ATEŞOK, G., ÖZER, M., BOYLU, F., DINÇER, H., 2005, "The Effects of Anionic Dispersants on Grindability of Different Rank Coals" International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 77, Issue, 1 December 2005, Pages 199-207. |
ATEŞOK, G., ÖZER, M., BURAT, F., DİNÇER ATEŞOK, H., (2012) “Investigation on Interaction of Combustion Parameters of Coal-Water Mixtures Used in Fluidized Bed Combustor”, International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 32: 57–68. |
ATEŞOK, G., ÖZER, M., BURAT, F., GÜLEN, J., ÖNAL, G., 2005, “Briquetting of Fine Sizes Asphaltite without Binder” Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review, 26: 187-201. |
ATEŞOK, G., DİNÇER, H., ÖZER, M., MÜTEVELLİOĞLU, A., 2005 “The Effects of Dispersants (PSS-NSF) Used in Coal-Water Slurrieson the Grindability of Coals of Different Structure”, Fuel, 84, pp 801-808. |
BOYLU, F., ATEŞOK, G., DİNÇER, H., 2005, “The Effect of Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMS) on the Stability of Coal-Water Slurries”, Fuel, 84, pp. 315-319 |
Özer, M., Dinçer, H., Ateşok, M.G., Boylu, F., : 'The effect of anionic dispersants on grindability of different rank coals', International Journal of Mineral Processing, 8/2005, sayı 77, syf. 199-207. |
BOYLU, F., DİNÇER, H., ATEŞOK, G., 2004, “Effect of Coal Particle Size Distribution, Volume Fraction and Rank on the Rheology of Coal Water slurries”, Fuel Processing Technology, 85, 241-250. |
DİNÇER, H., BOYLU, F., SİRKECİ, A.A., ATEŞOK, G., 2003, “The Effect of Chemical on the Viscosity and Stability of Coal Water Slurries”, Int. Jour. Of Mineral Processing, 70, 41-51. |
ATESOK, G., BOYLU, F., SİRKECİ, A., DİNÇER, H., (2002), The Effect of Coal Properties on the Viscosity of Coal-Water Slurries, Fuel, 81, pp. 1855-1858. |
ATESOK, G., BOYLU, F., CELİK, M.S., (2001), Carrier Flotation for Desulfurization and Deashing of Difficult-To-Float Coals, Minerals Engineering, 14, pp. 661-670. |
ATEŞOK, G., ÇELİK, M.S., (2000), A New Flotation Scheme for a Difficult-to-Float Coal Using Pitch Additive in Dry Grinding, Fuel, 1509-1513, |
ATEŞOK, G., PEREK, T., DİNÇER, H and ÇELİK, M.S., (1999), Reduction of Ash and Sulfur Contents of Low-Rank Turkish Semicoked Lignite by High Intensity Dry Magnetic Separation, Coal Preparation, Vol. 20/3-4. |
YILDIRIM, İ., ATEŞOK, G., ÖNAL, G., ÇELİK, M.S., (1995). Cleaning of Coals in A Stripa Heavy Medium Separator: Effect of Particle Size, Coal Preparation, vol. 15, pp.195-206. |
ATEŞOK, G., YILDIRIM, İ., ÇELİK, M.S., 1993. Applicability of the Reichert Spiral for Cleaning Bitiminous an Lignitic Coals: A Pilot Scale Study, International J. Mineral Processing, 40, 33-44 |
BAŞTÜRKCÜ, H., ACARKAN, N., "Comparison of Centrifugal Separators in Desulfurization of Coal", 4th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, 12-15 November 2012. Venice, Italy. |
BOYLU, F., SARIOĞLU, S., KÖKKILIÇ, O., YEŞİLYURT, Z., “Use of Falcon Enhanced Gravity Separator for Effective Fine Coal Processing”, Proceedings of the XIII. Int. Mineral Processing Symposium, 765-771, 10-12 October 2012, Bodrum, Turkey. |
KUYUMCU, H.Z., SANDER, S., BURAT, F., “Investigation on the Coal Compacting Processes in the Cokemaking Industry”, Proceeding of the XIIIth International Mineral Processing Symposium, Bodrum, Turkey, 10-12 October 2012, pp. 707-715. |
CİĞER, C.H., ÖZER, M., ATEŞOK, G., “Güney Afrika Menşeli İthal Taşkömürünün Saklanma Koşullarına Bağlı Olarak Özelliklerindeki Değişimin İncelenmesi”, Türkiye 12. Enerji Kongresi ve Sergisi, ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara, 14-16 Kasım 2012. |
ÖNAL, G., ACARKAN, N., SİRKECİ, A. A., ATEŞOK, G., “Design of Comminution Unit for the Gasification Pilot Plant of Turkish Coal Enterprises”, XIV. Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 14-16 June 2011, Tuzla Bosnia- Herzegovina, Vol. 1, p. 114-116 |
ATEŞOK, G., ÖZER, M., KAHRAMAN, M.,(2008) “Turkey’s Energy Affairs with European Union and Coal Trend”, Proceedings of XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress, 24-28 September, Beijing, China, 2013-1019. |
Ateşok, G.; Özer, M., Boylu, F.; Dinçer, H.; Mütevellioğlu, N.A., 2007, “Advantages of grinding by using anionic dispersants for clean coal technologies” XII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 10-14 June 2007 Delphi-Greece, pp 1181-1185 |
BAŞTÜRKCÜ, H., ACARKAN, N., “Removal Sulphur from Coal with Falcon Concentrator”, XIV. Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 14-16 June 2011, Tuzla Bosnia- Herzegovina, Vol. 1, p. 363-368 |
YENİAL, Ü., ÖZER, M., AKIN, S., KANGAL, M. O., “Dewatering of Fine Coals and Performance Study of Coal Preparation Plant”, Proceedings of the XIV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Volume I, 14-16 June, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 497-501 |
ATEŞOK DİNÇER, H., ATEŞOK, G., ÖZER, M., “The Determination of Drying Properties of High Moistured Turkish Lignites”, Twenty-Eighth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September 12-15 2011, Pittsburgh, PA USA. |
ATEŞOK, G., ÖZER, M., GÜLEN, J., “Effect of the Burning Profile on the Reactivity of Lignite”, Twenty-Eighth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September 12-15 2011, Pittsburgh, PA USA. |
Güney, A. E. Yüce, M. O. Kangal, M. Özer, O. Kökkılıç “Kömür Şlamlarının Değerlendirilmesi”, 17. Kömür Kongresi, 2-4 Haziran 2010, Zonguldak |
Boylu, F., Sirkeci, A.A:, Ateşok, G., 2007, “The effect of aspect ratio on the stability of coal-water slurries”, 24th Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2007,Johannesburgh South Africa, cd proceeding |
F. Boylu, G. Ateşok, M. Özer, J. Gülen, 2006, "Combustion of coal water slurries with different coalification degree of Turkish coals" XXIII. International Mineral Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, Volume 2, pp.1250-1255 |
F. Boylu, G. Ateşok, 2006, "Atomization properties of CWS’s depending on the coal rank" XXIII. International Mineral Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, Volume 2, pp.1187-1191 |
ÖNAL, G., ACARKAN, N., ÖZER, M., ASMATULU, R. and ÖZDİNGİŞ, M., “Beneficiation of Lignites by Heat Treatment” XVI International Coal Preparation Congress, April 26-29 2010, Lexington, Kentucky, USA (CD Proceeding). |
Güven ÖNAL, Islam MUSTAFAEV, Mustafa ÖZER “The Influence Of Coal Moisture And Volatile Matter Contents On Emissions Of Coal” The 30th International Technical Conference on. Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems,2005, pp: 477-484, Clearwater. |
Güven Önal, Islam Mustafaev, Mustafa Özer ”Sulphur Reduction In The Combustion Of Lignite By Lime Addition” 22th Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2005, September 12-15 2005, Pittsburgh, USA |
ONAL, G., MUSTAFAEV, I., ÖZER, M., BOYLU, F., KURAL, O., “The Effect Of Volatile Matter Of Coal To The Particle And Fluid Gas Emissions” Proceedings of Xth International Mineral Processing Symposium Sayfa: 981-986, Çeşme İzmir Turkey,5-7 Eylül 2004 |
Burat, F, Özer, M., Acarkan, N., Önal, G., Desulphurization of high sulp hur content coal by chemical methods XII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress 2007, June Greece, pp. 341-345. |
Yüce, A. E., Kangal, O., Özer, M., Kökkiliç, O., Güney, A., Önal, G., The comparison of MGS and Knelson Concentrator in the fine coal beneficiation, Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 10-14 June, 2007 Delphi, Greece |
BURAT, F., DINÇER, H., ONAL, G., “The Effect Of Vibration And Reactive Addition on Dewatering of
Coal Fines”, XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress, 24-28 September 2008, Beijing, China,
2123-2128. |
G. Ateşok, M. Özer, F. Boylu, H. Dinçer, N. A. Mütevellioğlu, 2006, "Advantages of grinding by using anionic dispersants for clean coal technologies" XXIII. International Mineral Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, Volume 2, pp.1181-1186 |
Boylu, F., Ateşok, G., Özer, M., 2005, “Evaluation of lignite coal in waste character as coal-water slurry fuel”, 22th Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2005. |
Özer, M., Önal, G., Ateşok, G., Burat, F., 2005 “The Properties of Briquettes Produced from Fine Size Asphaltite without Binder”, 20th World Mining Congress and Expo 2005. |
Boylu, F., Ateşok, G., Özer, M., 2005 “The Application of Coal-Water Slurry Technology to Turkish Bituminous Coal”, 22th Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2005. |
Boylu, F., Ateşok, G., Özer, M., 2005 “Atomization studies on coal water slurries with different kind of Turkish coals”, XI Balkan Mineral Processing Congress 2005. |
Boylu, F., Dinçer, H. Ateşok, G., 2004, "The effect of time during the viscosity measurements for coal water slurries" Procedings of International Mineral Processing Symposium, Çeşme, Turkey,2004 |
BOYLU, F. & ATEŞOK, G., (2003) “The Effect of PSS (Sodium Polystyrene Sulphonate) dispersant on Grindability of Coal-water Slurries” Proceedings of X Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Varna, Bulgaria, 15-20 June, Mineral Processing in the 21st Century, pp. 308-314. |
BULUT, G., GÜL, A., ÖZER, M., GÜNEY, A., ATEŞOK, G., ÖNAL, G. (2003) “Development of A Process Flow-Sheet For The Evaluation Of Şırnak Asphaltite”, Proceedings of X Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Varna, Bulgaria, 15-20 June 2003, pp. 465-468. |
ATEŞOK, G., BOYLU, F., SİRKECİ, A., (2002), Rheological Behaviour of Low Rank Turkish Coal-Water Slurries, IX. International Mineral Processing Symposium, September, pp. 208- 210. |
DİNÇER, H., BOYLU, F., ATEŞOK, G., (2002), The Stability of Coal Water Slurries and Its Standardization, 19th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh-USA, ISBN I-890977-19-5 |
M. ÖZER, Y. E.BENKLİ, G. ÖNAL, H.DİNÇER,”Settling of Coal Slimes By Flocculation”, IX.International Mineral Processing Symposium, 18-20 September,2002, Cappadocia-Turkey |
Önal, G., Mustafaev, I., Özer, M., “Air Pollution by Particles and gases at The Combustion of Lignites”, 2nd International Symposium on Airquality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 25- 28 September, 2001,İstanbul. |
Önal, G., Mustafaev, I., Özer, M., “Effect of Adding to Coal on Sulphur Reduction Prior to Combustion”, 26th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilisation & Fuel Systems, Florida-USA, March 5-8, 2001. |
ÖNAL, G., GÜL, A., BULUT, G., ÖZER, M., GÜNEY, A., ATEŞOK, G., “Evaluation of Şırnak-Turkey Asphaltite” Sortieren Innovationen und Anwendungen, Vortrage zum 3. Kolloquium Sortieren, am 09. und 10. Oktober 2003 in Berlin, Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Halit Z. Kuyumcu, Berlin, 88-95. |
DINCER H., ÖNAL G., ATEŞOK, G., (2001), Upgrading Possibilities of Low Quality Lignites by Using Selective Flocculation, 7th International Symposium on Agglomeration, 29-31 May 2001, Albi France |
ATEŞOK, G., ÇELİK, M.S., YILDIRIM, İ., BOYLU, F.,(2001), Flotation of Heat Treated Low Rank Coals After Dry Grinding With Tar Addition, VI. Southern Hemisphere Meeting on Minerals Technology, May 27-31, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil |
ÇELİK, M.S., ÖZDEMİR, B., YİĞİT, B., BOYLU, F., ATEŞOK, G., (2001), Colloidal Behavior of Coal-Water Slurries in the Precense of Various Surfactants, New Developments in Mineral Processing:Proceedings of 9th Balkan Congress, İstanbul-11-13 September, pp.391-394 |
BOYLU, F., ATEŞOK, G., ACARKAN, N., KOÇAK, E., (2001), Determining Properties of Soma Turkish Lignite for the Coal-Water Slurry Technology, New Developments in Mineral Processing:Proceedings of 9th Balkan Congress, İstanbul-11-13 September, pp.395-400. |
ATEŞOK, G., BOYLU, F., ÇELİK, M.S.,(2001), Carrier Flotation for Production of Low-Ash and Low Sulphur Coal, XVI International Coal Preparation Congress, 11-15 March, Sandhon, South Africa, pp. 63-67 |
DİNÇER, H., ATEŞOK, G., DOĞAN, M.Z., GİRGİN, Ş., BOYLU, F., YÜKSEL, Ö., (2000), Removal of Sulfur and Mineral Matter From Coal Slurry By a Pilot Scale Wet Magnetic Separator, Proceedings of the XXI International Mineral Processing Congress, Volume C, Ed. Paolo Massacci, pp C7 15-22, Rome-Italy |
BOYLU, F., ATEŞOK, G., DOĞAN, M.Z., Effect of Dispersant Addition on Separation of Sulphur from Coal by Magnetic Separation, Proceeding of Mineral Processing on the Verge of 21st Century, eds. Özbayoğlu et al, Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809, pp 379-383 |
ATEŞOK, G., BOYLU, F., (1999), Çevre Dostu Yeni Bir Enerji Hammaddesi:Kömür-Su Karışımları, Türkiye’ de Kömür Politikaları ve Temiz Kömür Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 21-22 Ekim, Ankara |
YILDIRIM, İ., ATEŞOK, G., FENERCİOĞLU, B., SİRKECİ, A. A., 1997, Improving the Hydrophobicity of Lignites by the Addition of Neutral Hydrocarbons During Dry Grinding, European Coal Conference’ 97 , İzmir-Türkiye, 5-10 May, pp 589-593. |
DİNÇER, H., ÖNAL, G., ATEŞOK, G., YILDIRIM, İ., 1997, Concentration of Coal By REMS High Intensity Magnetic Separator, 7 th. Balkan Conference on Mineral Processing, Romania, 26-30 May, Vol. II, pp. 69-74 |
YILDIRIM, İ., ATEŞOK,G., YÜCE, A.E., AKGÜN, İ., 1997, Flotation of Heat treated Low rank Coals After Dry Grinding With Tar Addition, Al-Azhar Engineering Fifth International Conference’ 97, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 19-22 |
ATEŞOK, G., SİRKECİ, A.A., İLHAN, M., 1996, The Oxidation Properties of İmported Hard Coals by the Turkish Iron and Steel Association, Proceedings of 6 th International Mineral Processing Symposium, (Eds. Kemal, Arslan, Akar and Cambazoğlu), p. 449-454, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Holland |
YILDIRIM, İ., ÖNAL, G., ATEŞOK, G., ÇELİK, M.S., 1995. A Novel Dense Medium Separator for Coarse Coal Cleaning , XIX. Internatıonal Mineral Processing Congress, October 23-27, San Francisco, U.S.A. Vol. 2, 143-146. |