Sonlu Elemanlar Metodları
Yapısal Analiz ve Optimizasyon

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Arş. Gör. Yunus Onur YILDIZ
Yük. Lis. Öğr. Ömer Uğur ŞİMŞEK
Yük. Lis. Öğr. Hamed ZEİNALABEDİNİ
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Yayınlar, Patentler vb.


Vinicius Aguiar de Souza, Levent Kirkayak, Ikumu Watanabe, Katsuyuki Suzuki, Hideyuki Ando, Hidetoshi Sueoka, Huseyin Darama, "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Container Multiple Stacks Dynamics using a Scaled Model", Ocean Engineering,  Volume 74, 1 December 2013, Pages 218–232

V. A. de Souza, L. Kirkayak ,K.Suzuki, H.Ando H.Sueoka, "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Container Stack Dynamics Using a Scaled Model Test", Journal of Ocean Engineering ,Volume 39, (2012), Pages 24-42

L. Kirkayak ,V. A. de Souza, K.Suzuki, H.Ando H.Sueoka, "On the Vibrational Characteristics of a Two-tier Scaled Container Stack", Journal of Marine Science and Technology –Volume 16, Issue 3 (2011), Page 354-365

Vinicius Aguiar de Souza , Alberto Tamagna ,Levent Kirkayak, "Impact analysis of reverse punch technique and related injuries in karatedo athletes", Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 39, Supplement 1, 2006, Page S535

A. Altınkaynak, M. Gupta, M.A. Spalding, S.L. Crabtree, "An Experimental Study on Shear Stress Characteristics of Polymers in Plasticating Single-Screw Extruders", Polym. Eng. Sci., No. 49, 2009, s. 471–477

A. Altınkaynak, M. Gupta, M.A. Spalding, S.L. Crabtree, "An Investigation of Melting and Metering Sections in a Single-screw Extruder", 2014, s. 1135-1141, SPE ANTEC Tech. Papers, Las Vegas, NV, 28.04.2014 - 30.04.2014

M. Kirca, "Design and Analysis of Sandwiched Fullerene-Graphene Composites Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations" Composites Part B, 2015 (in review).

Z. Ozturk, C. Baykasoglu, A. T. Celebi, M. Kirca, A. Mugan, A. C. To, "Hydrogen storage in heat welded random CNT network structures," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (1) 403-411, 2014.

P. Zhang, J. Toman, Y. Yu, E. Biyikli, M. Kirca, M. Chmielus, and A. C. To, “Efficient design-optimization of variable-density hexagonal cellular structure by additive manufacturing: Theory and validation," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 137 (2) 021004 2014. 

T. Celebi, M. Kirca, C. Baykasoglu, A. Mugan, A. C. To, "Tensile Behavior of Heat Welded CNT Network Structures", Computational Materials Science, 88, 14-21, 2014.

A. Giri, J. Tao, M. Kirca, and A. C. To, “Compressive behavior and deformation mechanism of nanoporous open-cell foam with ultrathin ligaments”, Journal of Micromechanics and Nanomechanics 4, SPECIAL ISSUE: Mechanics of Nanocomposites and Nanostructure, A4013012, 2014.

Baykasoglu C., Kirca, M. & Mugan, A. “Nonlinear failure analysis of carbon nanotubes by using molecular-mechanics based models”, Composites Part B, 50, 150-157, 2013.

M. Kirca, X. Yang, and A. C. To, “A stochastic algorithm for modeling heat welded random carbon nanotube network,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 259, 1-9, 2013.

B. A. Stormer, N. M. Piper, X. Yang, J. Tao, Y. Fu, M. Kirca, and A. C. To (2012). "Mechanical properties of SWNT X-junctions through molecular dynamics simulation," International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials.

Y. Fu, M. Kirca, and A. C. To (2011). "On determining the thermal state of individual atoms in molecular dynamics simulations of nonequilibrium processes in solids," Chemical Physics Letters, 506, 290-297.

A. C. To, J. Tao, M. Kirca, and L. Schalk (2011), "Ligament and joint sizes govern softening in nanoporous aluminum," Applied Physics Letters, 98, 051903.

Yang X., To A. C., and Kirca M. (2011), "Thermal conductivity of periodic array of intermolecular junctions of silicon nanowires", Physica E.

Datta A., Kirca M., Fu Y., and To A. C. (2011), "Surface structure and properties of functionalized nanodiamonds: a first-principles study", Nanotechnology, 22, 065706.

Kirca M., Gul A., Yardım M.F., Ekinci E., Mugan A., “Computational Modeling of Micro-Cellular Carbon Foams”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design , September 2007.


V. A M. Duruş, L. Kırkayak, K. Yay, F. Bulut, "Design and Determination of  Fatigue-Life and Test Specifications of the Z Type leaf Spring", VAL2015 3rd International Conference on Material and Component Performance under Variable Amplitude Loading, Technologies, 23-26 March  2015, Prague- Czech Republic

V. A M. Duruş, L. Kırkayak, K. Yay, F. Bulut, "Design and Verification Merthod of the Z Tyep leaf Spring for Heavy Duty Vehicle Air Suspension System", AVTECH’ 14, International Conference on Automotive and Vehicle Technologies 2014 16-18 Oct 2014, Istanbul – Turkey

V. A. de Souza, L. Kirkayak ,I.Vatanabe,T.Ichigawa, "On the Minimization of the Problem Container Losses: A Finite Element Approach", 10Th Wold Congress on Computational Mechanics,  8-13 July 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Aguiar VS, Kirkayak L, Suzuki K, "Non-linear Dynamic Simulation of Container Stack Collapse", Proceedings of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering Conference, (2010a) JSCES, Volume: 15 Issue: 2 pages :1015 -1018 Japan

Aguiar VS, Kirkayak L, Suzuki K, Futaoka Y, Sueoka H, "Nonlinear Dynamic Simulation of Container Stack", Conference of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, (2009). JASNAOE, Japan

K. Suzuki, L.Kirkayak,  H,Sueoka, Y.Futaoka, K.Masabayashi,  H.Ando, "Model Test of Container Lashing Dynamic Behavior", Conference of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers –May 2009 Volume 8 Pages 465-466, Kobe-Japan

L.Kirkayak, K. Suzuki, H,Sueoka, V.A.De Souza,  K.Masabayashi,  H.Ando, "Dynamic Simulation of Container Lashing Behavior", Conference of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers –May 2009 Volume 8 Pages 467-468, Kobe-Japan

L.Kirkayak, K. Suzuki, "Numerical Analysis of Container Stacks Dynamics", Proceedings of 3rd PAAMES and AMEC2008, Pages.205- 208 OCT. 20-22, 2008, Makuhari Messe,Chiba, Japan

V.A.De Souza, K.Suzuki, L.Kirkayak, "Dynamic Analysis of Shoes using Image Based Model", JSME 21th Computational Mechanics Conference- , Page.646-647 Nov. 1-3, 2008, Okinawa-Japan

V.A.De Souza, K.Suzuki, L.Kirkayak, "Footware Insore Design using Image Based Analysis", Proceedings Conference on Computational Engineering and Science,2008 Volume 13 No:12 Pages 593-597 , Sendai, Japan

B. Yazıcı , L. Kırkayak, E. Sunbuloglu, E. Bozdag, T. Toprak, "Kalça Eklemi Protezinin Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi ile Analizi", 2.Ulusal Biyomekanik Kongresi  Sayfa.171-178, İstanbul, 2004

A. Altınkaynak, M. Gupta, M.A. Spalding, S.L. Crabtree, "Melting in a Single Screw Extruder: Experiments and 3D Finite Element Simulations", Int. Polym. Proc., Vol. 2, No. 26, 2011, s. 182–196

Z. Parlar, A. Altınkaynak, B. Benli, "Weight Optimization Of A Die Casted Part For An Engine Block", 2012, 14th International Materials Symposium (IMSP), Denizli, Türkiye, 10.10.2012 - 12.10.2012

A. Altınkaynak, M. Gupta, M.A. Spalding, S.L. Crabtree, "An Investigation of the Effect of Screw Geometry on Melting in a Single-Screw Extruder", 2010, s. 1508–1515, SPE ANTEC Tech, Florida, USA, 16.05.2010 - 20.05.2010

A. Altınkaynak, M. Gupta, M.A. Spalding, S.L. Crabtree, "Shear Stress and Melting Flux for Polycarbonate Resins", 2008, s. 1401–1405, SPE ANTEC Tech. Papers, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 04.05.2008 - 08.05.2008

H. Pham, M.A. Spalding, S.L. Pavlicek, A. Altınkaynak, "Experimental Measurement of the Surface Temperature of a Single-Screw Extruder Screw", 2008, s. 289–294, SPE ANTEC Tech. Papers, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 04.05.2008 - 08.05.2008

A. Altınkaynak, Z. Parlar, V. Temiz, "The Effect of Filled Materials on Friction Induced Noise in Polyamide", 2007, Inter-Noise 2007, Istanbul, Türkiye, 28.08.2007 - 31.08.2007

A. Altınkaynak, M. Gupta, M.A. Spalding, S.L. Crabtree, "Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Screw Temperature on the Melting Profile in a Single-Screw Extruder", 2007, s. 394–398, SPE ANTEC Tech., Cincinnati , Ohio, USA, 06.05.2007 - 11.05.2007

A. Altınkaynak, M. Gupta, M.A. Spalding, S.L. Crabtree, "Investigation of Melting in Single-Screw Extruders", 2006, s. 809–813, SPE ANTEC Tech, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 07.05.2006 - 11.05.2006

Icer E., Celebi A.T., Kirca M., Baykasoglu C. and Mugan A., “Comparison of the stain behavior of nanoporous Cu”, NanoTR-9 Erzurum, 24-28 June 2013.

Celebi A.T., Icer E., Kirca M., Baykasoglu C. and Mugan A., “Analysis of Junctions in Carbon Nanotube Networks”, NanoTR-9 Erzurum, 24-28 June 2013.

Datta, A., Fu, Y., Kirca, M. & To, A., “Structure and Surface Properties of Nanodiamonds: A First-principles Multiscale Approach”, ASME 1st Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology, Houston, TX, USA, February 2010.

Kirca M., Islam M. F., To A.C, “Mechanical Properties of Ultra-Lightweight Fused Carbon Nanotube Structures”, 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 2009.

Kirca M., He W., To A.C, “Validation of the Thermomechanical Atomistic-to-Continuum Model”, Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials, June 2009.

Kirca M., Ozansoy O., “Finite Element Modeling of Microcellular Carbon Foam”, 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic.

Dogan V., Kirca M., “Dynamic analysis of a helicopter rotor by Dymore Program”, The 7th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2005), Isik University.

Baykasoğlu C, Kırca M ve Muğan A 2012 Yeniden yapılandırılmış atom boşluğu içeren karbon nanotüplerin kırılma davranışlarının incelenmesi, II. Nanoteknoloji Kongresi, 27-28 Eylül 2012, İstanbul, pp. 48-54.


M. Kirca, A. C. To, “Mechanics of CNT Network Materials“, in Advanced Computational Nanomechanics edited by Nuno Silvestre, Wiley & Sons ( to be published in July 2015).

A. Giri, J. Tao, M. Kirca, and A. C. To, “Mechanics of nanoporous metals,” in Handbook of Micromechanics and Nanomechanics, edited by S. Li and X. L. Gao (Pan Stanford, Singapore), 2013.

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