Hattatoğlu, F., Hınıs, S., Murat, Y.Ş. (2014) “ Use of Asphalt Plant Residue in Hot Mix Asphalt”, International Journal of Global Warming, 6(2/3), 127-139.
Akgöl, K., Aydın, M.M., Asilkan, O., Günay, B. (2014) "Prediction Of Modal Shift Using Artificial Neural Networks", Journal of Technology, Education, Management, Informatics, 3, 223-229.
Gundoğan, F., Karagöz, Z., Koçyiğit, N., Karadağ, A.,Ceylan, H., Murat, Y.Ş., (2014) “ An Evaluation of Adaptive Traffic Control System in Istanbul, Turkey”, Journal of Traffic and Logistic Engineering, 2(3), 198-202.
Aksoy, G., Öğüt, K.S. (2014) "Analysis of Congestion Phenomena on the One Lane Dropped Motorway Merge without Ramp-metering in Istanbul", Transportation Research Procedia, 3, 925-931.
Aksoy, G., Çelikoglu, H.B., Gedizlioğlu, E. (2014) "Analysis of Toll Queues by Micro-simulation: Results from a Case Study in Istanbul", Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 111, 614-623.
Günay, B., McGrady, G. (2013) "Lessons Learnt from the Transport Provision on the Island of Ireland: Political Observations", Transport Problems, 8(2), 35-46.
Çetin, M., Murat, Y.S. (2013) "Doygun Akımın Belirlenmesinde Sürücü Davranışına Bağlı Bir Matematik Yaklaşım", İMO Teknik Dergi, 24(2), 6399-6414.
Murat, Y.Ş., Saldıroğlu, S. (2013) “Köy Yollarının Takibi, Bakımı ve Onarımı için Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi Esaslı Yönetim Modeli: Denizli Örneği”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(6), 240-248.
Günay, B. (2012) "Using Automatic Number Plate Recognition Technology to Observe Drivers’ Headway Preferences", Journal of Advanced Transportation, 46(4), 305-317.
Tezcan, H.O. (2012) "Using Parking Pricing as a Travel Demand Management Tool at a University Campus: An Example for Istanbul Technical University", Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 3(4), 181-192.
Tanrıverdi, S.C., Shakibaei, S., Tezcan, H.O. (2012) "A Stated Preference (SP) Study on Individuals’ Transportation Decisions, Focused on Marmaray Project in İstanbul", Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 54(4), 19-26.
Aksoy, G., Çelikoglu, H.B. (2012) "Modeling and Distribution of Link Travel Times: An Analysis on Istanbul Freeways", Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 54, 117-128.
Günay, B., Erdemir, G. (2011) "Lateral Analysis of Longitudinal Headways in Traffic Flow", International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 3(2), 90-100.
Günay, B., Hınıslıoğlu, S. (2011) "Traffic Microsimulation Scenario Tests by the Taguchi Method", ICE Journal of Transport, 164(1), 33-42.
Günay, B. (2011) "Enine İvme ve Sademe Formülleri Üzerine Bir Eleştiri", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15(1), 56-59.
Kamruzzaman, Md., Hine, J., Günay, B., Blair, N. (2011) "Using GIS to Visualise and Evaluate Student Travel Behaviour", Journal of Transport Geography, 19(1), 13-32.
Arslan,T., Murat, Y.Ş. (2011) "Kent Ulaşımında Organizasyonel Sorunların Değerlendirilmesi", Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(1), 33-41.
Tezcan, H.O., Öğüt, K.S., Çidimal, B. (2011) "A Multinomial Logit Car Use Model for a Megacity of the Developing World: Istanbul", Transportation Planning and Technology, 34(8), 759-776.
Tezcan, H.O., Tanış, M. (2011) "Does the Academic Rank Matter? Study on the Trip Preferences of Academicians from Different Ranks Employed at Istanbul Technical University", ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 137(3), 272-280.
Rodgers, W.J., Günay, B., Woodside, A. (2010) "Rheological and Electrical Relationships in Modified Bitumen", ICE Journal of Transport, 163(4), 175-182.
Günay, B. (2009) "Rationality of a Non-lane-based Car Following Model", ICE Journal of Transport, 162(1), 27-37.
Tepe, B., Günay, B. (2009) "Evaluation of Environmentally Friendly Zr Based Nano Structured Conversion Coating for HRS in Powder Coating", Defect and Diffusion Forum, 283-286, 316-322.
Günay, B., Erdemir, G. (2009) "Using Wavelet Transforms for Better Interpretation of Traffic Simulation", Traffic Engineering and Control, 50(10) 450-453.
Murat, Y.Ş., Şekerler A. (2009) “Trafik Kaza Verilerinin Kümelenme Analizi Yöntemi ile Modellenmesi”, İMO Teknik Dergi, 20(3), 4759-4777.
Demirdağ, O., Murat, Y.Ş. (2009) “Free Vibration Analysis of Elastically Supported Timoshenko Columns with Attached Masses Using Fuzzy Neural Network”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (JISR), 68, 285-291.
Tezcan, H.O. (2009) "Evaluating Road Pricing with an Engineering Perspective: Aggregate and Disaggregate Analysis", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 36(6), 1028-1036.
Günay, B. (2008) "A Methodology on the Automatic Recognition of Poor Lane Keeping", Journal of Advanced Transportation, 42(2), 129-150.
Tepe, B., Günay, B. (2008) "Environmentally Friendly Conversion Coating Applications for HRS prior to Powder Coating Application", Nanotechnology Research Journal, 2(1/2), 117-145.
Tepe, B., Günay, B. (2008) "Evaluation of Pre-treatment Processes for HRS in Powder Coating", Progress in Organic Coatings, 62(2), 134-144.
Murat, Y.Ş., Uludağ, N. (2008) “Route Choice Modelling in Urban Transportation Networks Using Fuzzy Logic and Logistic Regression Methods”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (JSIR), 67, 19-27.
Günay, B. (2007) "Detection Algorithms of Intentional Car Following on Smart Networks: A Primary Methodology", Transportation Planning and Technology, 30(6), 627-642.
Günay, B. (2007) "Car Following Theory with Lateral Discomfort", Transportation Research Part B, 41(7), 722-735.
Günay, B., Woodward, D. (2007) "Lateral Position of Traffic Negotiating Horizontal Bends", ICE Journal of Transport, 160(1), 1-11.
Murat, Y.Ş., Kikuchi S. (2007) “The Fuzzy Optimization Approach: A Comparison with the Classical Optimization Approach using the Problem of Timing a Traffic Signal”, Transportation Research Record, 2024, 82-91.
Murat, Y.Ş., Gedizlioğlu, E. (2007) “Investigation of Vehicle Time Headways in Turkey”, Institute of Civil Engineers-Transport Journal, 160(2), 73-78.
Murat, Y.Ş. (2007) "A New Approach for Modelling Vehicle Delay at Isolated Signalized Intersections", ITE Journal on the Web.
Kurada, L., Öğüt, K.S., Banks, J.H. (2007) "Evaluation of N-curve Methodology for Analysis of Complex Bottlenecks", Transportation Research Record, 1999, 54-61.
Murat, Y.Ş. (2006) “Comparison of Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks Approaches in Vehicle Delay Modeling”, Transportation Research Part C, 14(1), 316-334.
Murat, Y.Ş. (2006) “Sinyalize Kavşaklardaki Taşıt Gecikmelerinin Bulanık mantık ile Modellenmesi”, İMO Teknik Dergi, 17(3), 3903-3916.
Murat, Y.Ş., Ceylan, H., (2006) “Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Transport Energy Modelling”, Energy Policy, 34(17), 3165-3172.
Murat, Y.Ş., Başkan, Ö. (2006) “Modeling Vehicle Delays at Signalized Junctions: Artificial Neural Networks Approach”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (JSIR), 65, 558-564.
Öğüt, K.S. (2006) "Modelling Car Ownership in Turkey Using Fuzzy Regression", Transportation Planning and Technology, 29(3), 233-248.
Günay, B., Haran, I. (2005) "Face-to-face Interviews with Motorists who Admit to Drink Driving in Rural N. Ireland", Traffic Engineering and Control, 46(10), 376-379.
Murat, Y.Ş., Gedizlioğlu, E. (2005) “A Fuzzy Logic Multi-phased Signal Control Model for Isolated Junctions”, Transportation Research Part C, 13(1), 19-36.
Sarı, M., Murat, Y.Ş., Kırabalı, M. (2005) "Bulanık Mantık Modelleme Yaklaşımı ve Uygulamaları", Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(9), 77-92.
Murat, Y.Ş., Kulak, O. (2005) “Ulaşım Ağlarında Bilgi Aksiyomu Kullanılarak Güzergah Seçimi”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(3), 425-435.
Öğüt, K.S. (2005) "New Approaches for the Earth Distribution Method", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 131(4), 294-301.
Öğüt, K.S. (2005) "Stability of Freeway Bottleneck Flow Phenomena", Transportation Research Record, 1934, 108-115.
Öğüt, K.S. (2005) "Theoretical Traffic Loads and Classification of Turkish Railway Network according to the Track Maintenance", ARI Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University, 54(3), 90-95.
Günay, B. (2004) "An Investigation of Lane Utilisation on Turkish Highways", ICE Journal of Transport, 157(1), 43-49.
Öğüt, K.S. (2004) "S-curve Models to Determine the Car Ownership in Turkey", ARI Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University, 54(2), 65-69.
Öğüt, K.S. (2004) "An Alternative Regression Model of Speed-Occupancy Relation at the Congested Flow Level", ARI Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University, 54(2), 70-76.
Günay, B. (2003) "Methods to Quantify the Discipline of Lane-based-driving", Traffic Engineering and Control, 44(1), 22-27.
Murat, Y.Ş., Gedizlioğlu, E. (2003) "Ayrık Sinyalize Kavşaklar için Bulanık Mantık Denetim Modeli", İMO Teknik Dergi, 14(2), 2949-2963.
Günay, B., Wilson, I. (2002) "Road Safety in Northern Ireland", Journal of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences, 26(2), 115-117.
Günay, B. (2002) "An Overview of Longitudinal Characteristics of Road Traffic Flow", Journal of Engineering Sciences, Pamukkale Unviersity, 8(2), 247-254.
Woodside, A., Hine, J., Günay, B. (2002) "Ulster Transport Skills Go around the World", Plant and Civil Engineer, 12, 43.
Günay, B. (2001) "An Overview of the Lateral Properties of Road Traffic Flow", Traffic Engineering and Control, 42(11), 401-405.
Günay, B. (1999) "Modelling Lane Discipline on Multilane Uninterrupted Traffic Flow", Traffic Engineering and Control, 41(9), 440-447.
Haldenbilen, S., Murat, Y.Ş., Baykan, N., Meriç, N. (1999) “Kentlerde Otopark Sorunu (Denizli Örneği)”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2-3), 1099-1109.
Günay, B. (1998) "A Critical Overview of Driver Information Systems: The Need in Large Cities", Journal of Engineering Sciences, Pamukkale Unviersity, 4(1-2), 471-480.
Günay, B., Bell, M.G.H., Sung, K. (1997) "A Simulation Analogy for Untidy Multi-lane Traffic Flows", Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2(3), 837-851.
Günay, B. (1996) "User Equilibrium and System Optimum Traffic Assignments: Istanbul Road Network Example", Journal of Engineering Sciences, Pamukkale Unviersity, 2(3), 167-176.

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