Kurutma Prosesleri-Püskürtmeli Kurutucu (Deneysel ve CFD Modelleme)
Atık sulardan katyonik (ağır metaller)  ve anyonik (bor) kirleticilerin giderimi-Adsorban modifikasyonu
Trona, Doğal Zeolit, Kil mineral prosesleri
Bor mineral prosesleri
Hidroksiapatit ve Apatit-polimer malzemeler


Prof. Dr. Gülhayat SAYGILI


Ar. Gör. Tuğba Başargan (Delft Univesity)
Ar. Gör. Dr. Nalan Erdöl Aydın (İTÜ)
Ar. Gör. Dr. Ercan Özdemir (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Ar. Gör. Dr. Pelin Demirçivi (Yalova Üniv)
Ercan Zincir (Y.Lisans Öğrencisi)
Sevinç Esin (Y.Lisans Öğrencisi)
Ayça Elmas (Y.Lisans Öğrencisi)
Ezel Uraz (Y.Lisans Öğrencisi)
Prof. Dr. Arun S. Mujumdar ( *Visiting Professor Mechanical Engineering Department NUS, Singapore
*Hon. Distinguished Professor, ICT, Mumbai, India
*Adjunct Professor , Bioresource Eng., McGill University, Canada)
Prof. Dr. Thorat Bhaskar (Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India)
Mecvut Laboratuvar İmkanları
Püskürtmeli kurutucu
 Vakum Etüvü
Uv Spectrometer
Sıcaklık kontrollü ısıtıcı
Mekanik karıştırıcı    
Elektronik hassas terazi
pH metre    
Perilsaltik pompa
Otomatik titrasyon
Su banyosu
Mekanik çalkalayıcı
İçerik hazırlanmaktadır.
Ticarileşen, Ticarileşme Aşamasında olan veya Ticarileşme Potansiyeli olan Ürünler
 Hidroksiapatit-polimer ilaç taşınım sistemleri (ticarileşme potasiyeli)
 Kolemanitten üretilen apatit (ticarileşme potansiyeli)
Disodyum oktaborat tetrahidrat üretimi (Ticarileşme potansiyeli)
 Atık sulardan bor giderimi için adsorban geliştirilmesi (Ticarileşme potansiyeli) 
Geliştirilen Başlıca Yöntemler, Prosedürler, Mekanizmalar, Ürünler, Yönetmelikler 
Püskürtmeli kurutucuda hidroksiapatit-polimer eldesi
Kolemanitten apatit eldesi
Atık sulardan bor giderimi
Püskürtmeli kurutucuda disodyum oktaborat tetrahidrat üretimi
Püskürtmeli kurutucuda üretim parametrelerin incelenmesi, modelleme ve CFD çalışmaları
İlaç taşıyıcı sistemlerin geliştirilmesi
Trona'nın difüzyon katsayısının belirlenmesi    
  • Nasün-Saygılı, G.
  • , “Experimental and Modelling Studies on Copper Removal in Fixed Bed Using Natural Zeolite”, Chemical Engineering Journal, (Hakem incelemesinde)
  • Erdöl-Aydın, N., Nasün-Saygılı, G.,”Removal of Iron Ions from Wastewaters Using Turkish Natural Zeolite” Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 1195-1198 (2013)
  • Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Removal of boron from wastewaters using HDTMA-modified zeolites”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 23 (2010) 110-117
  • Erdöl-Aydın, N., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Column Experiments to Remove Copper from Waste Waters Using Natural Zeolite” Int. J. of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM), Vol. 3, Nos. 3/4, 2009
  • Baloğlu, H., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Sensitivity analysis in a simulated auto thermal Natural Gas reforming process”, Int. J. of Alternative Propulsion, Vol. 2, No.1 (2008) 50-71
  • Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., Removal of Boron from Waste Waters by Ion-Exchange in a Batch System, Int. J. Of Chemical and Biomolecular Eng., Vol. 1, No.3 (2008) 136-140 
  • Erdöl-Aydın, N., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Modelling of Trona Based Spray Dry Scrubbing of SO2”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 126/1 (2007) 45-50
  • Elmas, A., Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., Zinc removal from aqueous solution by perlite and chitosan dispersed perlite  International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management, Oporto, Portugal, 16-18 July 2014 (oral)

  • Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., Boron removal from aqueous solution by vermiculite in the presence of gallic acid, International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management, Oporto, Portugal, 16-18 July 2014 (poster)

  • Başargan, T., Nasün-Saygılı, G., Cross-linked Spray Dried Hydroxyapatite-Gelatin Composites, IUPAC World Polymer Congress (MACRO 2014), 6-11 July 2014, Chiang Mai, Tayland (poster)

  • Başargan, T., Nasün-Saygılı, G., Spray Dried Hydroxyapatite-Polymer Composites, IUPAC Polymers and Organic Chemistry (POC 2014), 10-13 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania (oral)

  • Başargan, Şen, D., Önal, S., E., T., Akkaya, İ, Durakoğlu, M., Nasün-Saygılı, G ., Spray dried hydroxyapatite-chitosan composites, 19th International Drying Symposium IDS 2014, , 24-27 August 2014, Lyon, France (poster)

  • Yagmur, Y., Demircivi, P., Erdöl-Aydin, N., Nasün-Saygili, G., Boron Recovery From Aqueous Solutions By Co-Precipitation Method, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology ICOEST 2014, 14-17 Mayıs 2014, Antalya, Turkey (oral)

  • Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., Adsorption of Boron from Aqueous Solution by Using Vermiculite Clay in the Presence of HDTMA, 2nd IWA Specialized Conference “Ecotechnologies for Sewage Treatment Plants- ECOSTP2014, 23-25 June, Verona, Italy (poster)

  • Zincir, E., Demirçivi, P., Erdöl Aydin, N., Nasün-Saygılı, G., Removal of Boron by Using Perlite in the Presence of Gallic Acid, 2nd IWA Specialized Conference “Ecotechnologies for Sewage Treatment Plants- ECOSTP2014, 23-25 June, Verona, Italy (poster)

  • Erdöl-Aydin, N., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Removal of Lead from Waste Waters by Fixed Bed Column Experiments with Natural Zeolites”, Eurasia 2014 - Waste Management Symposium, YTU 2010 European Capital of Culture Congress&Cultural Centre, 28-30 April 2014, İstanbul, Turkey (poster)
  • 11.  Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Removal of Cationic Surfactant from Aqueous Solutions by Using Clay Mineral”, 6th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, 10-14 September 2013 (Poster presentation).
  • 12.  Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Sorption Characterization of HDTMA onto Vermiculite and Perlite Clays”, IUPAC 44th World Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-16 August 2013 (Poster presentation).
  • 13.  Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Adsorption of Organic Components onto Natural Perlite and Vermiculite Clays”, 4th EuChems Chemistry Congress, Prag, 26-30 August 2012 (poster)
  • 14.  Başargan, T., Çamlıbel, Ç.  and Nasün-Saygılı, G.:  The Impact of  Process parameter on  spray  dried  Hydroxyapatite Gelatin  composites,  Advanced Materials  World Congress (AMWC 2013), 16-19 September 2013, İzmir, Turkey (oral presentation).
  • 15.  Başargan, T., Acar, S.,  Sozer,  B.  and  Nasün-Saygılı,  G.:  The  effect  of  different weight  ratios  on  spray  dried  hydroxyapatite gelatin  composites,   European  Polymer Congress (EPF 2013), 16-21 June 2013, Pisa, Italy (poster presentation).
  • 16.  Başargan, T.  and  Nasün-Saygılı,  G.:  The  preparation  of  hydroxyapatite-polyvinyl alcohol  composites,  26th National  Chemistry  Congress  with  International Participation, 1-6 October 2012, Muğla, Turkey (oral presentation).
  • 17.  Çamlıbel, Ç,  Başargan,  T., Nasün Saygılı,  G.:  Production   of  hydroxyapatite gelatin using spray drying,  National Chemical Engineering Congress,  3-6 September 2012, Istanbul, Turkey (oral presentation).
  • 18.  Moral, Ç., Başargan, T. and Nasün-Saygılı, G.: Production of apatitic material using Turkish colemanite mineral, Characterization  of  Minerals,  Metals,  and  Materials  -TMS  Annual  Meeting  &  Exhibition,  11-15  March  2012  Orlando/FL,  USA  (oral presentation).
  • 19.  Başargan, T. and Nasün-Saygılı, G.: The effect of polyvinyl alcohol  (PVA) weight ratio  on  apatite-PVA  composites,  Biological  Materials  Science  Symposium  -  TMS Annual  Meeting  &  Exhibition,  11-15  March  2012  Orlando/FL,  USA  (oral presentation).
  • Erdöl-Aydın N., Nasün-Saygılı,G., "Removal of Iron Ions from Wastewaters Using Turkish Natural Zeolite", 1th International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, Guimarães, Portekiz, 12-14 Eylül 2011 (Poster)

  • Başargan, T., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “ Effect of Spray Drying Temperature  on Hydroxyapatite-Chitosan Composites”, 7th Asia-Pacific Drying  Conference ADC 2011,Tianjin, Çin, 18-20 Eylül 2011 (sözlü sunu)
  • 22.  Başargan, T.,   Nasün-Saygılı, G., “ Spray Dried Hydroxyapatite-Chitosan Biocomposites”, European Polymer Congress EPF2011, Granada, Spain, 26 Haziran-1 Temmuz 2011 (sözlü sunu)
  • 23.  Başargan, T.,  Erdöl-Aydın, N., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “In Situ Biomimetric Synthesis to produce hydroxyapatite-polyvinyl alcohol biocomposites: Precipitation and spray drying methods”,  17th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2010), Magdeburg, Almanya, 3-6 October 2010 (sözlü sunu)
  • 24.  Başargan, T.,  Erdöl-Aydın, N., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Production of hydroxyapatite-polyvinyl alcohol biocomposites by spray drying technique”, WCPT6, Nurnberg, Almanya, 26-29 April 2010 (Sözlü sunu)
  • 25.  Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Removal Of Boron From Waste Waters Using HDTMA-Modified Zeolites”, 11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Girit, Yunanistan, 3-5 September, 2009 (Sözlü sunu-Tarafımdan sunuldu)
  • Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Experimental and modelling studies on boron removal in fixed bed”, 11th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Hurghada, Mısır, 15-18 Mart, 2009 (Sözlü sunu-Tarafımdan sunuldu)  

  • Özdemir, E., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Determination of water vapor sorption / desorption characteristics of spray – dried sodium 1:4 borate”, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti,  24-28 Ağustos, 2008 (Poster)
  • Özdemir, E., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Recovery of boron oxide from tincal wastes by solid – liquid extraction and preliminary studies to produce sodium borate powder in a spray dryer”, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti,  24-28 Ağustos, 2008 (Poster)

  • Demirçivi, P., Nasün-Saygılı, G., ” Removal of Boron from Waste Waters by Ion Exchange in a Batch System”, Paris, Fransa, 4-6 Temmuz 2008 (Sözlü sunu)  

  • Baloğlu, H., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Sensitivity Analysis on a Simulated Auto Thermal Natural Gas Reforming Process“, 10th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Luxor, Mısır, 11-15 Mart 2007 (Sözlü sunu-Tarafımdan sunuldu)  

  • Özdemir, E., Erdöl-Aydın, N., Nasün-Saygılı, G., Effect of Spray Drying Conditions on Hydrated Sodium Borate Powders”, 3rd International Boron Symposium, Ankara, Türkiye,  2-4 Kasım 2006 (Poster)

  • Erdöl-Aydın, N., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Column Experiments to Remove Copper from Waste Waters Using Natural Zeolite”, CHEMECA 2006, Auckland, Yeni Zelanda, 17-20 Eylül 2006 (Sözlü sunu-Tarafımdan sunuldu)

  • Özdemir, E., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “ Effect of Continuous Phase Conditions on Hydrated Sodium Borate Production in Spray Dryer”, IDS 2006 15th International Drying Symposium, Budapeşte, Macaristan,  20-23 Ağustos 2006 (Sözlü sunu-Tarafımdan sunuldu)

  • Özdemir, E., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Modelling and Simulation of a Spray Dryer for Desulfurisation”, Fourth International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Paris, Fransa, 17-20 Mayıs 2005 (Sözlü sunu-Tarafımdan sunuldu)

  • Baloğlu, H., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Process Simulation of Auto-Thermal Natural Gas Reforming”, 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment, Kahire, Mısır, 14-17 Mart 2005 (Sözlü sunu-Tarafımdan sunuldu)

  • Şahin, K., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Determination of Diffusion Coefficient of the Turkish Trona in Alkaline Solution”, The 13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Victoria, Kanada, 2002 (Sözlü sunu)

  • Bayram, A., Nasün-Saygılı, G., “Removal of Nickel Ions From Waste Waters Using Turkish Natural Zeolite”, Zeolite ’02, 6th International Conference on the Occurence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, Selanik, Yunanistan, 2002 (Sözlü sunu)

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