İnsansız Araçlar ve Sistemler çalışma grubu akıllı insansız sistemlerin geliştirilmesi üzerinde çalışmaktadır.

Laboratuvarımızda çeşitli projelerde birçok gezgin robot ve uçan robot geliştirilmiştir. 
Gezgin Robotlar


Doç.Dr. Faruk Keçeci ve Doç.Dr. Erdinç Altuğ
Fatih Şenkul
Bulut Kırca
Abdurrahman İşbitirici
Mehmet Fatih Çakmak
Ediz Öztürk
Mevcut Laboratuvar İmkanları
İçerik hazırlanmaktadır.
Başlıca Çalışmalar ve Projeler
  1. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi BAP biriminden “Mikro hava araçlarının bilinmeyen ortamlarda görüntü temelli kontrolü” isimli projeye (Proje süresi: 02.11.2010 – 29.01.2013).
  2. Impact Resistant Throwable Rescue Robot, funded by Istanbul Technical University, ITU 33833, 2010.
  3. SANTEZ Projesi "Otomatik Dingil İndirme Sistemi". 
  4. (İTÜ Danışmanı) 14 ve 15 Mayıs 2011 tarihlerinde Hollanda’da yapılan, Araçlararası iletişim yarışında (Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge - GCDC), İTÜ öğrenci Projesi danışmanlığı yapılmıştır. Bu yarışmada, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Okan Üniversitesi, Arel Üniversitesinden katılan öğrenciler ve öğretim üyelerinden oluşan Mekar Takımı genel klasmanda yedinci olmuştur. 
  5. (Yürütücü) Türkiye Bilimsel Araştırma Kurumu (TÜBİTAK) Ulusal Genç Araştırmacı Kariyer Geliştirme Programınca desteklenen “İnsansız Hava Araçlarının Görsel Kontrolü ve Görsel Verinin Yönlendirme Uygulamalarında Kullanılması” isimli proje tamamlanmıştır. (Proje süresi: 1 Şubat 2008 - 1 Şubat 2010). 
  6.  (Yürütücü) İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi ve Arçelik A.Ş. arasında imzalanan Endüstride uygulama destekli tez programı uyarınca “Çamaşır Makinesinde Yük Algılama Sensörü Uygulamaları” isimli proje tamamlanmıştır. (19 Kasım 2007 - 30 Haziran 2010).
  7. Design and Prototyping of a Rescue Robot for Earthquake Rescue Operations, funded by Izmir Institute of Technology, IYTE 038, 2006.
  8. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robot Design and Prototype Manufacturing, funded by The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 104M122, 2005.
  9. Mechatronic Design of a Completely Mechanical Quick-changeable Joint for Multi-Purpose Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robots, funded by State Planning Agency, DPT 012, 2005.
  10. Design and Prototyping of a Mechatronic System as a Drag Reduction Device for Busses, funded by Izmir Institute of Technology, IYTE 049, 2005.
  11. Design and Prototyping of a Fireproof Fire Fighting Robot.
  12. Design and Manufacturing of Wearable Exoskeleton Robot.
Ticarileşen, Ticarileşme Aşamasında olan veya Ticarileşme Potansiyeli olan Ürünler
İçerik hazırlanmaktadır.
Geliştirilen Başlıca Yöntemler, Prosedürler, Mekanizmalar, Ürünler, Yönetmelikler 
İçerik hazırlanmaktadır.

Publication List                                      Yayın Listesi

A.    Thesis  /  Tez      

  1. Erdinç Altuğ, “Vision Based Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Applications to an Autonomous Four Rotor Helicopter, Quadrotor”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., December 2003. Available from: ProQuest Digital Dissertations.

B.   Book Chapters / Kitap Bölümleri       

  1.  Kececi, E.F., “Safer and Faster Humanitarian Demining with Robots” by Ceccarelli , M., “Service Robots and Robotics: Design and Application”, IGI Global, to be published in 2012.
  2. Zehra Ceren, Erdinç Altuğ, “Image Based and Hybrid Visual Servo Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”, at the book “Recent Developments in Unmanned Aircraft Systems”, Kimon P. Valavanis (Editor), Springer; ISBN-13: 978-9400730328, March 21, 2012. (This is a spin-off edition also published in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (JINT), Volume 65: 1-4).
  3. Kececi, E.F., “Embedded Electronics Design with PIC Microcontrollers for Robotics and Automation Applications”, in Turkish, ISBN 978 9944-89-618-4.
  4. Metin Tarhan, Erdinç Altuğ, “A Catadioptric and Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Pair Object Tracking System for UAVs”, at the book “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, Kimon P. Valavanis (Editor), Springer; 1st Edition, pp. 119-134, ISBN: 978-94-007-1109-9, February 2011. (This is a hardbound spinoff from the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 61:1-4, 2011).
  5. Erdinç Altuğ, James P. Ostrowski and Camillo J. Taylor, “Vision Based Control of Model Helicopters”, at the book “Mobile Robots, Moving Intelligence”, Advanced Robotic Systems International and pro literature Verlag, ISBN 3-86611-284-X, December 2006.

C.  Journal Papers / Makaleler        

  1. Ahmet Yörükoğlu, Erdinç Altuğ, “Estimation of Unbalanced Loads in Washing Machines using Fuzzy Neural Networks”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume: 18, Issue: 3, pp. 1182 – 1190,  DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2012.2199510, June 2013. (BibTex)
  2. Onurcan Şahin, Erdinç Altuğ, ”Design and control of a visual servomechanism for automating corneal cross linking treatment on keratoconus patients”, Turkish Journal of Electricl Engineering & Computer Sciences dergisine kabul edilmiştir, 2013.
  3. L. Güvenç, İ. M. C. Uygan, K. Kahraman, R. Karaahmetoğlu, İ. Altay, M. Şentürk, M. T. Emirler, A. E. H. Karcı, B. A. Güvenç, E. Altuğ, M. C. Turan, Ö. Ş. Taş, E. Bozkurt, Ü. Özgüner, K. Redmill, A. Kurt, B. Efendioğlu,Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Implementation of Team Mekar at the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 1062 – 1074, September 2012. (BibTex)
  4. Bora Erginer, Erdinç Altuğ, Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Quadrotor VTOL Vehicle”, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, Vol 10, No 1, pp. 61-70, DOI: 10.1007/s12555-012-0107-0, 2012. (BibTex)
  5. Zehra Ceren, Erdinç Altuğ, “Image Based and Hybrid Visual Servo Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”, Journal of Intelligent &  Robotic Systems, Volume 65, Issue 1, Page 325-344, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-011-9582-4, 2012. (BibTex)
  6. Metin Tarhan, Erdinç Altuğ, “EKF Based Attitude Estimation and Stabilization of a Quadrotor UAV Using Vanishing Points in Catadioptric Images”, Journal of Intelligent &  Robotic Systems, Volume 62, Numbers 3-4, pp. 587-607, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-010-9459-y, 2011. (BibTex)
  7. Metin Tarhan, Erdinç Altuğ, “A Catadioptric and Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Pair Object Tracking System for UAVs”,  Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume 61, Numbers 1-4, pp. 119-134, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-010-9504-x, January 2011. (BibTex)
  8. Burcu Aytekin, Erkin Dincmen, Bilin Aksun Guvenc, Erdinc Altug, Levent Guvenc, Serhan Danis, Tankut Acarman, Volkan Sezer, Oncu Ararat, Sinan Oncu, “Framework for Development of Driver Adaptive Warning and Assistance Systems that will be Triggered by a Driver Inattention Monitor” International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol 52, No:1/2/3/4, pp. 20-37, 2010. (BibTex)
  9. Kececi, E.F., “Fireproofing the firefighting robot”, Photonics Spectra, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 43-46, 2009.

10. Kececi, E.F., “Design and prototype of mobile robots for rescue operations”, Robotica, vol. 27, no. 5, pp.729- 737, 2009.

11. Kececi, E.F., “Completely mechanical quick changeable joints for multipurpose explosive ordnance robot”, Robotica, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 555-565, 2009.

12. Kececi, E.F., Tang, X., Tao, G., “Adaptive actuator failure compensation for redundant manipulators”, Robotica, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 19-28, 2009.

13. Kececi, E.F., and Tao, G., “Adaptive vehicle skid control”, Mechatronics, vol.16, no.5, pp. 291-301, 2006.

14.  Erdinç Altuğ, James Ostrowski and Camillo J. Taylor, “Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter Using Dual Camera Visual Feedback”, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 24, No. 5, 329-341, 2005. (BibTex)

D.    Conference Papers / Bildiriler         

  1. O. U. Acar, T. Keleş, Z. Koç, Ş. Güner, M. Duruş, E. Altuğ, L. Güvenç, “Development of Automatic Lift Axle System for Trucks with
    Mechanical Suspensions”, accepted for presentation in the IFAC Workshop on Advances in Control and Automation Theory
    for Transportation Applications (ACATTA 2013).
  2. Fatih Şenkul, Erdinç Altuğ, “Modeling and Control of a Novel Tilt – Roll Rotor Quadrotor UAV”, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'13), Atlanta USA, 28-31 May 2013.
  3. Taylan Keleş, O. U. Acar, A. O. Öztürk, Z. Koç, M. Duruş,  E. Altuğ, L. Güvenç, “Kamyonlarda Otomatik Dingil İndirme Sistemi Algoritması ve Simülatörü Geliştirilmesi”, 6. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (OTEKON), 4-5 Haziran 2012.
  4. Ahu Ece Hartavi Karcı, İ. M. C. Uygan, M. C. Turan, R. Karaahmetoğlu, M. Şentürk, Ö. Ş. Taş, K. Kahraman, L. Güvenç, B. A. Güvenç, Ü. Özgüner, E. Altuğ, B. Efendioğlu, “Kooperatif Araç Tasarım ve Kontrol Esasları”, 6. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (OTEKON), 4-5 Haziran 2012.
  5. Bora Yiğit, Erdinç Altuğ, “Visual attitude stabilization of a unmanned helicopter in unknown environments with an embedded single-board computer”, IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), pp. 49 – 54, 16-18 Nov. 2012.
  6. Murat C. Turan, Ahu E. Hartavi, and Erdinç Altuğ, “Development of a Rule Based Upper Level Control Algorithm for a Co-operative Vehicle in Automated Highway System”, IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES’12), pp. 454-459, İstanbul, Turkey, July 24-27, 2012.
  7. Burcu Aytekin, Erdinç Altuğ, “Increasing Driving Safety with a Multiple Vehicle Detection and Tracking System using Ongoing Vehicle Shadow Information”, IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics (SMC’10), (1062-922X) (978-1-4244-6586-6), 2010, pp. 3650-3656, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.
  8. Kececi, E.F., Invited Participant, “Advanced All-Terrain Autonomous Systems”, NATO-ASI, Izmir, August 2010.
  9. Kececi, E.F., “Portable Robot Usage in the Soldier Modernization Program”, SAVTEK ’10 Defense Technologies Congress, Ankara, 2010 (in Turkish).

10.  Zehra Ceren, Erdinç Altuğ, “Vision-based Servo Control of a Quadrotor Air Vehicle”, IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA2009), DCC, Daejeon, Korea, December 15 - 18, 2009.

11.  Başar Denizer, Erdinç Altuğ, “Design of a Cheap Tracked Mobile Robot for Map Building Tasks”, IEEE IECON 2009 the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Porto, Portugal, pp. 2219-2224, 3-5 November 2009.

12.  Metin Tarhan, Erdinç Altuğ, “Control of a Quadrotor Air Vehicle by Vanishing Points in Catadioptric Images”, IEEE ISOT 2009 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies  Istanbul, Turkey, 21-23 September 2009.

13.  Ahmet Yörükoğlu, Erdinç Altuğ, “Determining the Mass and Angular Position of the Unbalanced Load in Horizontal Washing Machines”, 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Suntec Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore, pp. 118-123, July 14-17, 2009.

14.  Burcu Aytekin, Erdinç Altuğ, “Bilgisayarlı Görü Yöntemi ile Araç Belirleme ve Takibi”, TOK'09 Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi Toplantısı, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Ekim 2009.

15.  Zehra Ceren, Erdinç Altuğ, “Bilgisayarlı Quadrotor Hava Aracının Görüntü Tabanlı Servo Kontrolü”, TOK'09 Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi Toplantısı, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Ekim 2009.

16.  Kececi, E.F., “A Diagnostic and Calibration Card for Robotic Applications”, TOK’08 National Automatic Control Conference, Istanbul, 2008 (in Turkish).

17.  Başar Denizer, Erdinç Altuğ, “Harita Çıkarma Uygulamaları için Paletli bir Robot Tasarımı”, TOK'08 Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi Toplantısı, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Kasım 2008.

18.  Zehra Ceren, Erdinç Altuğ, “Uçan robotlarda Kamera ile Poz Tahmin Edilmesi”, TOK'08 Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi Toplantısı, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Kasım 2008.

19.  Serhan Daniş, Burcu Aytekin, Erkin Dinçmen, Volkan Sezer, Öncü Ararat, Sinan Öncü, Bilin Aksun Güvenç, Tankut Acarman, Erdinç Altuğ and Levent Güvenç, “Framework For Development Of Driver Adaptive Warning and Assistance Systems That will be Triggered by a Driver Inattention Monitor”, OTEKON’08, 4th Automotive Technologies Congress, Bursa, June 01-04, 2008.

20.  Bora Erginer, Erdinc Altug, “Modeling and PD Control of a Quadrotor VTOL Vehicle”, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, İstanbul, June 2007.

21.  S. Karaman, M. Aksugur, T. Baltaci, M. Bronz, C. Kurtulus, E. Altug, G. Inalhan, L. Guvenc, “Aricopter : Aerobotic Platform for Advances in Flight, Vision Controls and Distributed Autonomy”, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, İstanbul, June 2007.

22.  Bora Erginer, Erdinc Altug, Dört Rotorlu Bir Helikopterin Bulanık Kontrolü, TOK'07, Otomatik Kontrol Türk Milli Komitesi Toplantısı, İstanbul, Eylül 2007.

23.  Tavsel, O., and Kececi, E.F., “Task Space Control of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robot”, TOK’05 National Automatic Control Conference, Istanbul, 2005 (in Turkish).

24.  Erdinç Altuğ, “Control of a Tethered Aerial Platform for Acquiring Aerial Images”, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Aachen- Germany, September 2004.

25.  Erdinç Altuğ and Camillo J. Taylor, “Vision-based Pose Estimation and Control of a Model Helicopter”, International Conference on Mechatronics, İstanbul, June 2004.

26.  Erdinç Altuğ, James P. Ostrowski and Camillo Taylor, “Quadrotor Control using Dual Visual Feedback”, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 4294-4299, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2003.

27.  Kececi, E.F., Tang, X., and Tao, G., “Actuator Failure Compensation for Concurrently Actuated Manipulators”, SAFEPROCESS 2003, 5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Washington, D.C., USA, June 9-11, 2003.

28.  Kececi, E.F., Tang, X., and Tao, G., “Actuator Failure Compensation for Cooperating Multiple Manipulator Systems”, SAFEPROCESS 2003, 5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Washington, D.C., USA, June 9-11, 2003

29.  Kececi, E.F. and Tao, G., “An Intelligent Robotic Walker: Mechanical Design and Control System”, 2002 ASME International Symposium on Advances in Robot Dynamics and Control, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, New Orleans, USA, November 17-22, 2002.

30.  Kececi, E.F. and Tao, G., “Adaptive Actuator Failure Compensation for a Platform Manipulator”, ESDA2002, 6th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, July 8-11, 2002.

31.  Erdinç Altuğ, James P. Ostrowski and Robert Mahony “Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter using Visual Feedback”, Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 72-77, Washington, D.C., May 2002.


E.     Technical Reports  / Teknik Raporlar

  1. Erdinç Altuğ, Vijay Kumar, “Interpolation Methods on 3D Rigid Body Motions”, CIS Technical Report MS-CIS-03-29, 2003.


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